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The Cucurbitaceae includes important crops such as cucumber, melon, watermelon, squash and pumpkin. However, few genetic and genomic resources are available for plant improvement. Some cucurbit species such as cucumber have a narrow genetic base, which impedes construction of saturated molecular linkage maps. We report herein the development of highly polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers originated from whole genome shotgun sequencing and the subsequent construction of a high-density genetic linkage map. This map includes 995 SSRs in seven linkage groups which spans in total 573 cM, and defines ~680 recombination breakpoints with an average of 0.58 cM between two markers. These linkage groups were then assigned to seven corresponding chromosomes using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). FISH assays also revealed a chromosomal inversion between Cucumis subspecies [C. sativus var. sativus L. and var. hardwickii (R.) Alef], which resulted in marker clustering on the genetic map. A quarter of the mapped markers showed relatively high polymorphism levels among 11 inbred lines of cucumber. Among the 995 markers, 49%, 26% and 22% were conserved in melon, watermelon and pumpkin, respectively. This map will facilitate whole genome sequencing, positional cloning, and molecular breeding in cucumber, and enable the integration of knowledge of gene and trait in cucurbits.  相似文献   
[目的]总结先天性小耳畸形病人行全耳郭再造与听力重建同步手术的围术期护理.[方法]对60例(68耳)先天性小耳畸形病人行全耳郭再造与听力重建同步手术,同时加强围术期心理护理、负压引流的护理、疼痛护理和压疮的预防等.[结果]60例病人术后出现术区渗血1例,再造耳感染2例,经处理均恢复良好;均未出现面瘫、眩晕、耳鸣等并发症,病人术后听力均有不同程度提高.[结论]加强全耳郭再造与听力重建同步手术病人围术期护理是手术成功的保证.  相似文献   
[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to investigate the intra-rater reliability of measures of scapular protraction strength using a novel method. [Subjects] Forty-nine healthy subjects participated in this study. [Methods] Subjects performed maximal isometric scapular protraction on the left and right sides in the supine and seated positions. During scapular protraction, resistance was applied to the olecranon, and the strength of scapular protraction was measured using a load cell. Intra-rater reliability was calculated as the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC3,1). [Results] High intra-rater reliability scores (0.97–0.98) for scapular protraction strength were observed in the supine and seated positions. [Conclusion] These findings demonstrate that the method described herein may provide a more reliable and convenient method to measure scapular protraction strength than common current practice does.Key words: Reliability, Scapular protraction, Serratus anterior  相似文献   
目的 研究不同层级护士在病区临床护理岗位的工作职责.方法 在前期对护士进行分层级管理的基础上,通过资料分析、实地观察法,总结出护士在病区临床护理岗位的工作任务,根据工作任务形成各层级护士岗位职责调查问卷,对重庆市某三级甲等综合医院132名病区临床护士进行问卷调查,并对调查结果进行分析.结果 病区临床护士主要承担包括临床护理、护理管理、护理教学和护理科研4个方面共11项工作任务,根据11项工作任务,界定出N0级护士4项、N1级护士6项、N2级护士10项、N3级护士11项、N4级护士8项和N5级护士5项共44项工作职责.结论 通过科学化、系统化的方法明确不同层级护士在病区临床护理岗位的工作职责,为病区临床护士的工作提供具体明确的指导;为医院能科学的对病区临床护士进行人员配置、绩效考核、能力培训等提供决策依据;也为我国护士岗位管理工作的推进提供参考.  相似文献   
李浩  康卉  赵文明 《北京中医药》2009,28(3):223-224
基于老年患者多以肾阴不足、心火旺盛、心肾不交为中医基础病机特点,谨守"滋肾阴,泻心火"之法,遵循"观其脉证,知犯何逆,随证治之"的原则,应用经典<伤寒论>黄连阿胶汤治疗老年诸多疾病,临床疗效明显,充分体现了中医学"异病同治"的原则.  相似文献   
过敏性鼻炎是目前临床常见的一种过敏性疾病,典型症状有突然阵发性鼻塞、鼻痒、连续喷嚏、流清水样鼻涕等.色甘酸钠是治疗支气管哮喘的一种常用药物,通过抑制肥大细胞释放过敏介质来发挥作用.我们用鼻吸色甘酸钠治疗过敏性鼻炎,在临床上取得了一定的效果.现将结果报告如下:  相似文献   
Rationale:Spontaneous complete uterine rupture during gestation is rare and has no specific symptoms; however, it is a life-threatening event for both the fetus and mother. The rupture typically happens in labor and is uncommon before labor. Herein, we present the case of a woman, encountering complete rupture at third trimester followed by laparoscopic cornuostomy.Patient concerns:A 26-year-old woman presented with acute right lower abdominal pain at 33 weeks and 5 days of gestation.Diagnoses:We made a diagnosis of threatened uterine rupture.Intervention:Urgent cesarean section performed. Exploration of the uterine dehiscence wound demonstrated that the myometrium was completely ruptured at the primary laparoscopic surgical scar with a defect of 40 mm, and live birth and preservation of the uterus was achieved.Outcome:On the third day of operation, she had a good recovery and was discharged. After a 6-week postpartum follow-up, she displayed a good level of rehabilitation.Lessons:Pregnancy after laparoscopic cornuostomy should be treated as high-risk gestation and the rupture during gestation of the uterine scar should be suspected once lower abdominal pain occurred. Swift diagnosis and prompt intervention play a crucial role in saving the lives of the fetus and the mother.  相似文献   
In the past decade, perovskite materials have gained intensive interest due to their remarkable material properties in optoelectronics and photodetectors. This review highlights recent advances in micro-to-nanometer scale patterning of perovskite inks, placing an undue emphasis on recently developed approaches to harness spatially ordered and crystallographically oriented structures with unprecedented regularity via controlled self-assemblies, including blade coating, inkjet printing, and nanoimprinting. Patterning of the perovskite elements at the micro- or nanometer scale might be a key parameter for their integration in a real system. Nowadays, unconventional approaches based on irreversible solution evaporation hold an important position in the structuring and integration of perovskite materials. Herein, easier type patterning techniques based on evaporations of polymer solutions and the coffee ring effect are systematically reviewed. The recent progress in the potential applications of the patterned perovskite inks is also introduced.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to assess the clinical safety of performing microlaryngeal surgery (MLS) under general anaesthesia in selected patients in the ambulatory setting. Twenty-two adult patients were scheduled to have tissue specimens of the larynx taken by biopsy (54%), for vocal cord polypectomy (41%) or for vocal cord cyst excision (5%). Twenty-one ASA I and II patients (95%) were discharged home the same day of the procedure. Two of them presented with laryngospasm after extubation of the trachea. One ASA III patient (5%) had to be admitted overnight because of severe laryngospasm and bronchospasm, but was discharged the day after the operation. None of the patients had significant complications after leaving the recovery room (mean stay 85 min). There were no re-admissions to the hospital. Our data suggests that microlaryngeal surgery in selected patients can be safely performed on a day case basis.  相似文献   
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