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Measurements of bone lead concentrations in the tibia, wrist, sternum, and calcaneus were performed in vivo by x ray fluorescence on active and retired lead workers from two acid battery factories, office personnel in the two factories under study, and control subjects. Altogether 171 persons were included. Lead concentrations in the tibia and ulna (representative of cortical bone) appeared to behave similarly with respect to time but the ulnar measurement was much less precise. In an analogous fashion, lead in the calcaneus and sternum (representative of trabecular bone) behaved in the same way, but sternal measurement was less precise. Groups occupationally exposed to lead were well separated from the office workers and the controls on the basis of calculated skeletal lead burdens, whereas the differences in blood lead concentrations were not as great, suggesting that the use of concentrations of lead in blood might seriously underestimate lead body burden. The exposures encountered in the study were modest, however. The mean blood lead value among active lead workers was 1.45 mumol l-1 and the mean tibial lead concentration 21.1 micrograms (g bone mineral)-1. The kinetics of lead in the tibia appeared to be noticeably different from that in the calcaneus. Tibial lead concentration increased consistently both as a function of intensity of exposure and of duration of exposure. Calcaneal lead concentration, by contrast, was strongly dependent on the intensity rather than duration of exposure. This indicated that the biological half life of lead in calcaneus was less than the seven to eight year periods into which the duration of exposure was split. Findings for retired workers clearly showed that endogenous exposure to lead arising from skeletal burdens accumulated over a working lifetime can easily produce the dominant contribution to systemic lead concentrations once occupational exposure has ceased.  相似文献   
Differences in susceptibility to chemical carcinogenesis between rodent strains and species have been linked to variations in genetically-determined mixed function oxidase activities. In order to verify whether such variations also determine the susceptibility of individual animals of the same strain to a chemical carcinogen, outbred male Wistar rats were administered diethylnitrosamine (DEN) (1, 2, or 3 mg/kg) five times a week for 20 weeks. The relationship was examined between the outcome (i.e., presence or absence of liver tumors, and latency period) and the hepatic activities of mixed function oxidases and conjugating enzymes, as well as of O6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase, measured before the carcinogen treatment. In addition, the metabolic profiles of two model drugs, antipyrine and disopyramide, in the urine were analyzed and correlated with the carcinogen susceptibility. The length of the latency period of hepatocellular tumors in individual rats was negatively related to the activities of hepatic dimethylnitrosamine N-demethylase, aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase and epoxide hydrolase and positively related to the amount of microsomal protein. Consistent relationships between the other 10 measured parameters and the susceptibility to DEN-induced carcinogenesis were not detected. Long-term treatment with DEN slightly decreased the proportion of metabolism of antipyrine into norantipyrine, and increased the share of 4-hydroxyantipyrine; a decrease in the metabolism of disopyramide to N-deisopropyldisopyramide was also detected. It is concluded that the pattern of cytochrome P-450 isoenzymes is related to differences in individual susceptibility to nitrosamine-induced carcinogenesis. The relationship was most marked at low dose levels, which are the levels at which nitrosamine exposures of humans are known to occur.  相似文献   
Occupational exposure to lead and neuropsychological dysfunction   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the neuropsychological effects of current low level and previous higher levels of exposure to lead and evaluate the relation between effects of lead and bone lead. METHODS: A neuropsychological test battery was given to 54 storage battery workers with well documented long term exposure to lead. The effect was studied in two subgroups: those whose blood lead had never exceeded 2.4 mmol/l (the low BPbmax group, n = 26), and those with higher exposure about 10 years earlier (the high BPbmax group, n = 28). In both groups, the recent exposure had been low. Correlations between the test scores and the indices of both long term and recent exposure--including the content of lead in the tibial and calcaneal bone--and covariance analyses were used to assess the exposure-effect relation. Age, sex, and education were controlled in these analyses. RESULTS: Analyses within the low BPbmax group showed a decrement in visuospatial and visuomotor function (block design, memory for design, Santa Ana dexterity), attention (digit symbol, digit span), and verbal comprehension (similarities) associated with exposure to lead and also an increased reporting of subjective symptoms. The performance of the high BPbmax group was worse than that of the low BPbmax group for digit symbol, memory for design, and embedded figures, but there was no reporting of symptoms related to exposure, probably due to selection in this group. No relation was found between the output variables and the tibial lead concentration. The calcaneal lead concentrations were related to the symptoms in the low BPbmax group. CONCLUSIONS: Neuropsychological decrements found in subjects with high past and low present exposure indicate that blood lead concentrations rising to 2.5- 4.9 mmol/l cause a risk of long lasting or even permanent impairment of central nervous system function. Milder and narrower effects are associated with lower exposures; their reversibility and time course remain to be investigated. History of blood lead gives a more accurate prediction of the neuropsychological effects of lead than do measurements of bone lead.


Summary Two workers exposed to trivalent chromium sulphate in a leather tannery had high concentrations of chromium in the urine. The concentration of chromium showed a workshift-related diurnal fluctuation, but it was remarkably high even after a vacation, indicating accumulation of chromium in the body. The concentrations of chromium in the workplace air, as collected on filters using standard techniques, were below 30/gmg/m3. The chromium in the air was present in the form of large droplets not collected by the standard techniques. In the blood stream, chromium was transported exclusively in the plasma. No absorption of chromium through the skin could be detected. Absorption from the gastrointestinal tract was calculated to explain the findings.  相似文献   
Abstract Microsomes were prepared from the liver, kidney and lung of phenobarbital or 20–methylcholanthrene treated and control rats with the conventional ultracentrifugation and calcium aggregation methods. The two methods were compared as to the yield of microsomal protein, amount of cytochrome P–450/448 and activity of UDPglucuronosyltransferase, benzopyrene hydroxylase and p–nitroanisole O–demethylase. The absolute amount of cytochrome P–450/448 (nmol/g wet weight), as well as the enzymatic activities dependent on it (nmol produced/g wet weight) did not differ significantly in any tissue of either treated or control animals nor did that of UDPglucuronosyltransferase. However, the ultracentrifugation method resulted in a slightly smaller yield of the hepatic microsomal protein and a correspondingly higher yield of cytochrome P–450/448 per mg protein as well as higher specific enzymatic activities of both the consecutive drug biotransformation reactions studied. The specific activity of UDPglucuronosyltransferase in digitonin treated microsomes was twice as high in the conventional microsomes as in the calcium aggregated microsomes; no differences was found in the trypsin treated microsomes. The specific activity of the hepatic benzpyrene hydroxylase of the benzpyrene treated animals in the calcium harvested microsomes was 55 per cent of that in the ultra–centrifugated microsomes.  相似文献   
The standards for pollutants in workplace air constitute a social consensus or agreement about acceptable levels of occupational hygiene. This agreement to exposures up to these limits inevitably includes a finite risk to the health of the workers. The numeric values of standards are needed to assess the requirements for ventilation and other occupational hygiene conditions. Planning and everyday practice in industry also need hygienic stan- dards so that practical hygienic and safety measures can be maintained. These standards are not, however, levels below which there is no risk to health. While the hygienic stan- dard itself carries acceptance of a certain risk, doctors cannot ethically accept any health risk to workers whatever the source of exposure. Thus personnel working in occupa- tional health have to think about the risks of ill health even when the hygienic standards are met. The physician in occupational health has to be especially concerned to discover and estimate the risks to anyone particularly susceptible to exposures within the hygien- ically acceptable conditions. To do this, the occupational health physician uses medical examinations and specific investigations. In the follow-up of workers, health occupa- tional health personnel use medical examinations in order to detect possible risks or to assess the general health status of individual workers. Health examinations are also used to detect specific injuries caused by the agents to which workers are known to be exposed in their work.  相似文献   
The kinetics of iron, chromium, nickel, and cobalt from manual metal arc and metal inert gas stainless steel welding fumes were studied. Neutron activated welding fumes, in aqueous suspensions, were instilled intratracheally into rats. The follow up continued for up to 106 days. From both fumes, approximately 10% of the injection bolus was immediately lost into the gastrointestinal tract, to be recovered in the faeces within three days. Thereafter, a pronounced difference was seen in the kinetics of the two types of fumes. After the first day, chromium, nickel, and iron were lost from the lungs with half times of about 53, 49, and 73 days after exposure to MMA/SS fumes, whereas practically no loss could be seen in the metal components of the metal inert gas welding fumes within two months. The disposition of chromium from MMA/SS fumes closely resembled that of intratracheally instilled water soluble chromates. On the other hand, the disappearance of trivalent chromium from MIS/SS fumes was considerably slower than that of the practically water insoluble chromates, or even of trivalent chromium salts. Thus the physical characteristics of the fume appreciably affect the kinetics of the clearance of chromium compounds from the lungs.  相似文献   
The effect of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) was studied on the activities of arylhydrocarbon hydroxylase, ethoxycoumarin deethylase, cytochrome c reductase, epoxide hydratase, UDP glucuronosyltransferase, and glutathione S-transferase in the liver, kidney, lung, small intestinal mucosa, and testis of male Wistar rats. There was a severalfold increase in the activity of monooxygenase in the liver, kidney, and lung, whereas virtually no effect could be detected in the intestine or testes. The proportion of 3- and 9-hydroxylation of the total hydroxylation of benzo(a)pyrene decreased in the liver, but increased in the kidney. TCDD had no significant effect on epoxide hydratase or glutathione S-transferase activities in any tissues. UDP glucuronosyltransferase exhibited a sevenfold increase in the liver, less than twofold in the kidney, and none in other tissues. Treatment of the microsomes with digitonin, trypsin, or phospholipase A did not reveal additional induction UDP glucurnosyltransferase, although all were able to increase measurable enzymatic activity in control and TCDD-treated animals. TCDD seems to be different from phenobarbital and polycyclic hydrocarbons as an effector of not only monooxygenase but also epoxide hydratase, UDP glucuronosyltransferase, and glutathione S-transferase.  相似文献   
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