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The effects of sedative-hypnotic doses of propofol on respiratory drive and pattern have not yet been extensively described. Repeated small boluses of propofol (0.6-0.3 mg.kg-1) were administered to ten ASA I patients undergoing carpal tunnel release using regional anaesthesia. Airway pressure, capnography and pneumotachography were continuously recorded. With respect to basal values, no significant variations of respiratory rate, minute volume, tidal volume, inspiratory and expiratory time, total expiratory cycle, Ti/Ttot, TV/Ti, P0.1, EtCO2 and blood gas analysis were observed. Low doses of propofol, to maintain conscious sedation of light sleep, have not been shown to cause respiratory depression.  相似文献   
Spinal lipomas account for 5% of the tumors of the spinal cord, frequently present already at birth. Most commonly they are associated with forms of dysraphism, but lipomas without bony involvement are considered dysembriogenetic lesions too. Children with lipoma frequently have intact neurological functions, but may become symptomatic later on. Diagnosis is possible also in neurologically intact patients because of skin lesions or subcutaneous masses. Many surgeons suggest early surgery to prevent injury to neural structures from traction due to cord tethering; others prefer to wait for the rise of any symptom before considering surgery. However, neurological recovery after surgery is rarely observed, and, when present, is always partial; the primary goal of surgery is to stop the clinical progression through the detethering of the cord.  相似文献   
The effect of a chronic 17 beta-estradiol (10 micrograms, b.i.d.) treatment of 2 weeks to ovariectomized rats was investigated on lateral and medial caudate-putamen dopamine receptors. Dopamine D2 receptors were assayed with [3H]spiperone binding to caudate-putamen homogenates or by autoradiography of forebrain sections. Estradiol treatment leads to a significant increase in the density of lateral caudate-putamen dopamine receptors while for the medial dopamine receptors the increase is non-significant. This effect is observed when plasma levels of 17 beta-estradiol and prolactin are increased. These results indicate that the effect of estradiol on striatal dopamine receptors is heterogeneous and that those in the lateral part are more susceptible to this steroid.  相似文献   
Transcutaneous bilirubinometry is an effective screening tool for neonatal jaundice in full-term babies. But its accuracy is not shown yet in preterm infants. METHODOLOGY: We carried out a prospective study in a neonatal intensive care unit. The study included 47 preterm infants. From birth, a transcutaneous bilirubin measurement (BTc) using the BiliCheck was made on the forehead of each newborn every 8 h. Blood sampling for determination of total serum bilirubin (BS) was combined with BTc: 1) if value of BTc was higher than limits values for phototherapy; 2) on the second day of life and 3) 4 hours after cessation of phototherapy. RESULTS: Mean gestational age was 30 week and mean birth weight was 1419 g. We studied 151 pairs of BTc and BS. Mean values obtained by BTc and BS were respectively 160.6+/-50 mumol/L and 190.6+/-61.4 mumol/L. A significant correlation between BTc and BS was found. But the limits of agreement were very wide. The negative predictive value (NPV) of BTc was above 90% in each group of gestational age. DISCUSSION: The need for phototherapy cannot be determined by BTc in preterm infants. But the BTc is reliable when its value is under the limits for phototherapy. CONCLUSION: With a very high incidence of neonatal jaundice (87%) in our cohort, a value of BTc under the limits for phototherapy has a good NPV in preterm infants.  相似文献   
AIDS in Italy]     
Aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between the mitogenic stimulus interleukin-3 to normal murine mast cells and the cell cycle dependent expression of the nuclear c-myc protein. In order to do that on a cell by cell basis, we measured the nuclear c-myc protein simultaneously by flow cytometry, via specific monoclonal antibodies, and the DNA content via the intercalating dye propidium iodide. When cells were deprived from interleukin-3 (IL-3), proliferation was inhibited and the majority of cells arrested in early G1 (G1A, characterized by low c-myc content). Readdition of IL-3 resulted in a slow transition of cells from G1A to late G1 (G1B, at higher c-myc content) before DNA synthesis started. G1A cells with low c-myc content do not undertake DNA synthesis. Using a stathmokinetic methodology we confirmed that the G1A cells are early postmitotic G1 phase cells. The low content of c-myc within these cells appears a direct consequence of reduced c-myc levels during mitosis. Cumulatively, the data suggest that c-myc protein levels of murine mast cells fall at mitosis and that these levels must rise before cells can traverse the G1 phase. Our data are compatible with a model in which c-myc protein content of G1 phase cells has to reach a critical threshold before the cells can move further into the cell cycle.  相似文献   
Methylazoxymethanol acetate (MAM) is a mitotic inhibitor that has been used to selectively destroy neuroblasts at specific times during gestation. The administration of MAM results in a dose-dependent microencephaly. Following MAM treatment at 15 days of gestation, we have noted an increase in the level of SS immunoreactivity in the neocortex, as determined by radioimmunoassay. Northern blot analysis for preproSS mRNA revealed an increase in MAM-treated cortex. The cellular distribution of SS has been determined using in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry. There was a 30% increase in the density of SS-immunoreactive neurons in the cortex of the MAM-treated animals. These data suggest that SS neurons in the cortex are spared following MAM treatment at GD 15.  相似文献   
The maximal urinary osmolality that can be reached by the kidney is reduced with age. This may be due to impaired NaCl transport by the medullary thick ascending limb of Henle's loop, which is part of the renal concentrating mechanism and is modulated by antidiuretic hormone (ADH). We therefore tested in vitro a possible age-related change in the transport capacity and in the response of this nephron segment to ADH in young (1–2 months) and old (20–24 months) mice. The transepithelial potential difference (V te) was significantly higher in young mice (+8.5±0.4 mV, n=13) than in old ones (+6.6±0.5 mV, n=17). Addition of 0.1 nmol.l–1 ADH to the bath solution significantly increased V te by 5.2±0.5 mV in the young and by 3.1±0.6 mV in the old animals. Application of dibutyryl-cAMP (0.1 mmol.1–1) did not further increase the hormonal response in both groups. The ADH-mediated increase in the corresponding equivalent short-circuit current (I SC = V te/Rte) was twice as great in young mice as in old, indicating that the stimulation of NaCl transport by ADH across the medullary thick ascending limb is significantly reduced with age. These results suggest that the previously reported age-related defect in the urinary concentrating ability of the kidney is partly due to a decreased response of the medullary thick ascending limb to ADH.  相似文献   
Total agenesia of the left pericardium is an uncommon congenital anomaly. The case of a 20-year-old male patient practising sports and complaining of atypical chest pain is described. The Authors point out the importance of the particular ECG and Rx findings obtained varying the patient's supine position. The fundamental role of chest CAT scanning as a non-invasive diagnosis technique is confirmed.  相似文献   
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