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Objective To compare the effects of 2 vascular carriers, arteriovenous loop and arteri-ovenous bundle, on inducing angiogenesis in coral scaffold of vascularized tissue-engineered bone in animal models.Methods Thirty-six adult male New Zealand rabbits were randomized into 2 even groups.In group A, an arteriovenous loop (AVL) was formed by microsurgical anastomosis at the proximal ends between the femoral poptiteal artery and vein, and placed in the circular side groove of the coral block (6 mm × 8 mm × 10 mm) .In group B, flow-through vessels bundles of both femoral artery and vein were placed in the side grooves of the coral block.All the implants in 2 groups were wrapped by a micro-porous expand-ed-polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) membrane, and fixed subcutaneously by suturing.Evaluation methods included gross morphological observations, histological examinations, India ink perfusion and vascular casting after 2, 4, 6 weeks.The density of blood vessels was analyzed by the statistical software SPSS 10.0.Results All the corals were encased by newly formed fibrovascular tissues in 2 groups.Ink-stained vessels distributed the surfaces and side grooves, and invaded the interspaces of corals.The degree of vascularization increased over the course of experiment.Blood vessel density demonstrated a significant continuous increase between 2 and 6 weeks after implantation in group A.The mean value of blood vessel density in group A (2 weeks 276.60±4.67, 4 weeks 517.20±10.66, 6 weeks 707.00 ±11.87) was significantly higher than in group B (2 weeks 153.60 ±7.16, 4 weeks 269.40±6.80, 6 weeks 279.20±6.53) (P <0.01).Vascular casting showed that in group A, significant blood vessels sprouted from all areas of the loop, espe-cially at the entrance of the arteriovenous pediele where the small tubes were densely interconnected.In group B, however, no blood vessels sprouted from the arteriovenous bundles and only some small vessels grew from the entrance and exit.Conclusions A vascularized coral model can be constructed by inserting an ar-teriovenous loop or an arteriovenous bundle, useful in vascular bone tissue engineering.The former, however, have stronger abilities to induce angiogenesis than the latter.  相似文献   
When a fast voluntary movement is performed from a background condition of sustained antagonist muscle activation, there is often a decrease in antagonist muscle activity before the onset of the first agonist muscle burst (AG1) that continues until the onset of the antagonist muscle burst (ANT). We studied how controlling the peak velocity, movement size, and the magnitude of antagonist muscle loading affected antagonist muscle inhibition (AntI). AntI was more pronounced during movements with lower velocity and greater size, and when performed in the direction of heavier background loads, but its variation could not be related to any single kinematic or kinetic variable in all circumstances. When AntI was larger, ANT was smaller, suggesting that AntI does not play a role similar to the premotor silence of the agonist seen before AG1 when the movement is made from a background of sustained agonist contraction. When AntI was larger, the size of AG1 was also smaller, showing that, according to the motor task, different levels of reciprocal inhibition and coactivation occur at the onset of the movement. Both AG1 and AntI produce force in the direction of the desired movement, and the central nervous system selects an appropriate balance between the two, using AntI when possible.  相似文献   
本文探讨6种测定DNA的方法。以吲哚反应一醋酸异成酯抽提的方法最好,比较稳定而灵敏,一般实验室条件就可进行,测定仅需0.1ml血液。  相似文献   
Six cases were examined to review the important anaesthetic implications of Larsen's syndrome. Potential problems arising in these patients are highlighted and emphasis placed on cervical spine and airway/respiratory management.  相似文献   
远端蒂筋膜皮瓣内浅静脉干定时放血的临床应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
[目的]探讨预防远端蒂筋膜皮瓣静脉危象和提高皮瓣成活质量的方法. [方法]通过于26例大面积下肢皮神经营养血管远端蒂筋膜皮瓣内浅静脉干远心端蒂部结扎,近心端留置静脉留置针外引流,每天6 h定量放血,连续5d,密切观察皮瓣血供及肿胀情况. [结果]26例皮瓣全部成活,无1例出现静脉危象,无明显肿胀期.随访1~2年,皮瓣质地柔软,无明显色素沉着,均恢复保护性感觉. [结论]此方法能预防远端蒂筋膜皮瓣的静脉危象,提高皮瓣的成活质量.  相似文献   
Staphylococcal necrotizing pneumonia producing the Panton Valentine leukotoxin (PVL) has been described for many years. The french reference center for staphylococcal toxaemia defined it with precision in 1999. A 10-year-old child, died in 36 hours from respiratory distress and shock. Staphylococcal pneumonia was suspected then confirmed: S. Aureus producing PVL was isolated in lung, blood and articulations.  相似文献   
医院用血液制品HCV污染情况的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查医院治疗用血液制品HCV污染情况.方法临床治疗所用的血液制品,在输完后留容器之残液备检.采用酶标免疫法(ELISA)检测.对ELISA检测之阳性标本及在阴性标本中随机抽取9份,采用逆转录双PCR方法检测HCV_RNA.结果血浆白蛋白抗_HCV阳性率458%,新鲜血浆阳性率26%.两种方法检测同一标本,ELISA检测阳性的血液制品中,用PCR证实,并非都有病毒复制;而在ELISA检测的阴性标本中,仍旧有较高的PCR阳性检出.结论血液制品存在着HCV污染,抗_HCV对于HCV感染的诊断价值很高.检测血液制品中的抗_HCV,合理使用血液成份,可防止HCV在医院内传播.  相似文献   
The public sector in Britain has been subjected to over a decade of major reform aimed at breaking up public service monopolies, at containing costs while at the same time opening services up to greater consumer choice. Health and social services have not been exempt from this revolution in the organization and management of public sector services. The long-standing policy of care in the community is being subjected to market principles and the introduction of a ‘contract culture’ very similar to the NHS reforms introduced in 1991. This paper reviews the origins of these developments in the doctrines of ‘new public management’, a movement which has proved attractive to policy-makers in many countries. Local authority social services departments have been identified as the lead agency for the development of a mixed economy of care following a review of community care policy by the government's health adviser, Sir Roy Griffiths, and a subsequent white paper. This paper examines the limited empirical evidence available on how managers and providers are meeting the challenge bestowed upon them, and concludes that most authorities are moving ahead cautiously if at all. Only a handful of authorities studied have embraced the reforms with any degree of enthusiasm. The paper concludes with an assessment of the reforms from two perspectives: a pessimistic one and an optimistic one. There are many worrying features of the reforms, not least among these being a lack of clarity over their intended purpose. Tensions and contradictions are plentiful, which places in jeopardy the certainty of the reforms in becoming user led rather than provider driven. A more optimistic scenario is that the changes are leading to a loosening up of services and practices which have often suffered from sclerotic tendencies, paternalism and sometimes complacency. If the reform process is skilfully handled and not rushed and if the ends are clearly established and communicated then users and carers could prove to be the principal beneficiaries.  相似文献   
The development and implementation of effective community support systems are goals of many public mental health authorities who are attempting to shift the focus and dollars for mental health services from inpatient to community care. This article presents the results of a survey which asked 90 community mental health agency case managers to assess the community support and residential needs of over 1400 of their clients. Medication monitoring and therapy were rated high priority needs. Psychosocial treatment, day and vocational activities also ranked high. Survey responses regarding residential services indicated a need for more supported and supervised options.The study reported was a collaborative effort by county and agency staff.  相似文献   
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