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The concept of the accumulated O2 deficit (AOD) assumes that the O2 deficit increases monotonically with increasing work rate (WR), to plateau at the maximum AOD, and is based on linear extrapolation of the relationship between measured steady-state oxygen uptake (O2) and WR for moderate exercise. However, for high WRs, the measured O2 increases above that expected from such linear extrapolation, reflecting the superimposition of a "slow component" on the fundamental O2 mono-exponential kinetics. We were therefore interested in determining the effect of the O2 slow component on the computed AOD. Ten subjects [31 (12) years] performed square-wave cycle ergometry of moderate (40%, 60%, 80% and 90% ), heavy (40%), very heavy (80%) and severe (110% O2 peak) intensities for 10–15 min, where is the estimated lactate threshold and is the WR difference between and O2 peak. O2 was determined breath-by-breath. Projected "steady-state" O2 values were determined from sub- tests. The measured O2 exceeded the projected value after ~3 min for both heavy and very heavy intensity exercise. This led to the AOD actually becoming negative. Thus, for heavy exercise, while the AOD was positive [0.63 (0.41) l] at 5 min, it was negative by 10 min [–0.61 (1.05) l], and more so by 15 min [–1.70 (1.64) l]. For the very heavy WRs, the AOD was [0.42 (0.67) l] by 5 min and reached –2.68 (2.09) l at exhaustion. For severe exercise, however, the AOD at exhaustion was positive in each case: +1.69 (0.39) l. We therefore conclude that the assumptions underlying the computation of the AOD are invalid for heavy and very heavy cycle ergometry (at least). Physiological inferences, such as the "anaerobic work capacity", are therefore prone to misinterpretation.  相似文献   
In situations in which it may be impossible and/or unethical to evaluate pulse oximetry in humans, an in vitro model with circulating blood may be a necessity. The main objective was to develop such an in vitro model and, in this model, validate the pulse oximetry technique at various haematocrit levels. The pulsating character of arterial blood flow in a tubing system was simulated by using a specially constructed pressure-regulated roller pump. The tubing system was designed to minimise damage to red blood cells. The pulse oximeter readings (SpO2) were compared with oxygen saturation analyses by a haemoximeter (SaO2). The pulse oximetry readings were recorded at various haematocrit levels and during haemolysis in the SaO2 range 60–100 per cent. At a haematocrit level of 41–44 per cent, there was no correlation between SaO2 and SpO2 readings. After diluting the blood with normal saline to a haematocrit of 10–11 per cent, a good correlation between SaO2 and SpO2 was found. Following haemolysis, the agreement between SaO2 and SpO2 was further improved. Using the developed in vitro model, the results indicate that the accuracy of a pulse oximeter may be dependent on the haematocrit level.  相似文献   
Summary Anatomic variations are important in preendoscopic CT evaluation of the paranasal sinuses. In this study, we investigated whether the superior turbinate could become pneumatised like the middle turbinate, pneumatisation of which is well-known. Images of 52 patients who underwent CT examination prior to endoscopic sinus surgery and who had normally aerated posterior ethmoidal cells and an unobscured nasal cavity were retrospectively evaluated. The patients were 12–68 years old (median age, 35 years); 28 were women and 24 were men. Pneumatisation of the superior turbinates was graded in two groups as minimal or marked. Pneumatisation was evident in 25 patients (48%). 13 unilateral (25%), 8 bilateral (15%) pneumatisations were detected in the group graded as minimal, whereas 1 unilateral and 3 bilateral pneumatisations were present in the markedly (8%) pneumatised group of patients. Superior turbinates were seemingly aerated through the posterior ethmoid cells. The superior turbinates can be pneumatised as the middle turbinate is a not frequent anatomic variation that should be taken into account in preendoscopic CT evaluation of the paranasal sinuses.
La pneumatisation du cornet nasal supérieur : une variation anatomique courante ?
Résumé Les variations anatomiques sont importantes à connaitre dans le cadre du bilan tomodensitométrique précédant une chirurgie endoscopique des sinus paranasaux. Dans cette étude, nous avons recherché si le cornet nasal supérieur pouvait être pneumatisé comme l'est le cornet nasal moyen, entité anatomique bien connue. Les images de 52 patients ayant eu une tomodensitométrie avant chirurgie endoscopique et montrant des cellules ethmoïdales postérieures normalement pneumatisées et une cavité nasale nonopaque, ont été évaluées rétrospectivement. Les patients, 28 femmes et 24 hommes, étaient âgés de 12 à 68 ans (moyenne : 35 ans). La pneumatisation du cornet nasal supérieur a été classée en deux groupes; minime et prononçée. Cette pneumatisation était patente chez 25 patients (48 %). Treize pneumatisations unilatérales (25 %) et 8 pneumatisations bilatérales (15 %) furent retrouvées dans le groupe présentant une pneumatisation minime alors que 1 pneumatisation unilatérale et 3 bilatérales (8 %) étaient présentes dans le groupe dont la pneumatisation était plus marquée. Les cornets nasaux supérieurs semblaient être aérés par les cellules ethmoïdales postérieures. Les cornets nasaux supérieurs peuvent être pneumatisés, comme le sont les cornets nasaux moyens, avec une fréquence non-exceptionnelle. Cette variation anatomique mérite d'être prise en considération dans le bilan tomodensitométrique précédant toute chirurgie endoscopique des sinus paranasaux.
A family with cardiac malformation, cleft lip-palate, short stature, microcephaly, distally placed thumbs, short 2nd and 5th fingers, long and broad 1st toes, broad distance between 1st and 2nd toes and mediodorsal curvature of the 4th toes with syndactyly of the 2nd and 3rd toes has been described as having a new syndrome. While some members of the family had full signs of the syndrome, others had similar but fewer and less severe anomalies of the same structures. The presence of common findings in three generations, its variable expressivity and pleiotropism, and the non-consanguineous history in the parents suggest that the inheritance is autosomal dominant.  相似文献   
Electrode design and electrode positioning are important factors in blood flow measurements using impedance plethysmography. Optimal electrode type and accurate positioning will decrease measurement errors and improve the signal-to-noise-ratio. Disk electrodes were found to be superior to tape electrodes because of their better skin-electrode stability and because they prevent limb compression. The distance between current electrodes and potential electrodes should be greater than 2·3 R (disk electrodes) and 1·5 R (tape electrodes) to avoid the influence of the so-called diffusion resistance (R is the radius of the limb at the electrode site).  相似文献   


Several models for prediction of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) among chest pain patients in the emergency department (ED) have been presented, but many models predict only the likelihood of acute myocardial infarction, or include a large number of variables, which make them less than optimal for implementation at a busy ED. We report here a simple statistical model for ACS prediction that could be used in routine care at a busy ED.  相似文献   
Low-frequency and transient magnetic fields of moderate flux densities are known to generate visual phenomena, so-called magnetophosphenes. In the present study, time-variable very low frequency (10–50 Hz) electromagnetic fields of moderate flux density (0–40 mT) were used to induce magnetophosphenes. The threshold values for these phosphenes were determined as a function of the frequency of the magnetic field both in normal subjects and colour defective ones. Maximum sensitivity occurred at a frequency of approximately 20–30 Hz, and with broad-spectrum light the threshold flux density was 10–12 mT. The threshola values were found to be dependent upon the intensity and the spectral distribution of the background light. Sensitivity decreased during dark adaptation. In certain respects deutans differed from subjects with normal colour vision. Possible mechanisms for generation of magnetophosphenes are discussed. The present magnetic threshold curves show a close resemblance to corresponding curves obtained by electric stimulation at various frequencies provided the electric thresholds are divided by the a.c. frequency. These problems are under current investigation in our laboratory. This is in full agreement with the assumption that the fluctuating magnetic field affects retinal neurons by inducing currents which polarise synaptic terminals.  相似文献   
Summary In this study the spontaneous activities of prescapular lymph nodes, which were isolated from calves, goats and sheep and mesenteric lymph nodes of guinea-pigs were recorded and analysed in the frequency domain. Stretch-evoked contractions of the mesenteric lymph nodes were also recorded and their frequency characteristics analysed.The preparations were placed in a Krebs solution which was kept at 37° C and bubbled continuously with a mixture of 95% O2 and 5% CO2. The tension changes occurring in the lymph nodes were recorded. The patterns obtained were initially transformed into numerical values which were then used to obtain autocorrelation functions and power spectra, according to the time series analysis method. A passive stretch of 100 s duration was applied to the mesenteric lymph nodes and the responses were examined using the transient response-frequency characteristics method.It was observed that prescapular and mesenteric lymph nodes had spontaneous activities due to the contractions of the smooth muscles within the nodes. A frequency analysis of these contractions indicated that at least three contractile components were responsible for the contractions; these components contract within the frequency bands of 0.01–0.04 Hz, 0.05–0.07 Hz and 0.09–0.14 Hz respectively. It was also observed that the spontaneous activities could be regulated and synchronized by stretch. It is suggested that these contractions of the lymph nodes play an essential role in lymph propulsion within the nodes.  相似文献   
In a prospective study of 249 patients with community-acquired pneumonia, three tests for the detection of pneumococcal antigen in sputum were compared: a coagglutination test for detecting capsular antigens (Cap-CoA), a sandwich enzyme immunoassay (PnC-EIA) and a coagglutination test (PnC-CoA), both the latter detecting the pneumococcal C-polysaccharide common to all pneumococcal types. Sixty-three patients had culture-positive pneumococcal pneumonia, 45 pneumonia caused by other bacteria and 141 pneumonia of viral or unknown etiology. The sensitivity of Cap-CoA (63%) and PnC-CoA (65%) was somewhat higher than that of PnC-EIA (49%), but not significantly so. The specificity was 96–98% for all three methods. Using PnC-CoA 66 patients with possible pneumococcal infection were detected, the diagnosis being verified by culture in 41. Using Cap-CoA 59 such patients were detected, the diagnosis being verified in 40, and using the PnC-EIA 47 such patients were detected, the diagnosis being verified in 31. Antigen was found almost as often in non-purulent as in purulent samples, and as often in washed as in non-washed purulent samples. However, antibiotic treatment before the sputum sample was obtained resulted in significantly lower sensitivity of both PnC-CoA and Cap-CoA. This study confirms the high sensitivity and specificity of methods for pneumococcal antigen detection in sputum. Since CoA is easier and quicker to perform, and cheaper than the EIA, either PnC-CoA or Cap-CoA would seem to be the technique of choice for detection of pneumococcal antigen, whereby all sputum samples, including non-purulent samples, can be used.  相似文献   
Reperfusion of hearts with a Ca2+-containing medium after a perfusion period in Ca2+-free medium results in irreversible cell damage (calcium paradox). In this investigation we have studied coronary flow and cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP levels after several periods of Ca2+-free perfusion in isolated rat hearts. We also investigated the effects of papaverine (Pap), noradrenaline (NA), acetylcholine (ACh) and absence of inorganic phosphate during Ca2+-free perfusion on coronary flow (CF) and cyclic nucleotide levels. Inability of the heart to recover contractile activity with development of contracture during the reperfusion period was accepted as indicative of the calcium paradox. Ca2+-free perfusion alone and NA and absence of inorganic phosphate during the Ca2+-free perfusion period increased CF, whereas Pap and ACh decreased it. However, only Ca2+-free perfusion and NA elevated cyclic AMP. On the other hand, Pap and ACh increased cyclic GMP (with a transient rise of cyclic AMP in Pap infusion), and absence of inorganic phosphate decreased both cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP. Pap, ACh and absence of phosphate prevented the calcium paradox. Our study suggests that increased cyclic AMP during the Ca2+-free perfusion may contribute, with the other factors, to the occurrence of the calcium paradox.  相似文献   
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