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We present a case of Bernard Soulier syndrome in a 9-year-old boy caused by a novel genetic mutation. This child was shown to be homozygous for a single nucleotide deletion (c.1077delG) in the GP1BA gene not previously reported. Clinically, the boy has become refractory to platelet transfusions with both allo-antibodies and iso-antibodies and a massive transfusion requirement for ongoing haemorrhage. We describe the critical role that the blood product transfusion continues to play in the management of Bernard Soulier syndrome and discuss therapeutic options in these patients.  相似文献   
Familial Sneddon's syndrome   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We report the familial occurrence and apparent autosomal dominant inheritance of Sneddon's syndrome with variable clinical expression. The proband, a 40-year-old woman, presented with livedo reticularis and progressive neurological deterioration following a stroke. The diagnosis was confirmed by cerebral angiogram and skin biopsy, both showing the characteristic findings. Two of the patient's sisters were reported to have been similarly affected in the past. Her mother, two additional siblings and five of her seven children exhibited various vasospastic skin phenomena. Familial aggregation of this disorder may be common and a genetic basis may be involved in its pathogenesis.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The intent of this study was to ascertain the adequacy of delivery of enteral nutrition (EN) to critically ill adult multiple trauma patients and to identify potential detrimental factors that affect EN delivery. METHODS: Retrospective observational study. Trauma intensive care unit (TICU) in a university-affiliated hospital. Adult patients (>/=18 years of age) admitted to the TICU who received enteral feeding. RESULTS: Fifty-six adult patients were enrolled for study. Patients received, on average, 67% +/- 19% of what was prescribed for 5.7 +/- 2.0 days. A total of 222 occurrences for temporary discontinuation of tube feeding were identified. Gastrointestinal intolerance, as defined by a gastric residual volume of >150 mL, abdominal pain, or >3 liquid stools per day, accounted for only 11% of the occurrences for discontinuation of feeding. Surgery (27%) and diagnostic procedures (15%) represented the majority of reasons for inadequate nutrient delivery. Minor factors for EN interruptions were mechanical feeding tube problems (8%), pharmacy delivery delay (4%), and miscellaneous factors (3%). Multiple and unknown reasons contributed to 14% and 18% of the occurrences, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Surgery and diagnostic procedures accounted for the largest factor in enteral feeding discontinuations in our critically ill trauma patients. Gastrointestinal intolerance contributed a minor role in the temporary discontinuation of enteral feeding.  相似文献   
Circulating monocytes from hypertensive patients show elevated secretion patterns of pro-inflammatory cytokines, an increased expression of adhesion molecules, and an increased adhesion to vascular endothelial cells. We tested the hypothesis that telmisartan, an angiotensin II type 1 (AT(1)) receptor antagonist, reduces the activation of circulating monocytes from hypertensive patients and diminishes the monocyte-endothelial cell adhesion. Monocytes of 20 hypertensive patients and 20 normotensive controls were isolated by density gradient centrifugation and Dynabeads, and the monocyte adhesion to human aortic endothelial cell monolayers was measured by adhesion assays. To characterize monocyte activation we assessed the expression of activity-related cell surface markers that are also involved in monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells, such as CD11a/b and CD54, as well as the chemokine receptors CCR1, CCR2 and CCR5 before and after telmisartan therapy using flow cytometry. Spontaneous adhesion of monocytes from hypertensive patients and the adhesion after stimulation with angiotensin II were significantly increased compared with those in normotensive controls (p<0.05). Treatment of hypertensive patients with the AT(1) receptor antagonist telmisartan significantly diminished the adhesion of circulating monocytes to human endothelial cells (p=0.02) despite the increase in the expressions of CD11b, CD54 and CCR5 after telmisartan therapy. Reducing monocyte adhesion may be a novel beneficial effect of the AT(1) receptor antagonist telmisartan helping to prevent vascular alterations in hypertension. The mechanism of action remains to be elucidated, since reduction in monocyte adhesion was not attributable to changes in adhesion molecule expression.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: End-stage renal disease patients have a poor quality of life (QoL), suffer from impaired cognitive functioning, and their electroencephalogram (EEG) shows abnormalities. Conventional haemodialysis (CHD) only partially restores these disorders. Short daily haemodialysis (SDHD) has been reported to improve QoL, but effects on cognitive functioning and EEG have yet to be described. METHODS: Of the 13 patients (11 male, 2 female, age 45.5 +/- 8.1 years), 11 completed the Kidney Disease Quality of Life and Affect Balance Scale questionnaires, 10 underwent neuropsychological testing, and all 13 underwent EEG examination. For the neuropsychological assessments, nine patients (six male, three female, age 45.4 +/- 12.6) who remained on the CHD schedule, served as controls. The dialysis schedule of thrice-a-week for 4 h was changed in the experimental group to six times a week for 2 h (SDHD) over a period of 6 months and back to thrice a week for 4 h. RESULTS: When on SDHD, patients rated several dimensions of health-related QoL as being improved. After resuming CHD, one of these dimensions again decreased and several others worsened even lower than baseline. Cognitive functioning did not change when compared with control data. On the EEG, alpha peak frequency increased slightly when on SDHD but decreased significantly after resuming CHD. CONCLUSIONS: SDHD improves health-related QoL, but has no clear effects on cognitive functioning and EEG. Resumption of CHD after SDHD decreases aspects of QoL and EEG alpha peak frequency but has no effect on cognitive functioning.  相似文献   
All 253 children receiving neurosurgical intervention for hydrocephalus (HCP) at a single British Neurosurgical Unit over a decade were investigated by retrospective case note review. Referral rates and mean age at presentation remained stable throughout, as did proportions of children presenting due to myelomeningocoele or meningitis. Comparing the first and second halves of the decade, the predominant aetiologies (intraventricular haemorrhage [IVH] at <1 year and brain tumour at 1-16 years) reduced from comprising half (70/129) of all cases to just over one-third (43/124). Other significant changes included a 45% reduction in neonatal IVH and a 179% increase in rare miscellaneous disorders. Outcome after 4 years of follow-up for all patients showed 44.4% without deficit, 11.9% with non-cognitive neurological deficits only, 11.5% with cognitive impairment only, 13.5% with both cognitive and neurological impairments, and 15.5% mortality.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: A simple technical solution is presented to provide video transmission from the tip of a Bullard laryngoscope to a bedside video display, while the operator is still able to look through the viewing ocular of the Bullard laryngoscope during tracheal intubation. EQUIPMENT: This is achieved by insertion of an ultrathin fibreoptic video-endoscopic system into the working channel of the Bullard laryngoscope. Thereby the view from the distal blade tip is transmitted to a bedside monitor, without interfering with the use of the Bullards laryngoscope's original eyepiece. The presented technical solution allows video transmission without considerable additional weight normally associated with attaching video endoscopy cameras, light and camera cables to endoscopic devices. Thus, the Bullard laryngoscope remains lightweight and easy to maneuver. A screw-threaded adapter with a side-port is proposed to prevent displacement of the fibreoptic cable while still allowing application of oxygen. CONCLUSION: Experience and skills with tracheal intubation using the presented video-enhanced Bullard laryngoscope can be achieved in the originally intended way, while the supervisor or attending viewers can follow the tracheal intubation procedure on the video display.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To verify whether estimation of bone mineral density (BMD) using digital X-ray radiogrammetry (DXR) is possible on children and to determine normative values of both such a DXR-BMD estimate and a corresponding metacarpal index (DXR-MCI) on. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In retrospect, X-rays were selected of the hands of 200 healthy Caucasian children (120 boys and 80 girls, aged 4-18 yr). The involved children were selected among a larger group of children submitted to the surgical department of our institute for evaluation of a suspected fracture after an occurred trauma. All children with a verified fracture or a chronic bone-related disease, including bone age retardation or acceleration, were excluded from the study. Furthermore, only conventional X-rays with the same film and capture parameters were included. The images were scanned and analyzed using the Pronosco X-posure system V.2 (Sectra Pronosco, Denmark). DXR-BMD, DXR-MCI, and a porosity index (DXR-PI) were automatically calculated using the midshafts of the metacarpals II-IV. Mean values of DXR-BMD and DXR-MCI were calculated separately for girls and boys in 2-yr intervals. RESULTS: In the present study the system has been demonstrated to be capable of calculating DXR-BMD from conventional X-rays of the hand from children down to approx 6 yr of age. This ability depended somewhat on the diameter and the length of the involved metacarpals. The success rate was higher for large bones than for small bones. The system succeeded in analyzing the images of 110 boys and 68 girls. Values of DXR-BMD were observed to increase with age from 0.40 g/cm2 to 0.62 g/cm2 in the male group and from 0.39 g/cm2 to 0.54 g/cm2 in the female group. Girls aged 11-12 yr had a higher DXR-BMD than did boys, corresponding to the earlier entry to puberty of girls. Standard deviations (SDs) reached values of up to 0.05 g/cm2. DXR-MCI increased with age from 0.36 to 0.47 for boys and from 0.34 to 0.49 for girls with a maximum SD of 0.06. The correlation between DXR-BMD and age was r=0.83 and r=0.84 for boys and girls, respectively. The corresponding correlations for DXR-MCI was lower, with observed correlations of r=0.63 (boys) and r=0.68 (girls), respectively, with p<0.01 in all cases. The DXR-PI did not reveal a significant correlation to age (r=-0.31 and r=0.04. respectively) and showed SDs marginally higher than the calculated mean values. CONCLUSION: The newly available DXR-methodology seems to offer the ability to determine DXR-BMD and DXR-MCI in children starting with a bone age of 6. This possibility may be of special relevance for children suffering from chronic bone diseases that require repeated X-rays of the hand (e.g. to determine bone age). The acquired normative data suggest that the measurements are of clinical value owing to low age-dependent variability (SDs) relative to an observed high increase with age. The clinical value of the porosity index (DXR-PI) remains uncertain and is limited owing to a high inter-individual variability.  相似文献   
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