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This paper raises a number of issues in the assessment of quality of provision for pre-school children before comparing the quality of provision offered by community nurseries to that offered by traditional nursery schools. Quality at all locations was assessed using the Harms and Clifford Early Childhood Rating Scale and was found in each case to be at the good to excellent end of the range. Quality varied over time and between locations although all showed improvements by the third and final rating. It is possible to conclude that the community nursery model can provide an environment of comparable quality to that experienced in traditional nursery schools. It was also possible to conclude that quality is vulnerable to internal and external pressures and that monitoring quality can also have the effect of promoting quality when staff are able to respond to feedback from ratings.  相似文献   
The case describes a female patient with squamous cell carcinoma of the lung who initially presented with mechanical upper-back and neck pain. She had been successfully treated with spinal manipulation for a similar complaint one year earlier, a factor that decreased the suspicion of pathological process on her second presentation. Serious disease as the cause of back pain must be considered in cases with certain historical factors, or when the patient fails to respond to treatment for mechanical back pain.  相似文献   
In case-control studies, cases are sampled separately from controls. In such studies the primary analysis concerns the estimation of the effect of covariables on being a case or a control. To explore causal pathways, further secondary analysis could concern the relationships among the covariables. In this paper the validity of such secondary analysis is addressed. In particular, the use of multiple logistic regression in case-control studies where the dependent variable is not the case/control indicator is explored. It is shown that only under very restrictive conditions will sample regression coefficients correctly estimate their true value. In many situations, it may be valid to regress one covariable on others in the control group, but not in the case group or the combined sample. This principle is illustrated by a study of sexually transmitted disease in Kenya.  相似文献   
NMR microimages of single neural cells were acquired at 500 MHz using a conventional spin echo pulse sequence and a line-narrowing sequence that eliminates susceptibility effects. The data show that any contribution to the measured T2 relaxation rate arising from diffusion in local field inhomogeneities using spin echo sequences at high fields and high spatial resolution is relatively small. We conclude that the measured T2 difference between the nucleus and cytoplasm in these cells represents primarily a true T2 relaxation effect arising from the interactions of water with macromolecules in the two compartments and does not result from microsusceptibility differences. These observations have implications regarding water compartmentation in single cells and the interpretation of the MR characteristics of tissues in vivo.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: In the investigation of seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (SAR), quantitative skin and conjunctival allergen challenge tests are used to measure individual allergen sensitivity. These tests are reproducible and relate well to prevalence but their relationship to symptom severity is less well established. OBJECTIVE: We wished to determine if quantitative skin prick tests (QSPT) and conjunctival provocation tests (CPTs) using a single grass pollen allergen extract are reproducible and predict symptom severity in SAR. METHODS: We retrospectively analysed data from 91 participants in a previously published randomized placebo controlled study of low dosage allergen immunotherapy who were randomized to receive placebo treatment. We examined the relationship between pre-seasonal QSPT, CPT and SAR symptoms. RESULTS: We found a high level of reproducibility when repeated measures were compared for both the QSPT (P < 0.001) and the CPT (P < 0.001) and moderate correlation (0.49) between the standard skin prick test (SPT) and the QSPT (P < 0.001). We found weak negative correlation (-0.27) between the QSPT and the CPT (P < 0.001). We found no correlation between seasonal symptom, use of rescue medication or quality of life (QOL) scores and pre-seasonal QSPT or CPT. Conclusion In the assessment of seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis, quantitative skin and conjunctival allergen challenge tests are strongly reproducible, although there is no correlation between these tests and seasonal symptom, use of rescue medication or QOL scores.  相似文献   
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