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Sixty-five multiply transfused patients with severe aplastic anemia were given cyclophosphamide followed by grafts anemia were given cyclophosphamide followed by grafts from HLA-identical siblings. The effect of the administration of viable donor buffy coat cells following the marrow inoculum was evaluated with regard to graft rejection and survival. Results in 43 patients so treated are presented along with those in 22 concurrent patients given marrow alone. Most patients given buffy coat had positive in vitro tests of sensitization indicating a high risk for graft rejection, while all but one of the patients given marrow alone had negative tests. Thirty of the 43 (70%) patients given marrow and buffy coat are alive between 10 and 61 mo (median 36) after grafting; 4 died after graft rejection and 6 with acute or chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Eleven of the 22 (50%) patients given marrow alone are alive between 29 and 65 mo (median 52); 7 died after graft rejection and 3 with GVHD. The addition of buffy coat cell infusions to the marrow inoculum reduced the risk of rejection and increased survival in the currently reported transfused patients when compared to patients grafted before 1976. However, there was an increased risk of chronic GVHD. Recipients of marrow from female donors survived slightly better (73%) than recipients of male marrow (58%).  相似文献   


The European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, the Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance, and the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel are updating the ‘Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers: Clinical Practice Guideline’ (CPG) in 2019. The aim of this contribution is to summarize and to discuss the guideline development protocol for the 2019 update.


A guideline governance group determines and monitors all steps of the CPG development. An international survey of consumers will be undertaken to establish consumer needs and interests. Systematic evidence searches in relevant electronic databases cover the period from July 2013 through August 2018. Risk of bias of included studies will be assessed by two reviewers using established checklists and an overall strength of evidence assigned to the cumulative body of evidence. Small working groups review the evidence available for each topic, review and/or draft the guideline chapters and recommendations and/or good practice statements. Finally, strength of recommendation grades are assigned. The recommendations are rated based on their importance and their potential to improve individual patient outcomes using an international formal consensus process.


Major methodological advantages of the current revision are a clear distinction between evidence-based recommendations and good practice statements and strong consumer involvement.


The 2019 guideline update builds on the previous 2014 version to ensure consistency and comparability. Methodology changes will improve the guideline quality to increase clarity and to enhance implementation and compliance. The full guideline development protocol can be accessed from the guideline website (http://www.internationalguideline.com/).  相似文献   
Accessory pathways are typically located along the left or right atrioventricular junction. Distinct ventricular pre-excitation patterns determined by surface electrocardiography can provide reasonable pathway localization prior to invasive mapping and catheter ablation. We report an accessory pathway producing an unusual electrocardiographic appearance suggestive of ventricular outflow region pre-excitation. Pacing maneuvers and standard intracardiac recordings confirmed an atrial insertion immediately adjacent to the atrioventricular (AV) node and supported a ventricular insertion at the outflow tract region well away from the AV junction. The elimination of pathway conduction was achieved with radiofrequency (RF) energy at the atrial insertion after successful ice mapping excluded AV block at the target site. This is the second such pathway observed at our institution over a 20-year period.  相似文献   
To stimulate granulopoiesis, we gave recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF; 120 microgram/m2/d) to a patient with congenital neutropenia. The treatment resulted in marked increases in white blood cell counts (maximum, 17,400/microL), consisting mainly of eosinophils (maximum, 13,050/microL) and monocytes (maximum, 1305/microL), rather than neutrophils (maximum, 798/microL). Circulating phagocytes (97% eosinophils) derived after GM-CSF treatment were less effective in chemotaxis, slower but equally effective in phagocytosis, and more effective in H2O2 production compared with normal control neutrophils, but comparable in chemotaxis and H2O2 production to control eosinophils. Before GM-CSF treatment, the bone marrow showed a maturation defect in the neutrophilic series that persisted after treatment despite marked increases in mature cells of other lineages. In vitro agar culture of bone marrow cells before GM-CSF treatment showed a normal number of granulocyte colonies; however, maturation was limited to the metamyelocyte stage. Although the absolute number and cycling rates of myeloid colony forming cells (predominantly eosinophils) increased after treatment, the maturation defect in the neutrophilic series persisted. The finding that GM-CSF induced stimulation of proliferation, which was coupled with maturation in the eosinophilic and monocytic but not the neutrophilic components, suggests that this patient had an intrinsic cellular or humoral defect in neutrophil maturation.  相似文献   
Objective. To characterize postgraduation placement plans of 2013 doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) graduates.Methods. A cross-sectional survey of PharmD graduates from 8 midwestern colleges of pharmacy was designed to capture a comprehensive picture of graduating students’ experiences and outcomes of their job search.Results. At graduation, 81% of 2013 respondents had postgraduate plans, with approximately 40% accepting jobs and 40% accepting residencies or fellowships. Eighty-four percent of graduates reported being pleased with offers received, and 86% received placement in their preferred practice setting. Students perceived that securing residencies was more difficult than securing jobs. Students who participated in key activities had a nearly sevenfold increase in successful residency placement.Conclusion. While the demand for pharmacists decreased in recent years, responses indicated successful placement by the majority of 2013 graduates at the time of graduation.  相似文献   
Several methods such as the addition of a polar solvent, an acid as well as various post-treatments have been used to improve the thermoelectric performance of conductive poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) films. This paper reports a method using a superacid, trifluoromethanesulfonic acid, in methanol to treat PEDO:PSS films to improve their thermoelectric performance. Treatment of PEDOT:PSS films with this superacid in methanol leads to a significant increase in electrical conductivity from 0.7 to 2980 S cm−1 together with a moderate increase in Seebeck coefficient from 17.6 to 21.9 μV K−1, giving a power factor of 142 μW m−1 K−2, one of the highest values reported in the literature for conductive polymers. The figure of merit (ZT) value is estimated to be 0.19 under optimized conditions. The enhancement of thermoelectric performance, particularly the increase in both electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient, is due to the removal of the insulating component and polymer chain realignment giving in turn a denser packing of the conductive PEDOT polymer chains. This post-treatment method would offer an alternative way to improve the thermoelectric performance.

Treatment of PEDOT:PSS films with a superacid results in remarkable improvement of thermoelectric performance with a power factor of 142 μW m−1 K−2.  相似文献   
Heart Failure Reviews - Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) accounts for more than 1 million hospital admissions annually and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Decongestion with...  相似文献   
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