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目的 研究创伤性脑损伤(traumatic brain injury,TBI)后大鼠海马区糖皮质激素受体(ghcocorticoid receptor,GR)表达的变化对认知功能的影响.方法 建立大鼠脑损伤模型,应用免疫组化、Western blot和Morris水迷宫检测伤后大鼠海马区GR表达与学习记忆功能的关系.结果伤后4~10 d大鼠海马区GR持续低表达;Morris水迷宫检测伤后大鼠出现认知功能障碍.结论 TBI大鼠海马区GR表达变化与认知功能的障碍改变具有相关性.
Objective To explore the effect of glucocorticoid receptor(GR)expression in rat hippocampus on cognitive function after traumatic brain injury(TBI). Methods The TBI model wag established in rats.Then,immunohistochemistry and Western blot were used to detect the GR expression and evaluate its relation with cognitire dysfunction by Morris water maze. Results Expression of hippocampal GR was down-regulated 4-10 days after TBI.Morris water maze test showed significant impairment of the cognitive function in rats. Conclusion There is correlation between expression change of hippocampal GR and cognitive dysfunction.  相似文献   
Objective:To explore the content change of neurofilament (NF) protein subunits in the experimental brain diffuse axonal injury(DAI) by lateral head rotation.Methods:Twenty-four Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were equally divided into three injury groups (2h,12h,and 24h post injury) and one control group.The models of DAI were made in the injury groups by lateral head rotation.western blotting technique was used to measure the contene of NF68(a kind of NF protein subunit) in the brainstem tissues among all the injured and control rats.The NF68 immunohistochemical staining was used in another six SD rats in order to observe the morphological changes in DAI.Results:The NF68 content in the brainstem tended to decrease at 2h post injury,decreased significantly at 12h and continued its decrease at 24h.NF56 and NF52,as the breakdown products of NF68,had a tendency to increase at 2-12h after the injury,and amounted to a significantly higher level at 24h.Microscopically,there were a lot of swelling neuronal axons in the ventral part of the medullar oblongate at 2h after the injury.some axons were disconnected,and axonal retraction balls formed on their proximal end.Conclusions:There is and occurrence of phosphorolysis within the brainstem in DAI by lateral head rotation.These reactions cause the breakdown of NF68,which results in the decrease of NF68 in content.It suggests that the breakdown of neurofilament protein subunits is an important reason for structural destroy of neurofilaments in DAI.  相似文献   
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用脑过度会导致神经衰弱吗经常听到有患者说:最近事情太多,用脑过度,神经衰弱了……其实,神经衰弱与用脑过度并无关系。神经衰弱是一种大脑神经功能失调造成的精神和身体活动能力减弱的疾病。由于它多见于脑力工作者,因而使有些人产生了神经衰弱是因为用脑"过度"造成的印象。实际上并非如此。如果仔细观察病人的生活经历就会发现,在所谓用脑"过度"的后面却是长期的内心冲突、精神紧张或情绪不悦,正是这些  相似文献   
脑膜瘤为常见颅内原发肿瘤,仅次于脑胶质瘤,国内外统计脑膜瘤占原发颅内肿瘤19.2%。脑膜瘤可发生于神经系统各个部位,颅内脑膜瘤多数位于大脑凸面邻近矢状窦和大脑镰,约占50%,脑室内脑膜瘤较少见,约占1%~2%[1]。脑室内脑膜瘤发现时多较大,手术完全切除困难,术后反应重。我  相似文献   
目的 探讨中颅窝蛛网膜囊肿的临床特点及不同术式对其治疗的临床疗效.方法 回顾性分析第四军医大学西京医院神经外科自2001年5月至2008年5月收治的352例中颅窝蛛网膜囊肿患者(占同期收住的颅内占位性病变患者的2.58%)的临床资料、手术方式及预后情况,其中男性发病率明显高于女性(男:女为4.1∶1),以左侧居多(左∶右为3.6∶1),324例行囊肿切除术,28例巨大囊肿行囊肿-腹腔分流术.结果 术后平均随访3个月~3年.头痛就诊患者中75例(58.59%)术后头痛完全消失,41例(32.03%)明显缓解.癫痫发作患者中8例术后发作频率明显减少或程度减轻.行为异常、注意力不集中或学习困难患者中11例术后改善明显.头围增大和颞部局限性隆起就诊者术后头围及局部隆起无明显变化.影像学复查显示囊肿完全消失者46例(13.07%),囊肿部分消失者257例(73.01%),囊肿无明显变化者49例(13.92%).结论 中颅窝蛛网膜囊肿的临床特点为男性、左侧多发,年龄愈小手术效果越好,手术仅部分切除壁层即可;囊肿巨大时行分流手术效果好,分流管以中低压为佳.
Objective o investigate the clinical characteristics of middle cranial fossa arachnoid cyst (MCFAC) and its therapeutic effects with different surgical methods. Methods Three hundred and fifty-two patients with MCFAC (about 2.58% of patients with intracranial space occupying lesion),admitted to our hospital from May 2001 to May 2008, were chosen in out study; their clinical data,surgical approach and prognosis were analyzed retrospectively. The gender ratio of patient with MCFAC adopted resection of arachnoid cyst and arachnoid cyst-peritoneal shunt was performed in 28 patients.Results Follow-up was performed for 3 months to 3 years. The headache completely disappeared in 75 patients (58.59%) and partial remission in 41 (32.03%) after the operation. The frequency and degree of seizures obviously decreased in 8 of the patients with MCFIAC. Eleven patients with dystropy,attention-deficit disorder or difficulty of learning got improvement. The head circumference and local skull eminentia was stable. The cyst disappeared completely in 46 patients (13.07%), partially in 257 (73.01%) and no changes in 49 (13.92%). Conclusion The clinical features of MCFAC is that it mainly occur in the left side of male. The younger the patient with MCFAC is, the better the treatment effect in the surgical intervention is. good outcome can be achieved by resection of the parietal layer of arachnoid cysts. The indication of shunt with meso-low pressure shunt system is for larger arachnoid cyst.  相似文献   
自2004年10月至2009年6月我院神经外科共收治颅脑损伤并发慢性脑积水(脑积水发生于脑外伤后3W至21个月)21例,19例行脑室-腹腔分流术,取得满意效果,治疗有效率89.5%,现就颅脑损伤后慢性脑积水产生的原因及治疗加以分析。  相似文献   
大脑足人体进行思维活动的器官。健脑首先要防止脑功能衰退,最好的办法是勤于用脑。而懒于用脑者,久而久之就会出现腑功能的衰退。医学研究证明人类在牛活中,勤奋工作,积极创造,可以刺激脑细胞,恢复大脑活力,延缓人体衰老。但大脑又不宜过度使用,要注意大脑保健。  相似文献   
Change of mGluR1   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨次声作用后鼠脑CA  相似文献   
经蝶手术治疗小儿颅咽管瘤的原则与技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价1982年1月-1999年6月收治的25例小儿颅咽管瘤(paediatric craniopharyngioma,PCP)采用经蝶入路肿瘤切除术的效果。方法 回顾性总结25例PCP的诊断方法,手术技巧和治疗结果,本组均经CT或MRI扫描确诊,经蝶入路行肿瘤切除术,结果 52.0%(13例)肿瘤全切除;32.0%(8例)次全切除;16.0%(4例)部分切除,肿瘤未能完全切除的原因是瘤体与下丘脑及血管的粘附较紧,或为较大的钙化,术后无死亡,20例获长期随访(平均3.6年),其中17例(85.0%)恢复良好,3例(15.0%)肿瘤复发,需再次手术治疗,结论 对PCP采用CT或MRI进行诊断并选择合适病例经蝶入路显微手术切除,是一种安全、有效的方法。  相似文献   
外伤性硬膜下积液61例临床分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着CT的广泛应用,外伤性硬膜下积液的诊断率日渐提高,人们对该病的认识亦在不断加深.我院1998年4月至2003年4月共收治颅脑损伤病例827例,其中外伤性硬膜下积液61例,所占比例为7.4%,本文就此病的诊治情况作一分析.  相似文献   
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