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Catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia (VT) can reduce the burden of ventricular arrhythmia (VA) but its effect on health care utilization and costs after such therapy is poorly known. We sought to compare the rates of cardiovascular (CV)-related hospitalizations, survival, and health care costs in patients with recurrent VT treated either with VT ablation or with medical therapy.


One-hundred implantable cardioverter-defibrillator patients with structural heart disease who underwent VT ablation were included. Propensity score-matched patients with recurrent VT treated with medical therapy were identified from a prospective registry of approximately 7000 de novo implantable cardioverter-defibrillator patients. Outcomes and costs were ascertained using health administrative databases.


Among patients who underwent VT ablation, the cumulative rates of VA-related hospitalizations were lower in the 2 years after their ablation procedure compared with the year before (rate ratio, 0.3; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.22-0.43). Rates of CV-related hospitalization and hospitalization because of VA post index date were similar between the VT ablation and medical therapy groups (hazard ratio [HR], 0.94; 95% CI, 0.57-1.54 and HR, 1.04; 95% CI, 0.57-1.91, respectively). Health care costs in the VT ablation patients were not increased post-ablation compared with the medical management group. The risk of all-cause mortality was lower among patients in the VT ablation group relative to the medical therapy group (HR, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.4-0.99).


Patients who underwent VT ablation experienced a significant reduction in their rate of VA-related hospitalizations. Patients treated with VT ablation had similar rates of CV-related hospitalization compared with those treated with medical therapy without increased health care-related costs.  相似文献   

Background and aim

Given the contradictory results of previous randomized controlled trials (RCTs), we performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to quantify and summarize the effects of folic acid supplementation on C-reactive protein (CRP).

Methods and results

We performed a systematic search of all available RCTs conducted up to October 2018 in the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, and Cochrane. RCTs that investigated the effect of folate on CRP were included in the present study. Data were combined with the use of generic inverse-variance random-effects models. Statistical heterogeneity between studies was evaluated using Cochran's Q-test. Ten RCTs (1179 subjects) were included in the present meta-analysis. Pooled analysis results showed that folate supplementation significantly lowered the serum CRP level (weighted mean difference (WMD): ?0.685 mg/l, 95% CI: ?1.053, ?0.318, p < 0.001). However, heterogeneity was significant (I2 = 96.7%, p = 0.000). Stratified analyses indicated that sex, intervention period, and type of study population were sources of heterogeneity. Following analysis, results revealed that the greatest impact was observed in women (WMD: ?0.967 mg/l, 95% CI: ?1.101, ?0.833, p = 0.000), patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (WMD: ?1.764 mg/l, 95% CI: ?2.002, ?1.526, p = 0.000), and intervention period less than 12 weeks (WMD: ?0.742 mg/l, 95% CI: ?0.834, ?0.650, p = 0.000).


This meta-analysis suggested that folic acid supplementation could significantly lower the serum CRP level. Folic acid leads to greater CRP lowering effect in women, patients with T2DM, and those with less than 12-week intervention.  相似文献   


Goals-of-care discussions are associated with improved end-of-life care for patients and therefore may be used as a process measure in quality improvement, research, and reimbursement programs.


To examine three methods to assess occurrence of a goals-of-care discussion—patient report, clinician report, and documentation in the electronic health record (EHR)—at a clinic visit for seriously ill patients and determine whether each method is associated with patient-reported receipt of goal-concordant care.


We conducted a secondary analysis of a multicenter cluster-randomized trial, with 494 patients and 124 clinicians caring for them. Self-reported surveys collected from patients and clinicians two weeks after a clinic visit assessed occurrence of a goals-of-care discussion. Documentation of a goals-of-care discussion was abstracted from the EHR. Patient-reported receipt of goal-concordant care was assessed by survey two weeks after the visit.


Fifty-two percent of patients reported occurrence of a goals-of-care discussion at the clinic visit; clinicians reported occurrence of a discussion at 66% of visits. EHR documentation occurred in 42% of visits (P < 0.001 for each compared with other two). Patients who reported occurrence of a goals-of-care discussion at the visit were more likely to report receipt of goal-concordant care than patients who reported no discussion (β 0.441, 95% CI 0.190–0.692; P = 0.001). Neither occurrence of a discussion by clinician report nor by EHR documentation was associated with goal-concordant care.


Different approaches to assess goals-of-care discussions give differing results, yet each may have advantages. Patient report is most likely to correlate with patient-reported receipt of goal-concordant care.  相似文献   


The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has recently classified glyphosate as a Group 2A ‘probably carcinogenic to humans’. Due to this carcinogenic classification and resulting international debate, there is an increased demand for studies evaluating human health effects from glyphosate exposures. There is currently limited information on human exposures to glyphosate and a paucity of data regarding glyphosate's biological half-life in humans.


This study aims to estimate the human half-life of glyphosate from human urine samples collected from amenity horticulture workers using glyphosate based pesticide products.


Full void urine spot samples were collected over a period of approximately 24?h for eight work tasks involving seven workers. The elimination time and estimation of the half-life of glyphosate using three different measurement metrics: the unadjusted glyphosate concentrations, creatinine corrected concentrations and by using Urinary Excretion Rates (UER) (μg L?1, μmol/mol creatinine and UER μg L?1) was calculated by summary and linear interpolation using regression analysis.


This study estimates the human biological half-life of glyphosate as approximately 5 ½, 10 and 7 ¼ hours for unadjusted samples, creatinine corrected concentrations and by using UER (μg L?1, μmol/mol creatinine, UER μg L?1), respectively. The approximated glyphosate half-life calculations seem to have less variability when using the UER compared to the other measuring metrics.


This study provides new information on the elimination rate of glyphosate and an approximate biological half-life range for humans. This information can help optimise the design of sampling strategies, as well as assisting in the interpretation of results for human biomonitoring studies involving this active ingredient. The data could also contribute to the development or refinement of Physiologically Based PharmacoKinetic (PBPK) models for glyphosate.  相似文献   


To assess a 6-month nutritional and physical activity intervention program on the nutritional status of overweight or obese and not very active 8-14 years old children by means of a controlled pre-post design (ACTIVA’T program).


Pre-post study in 8-14 years old overweight or obese and low active children from Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona, Spain) randomized in control group (n = 51, 47.1% girls, nutritional intervention and ≤3 h/wk physical activity) and ACTIVA’T group (n = 45, 37.8% girls, nutritional and physical activity ≥5 h/wk intervention). Body mass index, waist/height index, and diet quality by means of KIDMED test at the beginning and at the end of the program were assessed. During the intervention, each participant was accompanied by a relative (father or mother) who performed the same activities as the children.


Dietary recommendations have positively changed the habits of both ACTIVA’T and control group. The reversion in the prevalence of overweight and obesity was 93.8% and 58.6%, respectively, in the ACTIVA’T group, compared to 25.0% and 35.8% in the control group. Abdominal obesity was decreased from 42.2% to 17.8% in the ACTIVA’T group and from 47.1% to 27.5% in the control group.


The program ACTIVA’T (nutritional education and physical activity promotion) improves the quality of diet and reverses the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the underactive child population.  相似文献   


There are limited randomized data comparing radical cystectomy (RC) with bladder-sparing tri-modality therapy (TMT) in the treatment of muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). Both strategies are thought to have similar survival outcomes with different morbidity profiles. We compare the effectiveness of TMT and RC using decision-analytic modeling and the endpoint of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs).

Patients and Methods

Using a Markov model, we simulated the lifetime outcomes after TMT versus RC ± neoadjuvant chemotherapy for 67-year-old patients with clinical stage T2-T4aN0M0 MIBC. Model probabilities and utilities were extracted from the literature. The incremental effectiveness was reported in QALYs and sensitivity analyses were performed.


For all patients with MIBC, although the model showed identical survival, TMT was the most effective strategy with an incremental gain of 0.59 QALYs over RC (7.83 vs. 7.24 QALYs, respectively). When limiting the model to favorable, contemporary cohorts in both the TMT and RC strategies, TMT remained more effective with an incremental gain of 1.61 QALYs (9.37 vs. 7.76 QALYs, respectively). One-way sensitivity analyses demonstrated the model was sensitive to the quality of life parameters (ie, the utilities) for RC and TMT. When testing the 95% confidence interval of the RC utility parameter the model demonstrated an incremental gain with TMT from ?0.54 to 4.23 QALYs. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis demonstrated that TMT was more effective than RC for 63% of model iterations.


This modeling study found that treatment of MIBC with organ-sparing TMT in appropriately-selected patients may result in a gain of QALYs relative to RC.  相似文献   

Introduction: Student-staff partnerships as a concept to improve medical education have received a growing amount of attention. Such partnerships are collaborations in which students and teachers seek to improve education by each adding their unique contribution to decision-making and implementation processes. Although previous research has demonstrated that students are favourable to this concept, teachers remain hesitant. The present study investigated teachers’ conceptions of student-staff partnerships and of the prerequisites that are necessary to render such partnerships successful and enhance educational quality.

Method: We conducted semi-structured interviews with 14 course coordinators who lead course design teams and also teach in 4 bachelor health programmes, using Bovill and Bulley’s levels of student participation as sensitising concepts during data analysis.

Results: The results pointed to three different conceptions of student-staff partnerships existing among teachers: Teachers teach and students study; teachers teach and value students’ feedback; and teachers and students co-create. The prerequisites for effective co-creation teachers identified were: Teachers must be open to involve students and create dialogues; students must be motivated and have good communication skills; the organisation must be supportive; and teachers should have the final say.

Conclusion: We conclude that teachers’ conceptions are consistent with Bovill and Bulley’s levels of student participation. Under certain conditions, teachers are willing to co-create and reach the highest levels of student participation.  相似文献   

Prolonged mechanical ventilation (MV) is a major complication following cardiac surgery. We conducted a secondary analysis of the Transfusion Requirements in Cardiac Surgery (TRICTS) III trial to describe MV duration, identify factors associated with prolonged MV, and examine associations of prolonged MV with mortality and complications.


Four thousand, eight hundred and nine participants undergoing cardiac surgery at 71 hospitals worldwide were included. Prolonged MV was defined based on the Society of Thoracic Surgeons definition as MV lasting 24 hr or longer. Adjusted associations of patient and surgical factors with prolonged MV were examined using multivariable logistic regression. Associations of prolonged MV with complications were assessed using odds ratios, and adjusted associations between prolonged MV and mortality were evaluated using multinomial regression. Associations of shorter durations of MV with survival and complications were explored.


Prolonged MV occurred in 15% (725/4,809) of participants. Prolonged MV was associated with surgical factors indicative of complexity, such as previous cardiac surgery, cardiopulmonary bypass duration, and separation attempts; and patient factors such as critical preoperative state, left ventricular impairment, renal failure, and pulmonary hypertension. Prolonged MV was associated with perioperative but not long-term complications. After risk adjustment, prolonged MV was associated with perioperative mortality; its association with long-term mortality among survivors was weaker. Shorter durations of MV were not associated with increased risk of mortality or complications.


In this substudy of the TRICS III trial, prolonged MV was common after cardiac surgery and was associated with patient and surgical risk factors. Although prolonged MV showed strong associations with perioperative complications and mortality, it was not associated with long-term complications and had weaker association with long-term mortality among survivors.

Study registration

www.ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02042898); registered 23 January 2014. This is a substudy of the Transfusion Requirements in Cardiac Surgery (TRICS) III trial.


Objective: Online videos are commonly used in medical education. The aim of this review was to investigate the role of online instructional videos in teaching procedural skills to postgraduate medical learners.

Methods: This systematic narrative review was conducted according to the PRISMA guidelines. MEDLINE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, EMBASE, ERIC and Google Scholar were searched. Full texts that applied to online videos, postgraduate medical learners and procedural skills were included without language restrictions. The methodological quality of the studies was evaluated using a validated tool. A thematic analysis of the studies was carried out using a general inductive approach.

Results: A total of 785 articles were retrieved and the full text was reviewed for 66 articles that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study. Twenty papers that were relevant to the role of online videos in postgraduate medical education of procedural skills were used for this review. They were heterogenous in the outcomes collected and the evidence was of variable quality. There was strong evidence for the use of online videos for procedural skill knowledge acquisition and retention. Online videos were used for various purposes, such as supervision, assessment, postoperative debriefing, providing feedback, and promoting reflection.

Conclusion: Online videos are a valuable educational tool especially for procedural skill knowledge acquisition and retention. Future research needs to be carried out on the appropriate use of platforms in disseminating and using online videos, identifying the factors surrounding the learners, video characteristics, and data protection.  相似文献   
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