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BACKGROUND: Suplatast tosilate is an anti-allergic agent that suppresses cytokine production by human Th2 cells. OBJECTIVE: We investigated the effects of suplatast tosilate on the production of thymus- and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC) by T cells from allergic patients with asthma. METHODS: Purified protein derivative (PPD)-specific Th1 cell lines and Dermatophagoides farinae (Der f)-specific Th2 cell lines were established from nine patients with house dust mite-allergic asthma. The effects of suplatast tosilate on mRNA expression of TARC and protein production of TARC from antigen-specific Th1 or Th2 cell lines were investigated after stimulation with relevant antigens or phytohemagglutinin (PHA). In addition, the effects of IL-4, IL-10, and IFN-gamma on TARC production by Der f-specific Th2 cell lines in the presence or absence of suplatast tosilate were studied. RESULTS: Although PPD-specific Th1 cell lines did not produce TARC after stimulation with PPD antigen or PHA, stimulation of Der f-specific Th2 cell lines with Der f antigen or PHA increased production of TARC. Suplatast tosilate significantly and dose-dependently inhibited production of TARC by Der f-specific Th2 cell lines stimulated with either Der f antigen (76.5% inhibition at 100 microg/mL, P < 0.01) or PHA (81.9% inhibition at 100 microg/mL, P < 0.01). TARC production by Der f-specific Th2 cell lines was significantly increased only by activation with IL-4 but not with IL-10 or IFN-gamma; this increase in TARC production was significantly inhibited by suplatast tosilate (97.5% inhibition at 100 microg/mL, P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Suplatast tosilate inhibits TARC production by human Th2 cells. Therefore, this agent inhibits both Th2 cytokine and Th2 chemokine and may be a useful anti-allergic agent.  相似文献   
The effects of negative air ions on computer operation were examined using a biochemical index of the activity of the sympathetic/adrenomedullary system (i.e. salivary chromogranin A-like immunoreactivity (CgA-like IR)) and a self-report questionnaire (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Anxiety State--STAI-S). Twelve female students carried out a word processing task for 40 min. The salivary CgA-like IR increased more than three times on the task, but the salivary cortisol did not change. The increase in the CgA-like IR level was attenuated by the exposure to negative air ions during the task. The exposure to the ions during the recovery period following the task was effective for rapidly decreasing the CgA-like IR level that had increased after the task. These effects by negative air ions were also observed using STAI-S. Task performance was slightly but significantly improved by the presence of negative air ions. These results suggest that negative air ions are effective for the reduction of and the prompt recovery from stress caused by computer operation.  相似文献   
Transgenic rats carrying the env-pX gene of human T-cell leukaemia virus type-I (env-pX rats) were immunized with type II collagen (CII), and chronological alterations of arthritis were compared with findings of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in wildtype Wistar-King-Aptekman-Hokudai (WKAH) rats. Arthritis induced by CII in env-pX rats was more severe and persisted longer than CIA in WKAH rats. To determine whether the phenomenon is caused mainly by the transgene-carrying lymphocytes or articular tissues, we immunized lethally irradiated env-pX and WKAH rats with reciprocal bone marrow cell (BMC) transplantation. A severe but transient arthritis was induced by CII in WKAH rats reconstituted by env-pX BMC (w/tB/CII rats). On the other hand, in env-pX rats reconstituted by WKAH BMC, arthritis persisted longer than in w/tB/CII rats, although the degree was less at an early phase after CII immunization. These findings suggest that articular tissues rather than the BMCs carrying the env-pX transgene play a role in the prolongation of arthritis in env-pX rats, although BMCs carrying the transgene are associated with the severity of arthritis. When inflammatory cytokines in synovial cells isolated from env-pX rats before they developed arthritis were examined, interleukin-6 (IL-6) was detected at a higher level than in synovial cells from WKAH rats, thus suggesting the critical role of IL-6 in env-pX arthritis.  相似文献   
Biologic agents are a beneficial therapy for juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). However, there is a lack of evidence with regard to management of these agents for JIA patients who undergo kidney transplantation (KTx). A 36-year-old woman with JIA who was treated with tocilizumab targeting interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor underwent ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation (ABOi KTx). To prevent over-immunosuppression, tocilizumab was discontinued before ABOi KTx. Rituximab, tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, everolimus, and methylprednisolone were used for immunosuppression. Clinical remission of joint pain was maintained for over 3 years despite complete discontinuation of tocilizumab. Both serum IL-6 and soluble IL-6 receptor levels were markedly decreased, suggesting that multitargeted immunosuppression for ABOi KTx induced long-term clinical remission of JIA through inhibition of the IL-6 pathway. However, levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) gradually increased thereafter and abatacept was initiated to prevent joint deterioration. These levels decreased without any adverse events. The patient's renal graft function was well maintained.  相似文献   
PurposeThe study aimed to compare the mixing ability (MA), comminuting ability (CA), and maximum bite force (MBF) of single-implant overdentures (IODs) and clinically acceptable complete dentures (CDs) through a randomized crossover control trial.MethodsNew CDs were fabricated for 22 patients. One implant was inserted in the middle of the symphyseal region for each patient. The patients were randomly allocated into two groups: group IC received an IOD, whereas group CI received a CD, for 2 months; the treatments were interchanged for the next 2 months. The MA, CA, and MBF were evaluated with the old CDs, new CDs (at the end of CD treatment period), and IODs (at the end of IOD treatment period).ResultsThe MA, CA, and MBF of the IODs were significantly higher than those of the old and new CDs (p < 0.01). New CDs only showed a significant improvement in MA (p < 0.05), while there were no significant differences in CA and MBF between the old and new CDs.ConclusionsCompared with the CD, IOD is more effective in restoring the MA, CA, and MBF of edentulous mandibles.  相似文献   
Insomnia, depression, and anxiety disorder are common problems for people with neuropathic pain. In this study, mild noxious heat stimuli increased the duration and number of spontaneous pain‐like behaviors in sciatic nerve‐ligated mice. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to visualize the increased blood oxygenation level‐dependent signal intensity in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) of mice with sciatic nerve ligation under mild noxious stimuli. Such stimuli significantly increased the release of glutamate in the ACC of nerve‐ligated mice. In addition, sciatic nerve ligation and mild noxious stimuli changed the morphology of astrocytes in the ACC. Treatment of cortical astrocytes with glutamate caused astrocytic activation, as detected by a stellate morphology. Furthermore, glutamate induced the translocation of GAT‐3 to astrocyte cell membranes using primary cultured glial cells from the mouse cortex. Moreover, the GABA level at the synaptic cleft in the ACC of nerve‐ligated mice was significantly decreased exposure to mild noxious stimuli. Finally, we investigated whether astrocytic activation in the ACC could directly mediate sleep disorder. With the optogenetic tool channel rhodopsin‐2 (ChR2), we demonstrated that selective photostimulation of these astrocytes in vivo triggered sleep disturbance. Taken together, these results suggest that neuropathic pain‐like stimuli activated astrocytes in the ACC and decreased the extracellular concentration of GABA via an increase in the release of glutamate. Furthermore, these findings provide novel evidence that astrocytic activation in the ACC can mimic sleep disturbance in mice. Synapse 68:235–247, 2014 . © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Chondroitin sulfate (CS) is an important glycosaminoglycan and is mainly found in the extracellular matrix as CS proteoglycans. In the brain, CS proteoglycans are highly concentrated in perineuronal nets (PNNs), which surround synapses and modulate their functions. To investigate the importance of CS, we produced and precisely examined mice that were deficient in the CS synthesizing enzyme, CSGalNAcT1 (T1KO). Biochemical analysis of T1KO revealed that loss of this enzyme reduced the amount of CS by approximately 50% in various brain regions. The amount of CS in PNNs was also diminished in T1KO compared to wild-type mice, although the amount of a major CS proteoglycan core protein, aggrecan, was not changed. In T1KO, we observed abnormalities in several behavioral tests, including the open-field test, acoustic startle response, and social preference. These results suggest that T1 is important for plasticity, probably due to regulation of CS-dependent PNNs, and that T1KO is a good model for investigation of PNNs.  相似文献   
We recently reported that physiological concentrations of 17β-estradiol partially down-regulate cardiac rapidly-activating delayed rectifier K+ currents (hERG currents) independently of estrogen-receptor signaling. To determine if other estrogens have the same effect as that of 17β-estradiol, we investigated receptor-independent effects of estrone, estrone 3-sulfate, and estriol on hERG currents in patch-clamped estrogen-negative HEK293 cells. Only estrone 3-sulfate partially suppressed hERG currents in a receptor-independent manner by modifying the gating. The concentration-dependence of estrone 3-sulfate revealed that physiological levels of circulating estrone 3-sulfate can modulate hERG currents to the maximal extent in both women and men at any age.  相似文献   
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