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研究了六种苯丙型苷与Na~+加合离子的快原子轰击质谱(FAB—MS)和质量分离离子动能谱(MIKES)。结果表明:在FAB谱中[M+Na]~+加合离子的丰度要比[M+H]~+离子高得多。由此可给出糖苷的分子量信息,[M+Na]~+离子的MIKES谱可给出糖基序列信息。  相似文献   
IntroductionNeurological manifestations in Gougerot–Sjogren syndrome (GSS) are valued differently. This is essentially the achievement of the peripheral nervous system.MethodsWe report 9 cases of neurological manifestation revealing primitive Gougerot–Sjogren syndrome collected over a period of 8 years (1997–2004). GSS diagnosis was retained according to Americano-European group criteria consensus revised on 2002.ResultsAll our patients were female with an average age of 43 years. Peripheral nervous system manifestation occurred in 78% (Truncal Neuropathy in 44%, anterior horn involvement in 2 cases). Central nervous system involvement was observed in 55.6% (chronic myelopathy and aseptic meningoencephalitis).Discussion and conclusionsThe analysis of neurological manifestations in GSS encounters three difficulties: the lack in homogeneity of diagnostic criteria (which makes it difficult to compare the frequency of neurological complications in different series), the limited number of large series, and the cases with neurological manifestations revealing this syndrome.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) in children is relatively rare and treatment is based primarily on intravenous immunoglobulins or oral corticosteroids. Boluses of methylprednisolone (MP) are a seldom used alternative. CASE REPORT: We report the case of an 8-year-old child, first presented at the age of 3 years, with recurring episodes of functional impotence of both lower limbs and walking impairment, partially reversible without treatment. Clinical, progressive, and electrophysiological data and the analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid were compatible with CIDP. MP boluses were administered: after a total eight monthly boluses, very satisfactory progression on the clinical and electrophysiological fronts was noted after 24 months. CONCLUSION: Childhood CIDP presents clinical, electrophysiological, progressive, and prognostic particularities, they recur readily and the outcome is good. Boluses of methylprednisolone are an alternative to the treatment of these neuropathies in childhood.  相似文献   
To the Editor:Liver transplantation(LT)is the most effective method for end-stage liver disease.Split liver transplantation(SLT)is an effective method to enlarge the number of liver grafts.However,because of the existence of portal vein variations,right hemi-grafts splitting and recipients'portal vein(PV)reconstruction might be more chal-lenging[1,2].According to the origins of intrahepatic PV branches,Nakamura and his coworkers[3]classified PV variants into five classes(Fig.S1):type A to E.  相似文献   
多层螺旋CT成像技术在急腹症中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
影像学检查是诊断急腹症的重要手段.电子计算机断层(computed tomography,CT)对腹部解剖和病变的准确显示,越来越体现出其优越性,而多层螺旋CT具有快速螺旋扫描和三维后处理能力,显著提高了图象质量和显示细微结构的能力,尤其是其新的成像技术:多平面重建、最大密度投影、曲面重组法等的出现,在急腹症的诊断上体现了巨大的优势.  相似文献   
Belhamdiya  Meriam  Afifi  R.  Benelbarhdadi  I.  Ajana  FZ.  Essaid  A. 《Acta endoscopica》2004,34(1):431-436
Acta Endoscopica - L’actinomycose est une maladie chronique suppurative granulomateuse responsable d’un syndrome tumoral d’origine infectieuse. Nous rapportons deux observations...  相似文献   
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