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In order to clarify the reported discrepancies in S100 alpha protein and mRNA distribution in rat tissues, a rat S100 alpha cDNA has been isolated and this species homologous probe along with a rat S100 beta cDNA probe has been used to examine S100 mRNA expression in rat tissues. Although the rat S100 alpha cDNA was missing approximately 30 nucleotides of coding sequence, only 4 conservative changes in amino acid sequence were observed when the deduced amino acid sequence was compared to the bovine S100 alpha amino acid sequence. Thus, S100 alpha proteins, like S100 beta proteins, are highly conserved among species. All nineteen of the tissues examined (including cerebrum and cerebellum) contained S100 alpha mRNA. In addition, S100 beta mRNA was detected in thirteen of the nineteen tissues examined. These results are in agreement with previous protein distribution studies and further demonstrate that S100 proteins are not brain-specific and are expressed in a large number of tissues. Although S100 alpha and S100 beta mRNAs were detected in rat tissues which had previously been reported to contain S100 alpha and S100 beta protein, a direct correlation between the protein and mRNA levels were not observed, suggesting that different mechanisms regulate S100 expression in various tissues. S100 alpha exhibited a single similar size mRNA species (0.5 Kb) in all tissues examined, as did S100 beta (1.5 Kb), suggesting that the individual S100 proteins are expressed as single mRNA and protein products in rat tissues.  相似文献   
The ontogeny of type I and type II benzodiazepine binding sites was studied in mouse cerebellum by displacement of [3H]flunitrazepam binding by zolpidem, a ligand specific for the type I sites. Type I binding sites predominate throughout development and in the adult while type II sites account for 25% of total cerebellar benzodiazepine binding sites at birth and, during development, decrease to 10% or less in the adult. On a per cerebellum basis type II sites increase during the first postnatal week and then remain at a steady level while type I sites increase until adulthood. These results may indicate a specific localization of the type II sites (and of the corresponding alpha-protein subunits in the GABA/benzodiazepine receptor complex) in structures already present at birth and developing during a short early postnatal period. The affinity of zolpidem for its high affinity (type I) binding sites increases during cerebellar ontogeny, this increase possibly indicates an epigenetic (post-translational) 'maturation' process of the corresponding receptor molecule. Hill numbers indicate the existence of an additional binding site heterogeneity greater during development but still present in the adult; probably this is to be related to the simultaneous presence of different 'maturation' stages during development and with a certain variety of the final products.  相似文献   
Deafness mutant mice show no stimulus-related cochlear potentials as well as abnormal electrically-evoked responses recorded from the inferior colliculus. Abnormal spontaneous activity in the auditory periphery could result in abnormal development and/or maintenance of the central auditory pathways. We therefore assessed spontaneous activity of cochlear origin in the central nuclei of the mutants by ablating one cochlea and subsequently using the 2-deoxyglucose (2DG) technique to study metabolic activity. Any asymmetries in labeling in a given nucleus should be due to spontaneous activity in the cochlear nerve on the unoperated side. In control animals (+/dn mice undergoing unilateral cochlea ablation), statistically significant decreased 2DG labeling was observed in the ipsilateral PVCN and AVCN, and contralateral MNTB and IC; all receive primary excitatory input from the ablated ear. No significant differences in labeling between right and left sides were observed in any of the nuclei studied in the mutant animals. These findings suggest that there is no spontaneous activity of cochlear origin in these mutants, even though many cochlear nerve fibers and spiral ganglion cells survive.  相似文献   
Although we are on steep learning curve as far as the exact relationship between nutrition and disease prevention is concerned, evidence is accumulating on the role of body mass index and mortality, protein deficiency and decreased ability to fight infection, effect of fiber intake on cholesterol and glucose metabolism, hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis, and inadequate calcium intake in osteoporosis. Screening for nutritional disorders includes identifying those with risk factors of being female, black, poor, or institutionalized. Evidence of weight change, dietary idiosyncracies, nutrient deficiency, and laboratory tests can be helpful. Treatment should be tailored to the individual and be specific for suspected deficiencies. Attention to calories, protein, and calcium are paramount.  相似文献   
A cross-sectional study of tobacco-smoking habits in a random sample of 976 coloured subjects aged 15-64 years revealed that smoking was common, 57% of men and 41% of women being current smokers and 10.4% of men and 9.6% of women having stopped smoking. Heavy smoking prevailed, indicating by mean daily consumption of 14.2 and 13.1 cigarettes among male and female smokers respectively; only 33.5% of male and 39.6% of female smokers used less than 10 cigarettes per day. Coloured smokers smoked more heavily during the weekend. Both men and women smoked mostly filter cigarettes. Forty-four per cent of male and 49.5% of female smokers stated that they had attempted to stop smoking, mainly for health reasons. More than one-third of the participants had a positive attitude to combating smoking, particularly those with an educational level higher than Standard 7. Former smokers and heavy smokers had a significantly higher prevalence of ischaemic heart disease than the other participants. Smoking was associated with a low body mass index, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, low socio-economic standing, high alcohol consumption and type A coronary-prone behaviour in men. In 1982 the economically active coloured population of the Cape Peninsula spent an estimated R36.2 million on cigarettes.  相似文献   
In rodents, chronic estrogenization has been shown to induce degeneration of dendrites and myelin figures in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus adjacent to peroxidase-positive astrocyte processes. Because in this brain region estradiol is metabolized to 2-hydroxyestradiol (catecholestrogen), we hypothesized that the latter may be oxidized by the astrocytic peroxidase activity to cytotoxic ortho-semiquinones as occurs in peripheral tissues. Cysteamine induces nonenzymatic peroxidase activity in cultured astroglia identical to that observed in vivo. Using electron spin resonance, we demonstrate robust peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of 2-hydroxyestradiol and dopamine by cysteamine-pretreated astrocyte cultures relative to untreated controls. These results implicate the peroxidase-positive astrocytes in the pathogenesis of estradiol-related hypothalamic damage, parkinsonism, and other free-radical-related neurologic disorders.  相似文献   
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