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Acute catatonic syndromes occurring in the context of various medical and neuropsychiatric conditions, including schizophrenia, have been shown to respond well to benzodiazepines (BZD). However, there have been no studies specifically designed to address the BZD treatment response of persistent catatonic states. Eighteen patients with clinically stable chronic schizophrenia, who also displayed enduring catatonic features, underwent a 12-week long, random assignment, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over trial with lorazepam (6 mg/day). A comprehensive assessment, including the subjects’ clinical and motor (catatonic as well as drug-induced movement disorders) condition, was performed at baseline and four weekly intervals thereafter. Pre-existing medication was kept constant throughout the study. Lorazepam had no effect on the subjects’catatonic signs and symptoms, suggesting that acute and chronic catatonic syndromes associated with schizophrenic illness might have a different neurobiological basis. Received: 25 May 1998/Final version: 22 September 1998  相似文献   
The results of experiments are evaluated in terms of a simple model for the interaction of eye movement responses to simultaneous optokinetic and vestibular stimuli. The model predictions agree with the results of these experiments and explain many clinical observations concerning the effect of vision on nystagmus. The model accounts for the dominance of the visual system's response over the vestibular system's response at low frequencies. It also accounts for the inability of patients with decreased smooth pursuit system response to suppress the vestibulo-ocular reflex during simultaneous optokinetic and vestibular stimulations. The model provides useful information for the design of combined optokinetic and vestibular stimuli for test vestibulo-ocular reflexes.  相似文献   
The "corridor" operation is designed to restore sinus rhythm to patients with atrial fibrillation by electrically isolating the sinus node, a band of atrial tissue and the atrioventricular (AV) node from the remaining atrial tissue. Nine patients with drug-refractory atrial fibrillation underwent this operation; four patients had chronic atrial fibrillation and five had paroxysmal atrial fibrillation; the mean duration of symptoms was 12 +/- 8 years. Patient ages ranged from 25 to 68 years (mean 48 +/- 12). At preoperative electrophysiologic study, no patient had evidence of an accessory AV pathway or AV node reentry. Sinus node recovery time could not be determined in five patients because of recurrent atrial fibrillation during or before programmed stimulation. At operation the corridor of atrial tissue connecting the sinus and AV nodes was successfully isolated from the remaining left and right atrial tissue in all patients. One patient required early reoperation for recurrent atrial fibrillation before hospital discharge. At the predischarge electrophysiologic study, the corridor remained isolated in all patients except for one patient who had intermittent conduction between the corridor and excluded right atrium. One patient had nonsustained atrial fibrillation and one had atrial tachycardia evident in the corridor. Atypical AV node reentry of uncertain significance was induced in one other patient. Over a total follow-up of 191 patient months (mean 21 +/- 20), seven patients remained free of atrial fibrillation. Two patients had recurrent atrial fibrillation, which in one patient was effectively controlled by a single antiarrhythmic agent. A permanent pacemaker was implanted in four patients for sinus node dysfunction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary The disposition of cisplatin was evaluated in 28 children and adolescents with cancer, as part of a phase II clinical trial. Patients received either 30 mg/m2 (11) or 90 mg/m2 (17) of cisplatin as a 6-h IV infusion. Serum samples and divided urine collections were obtained over 48 h following completion of the cisplatin infusion, and were assayed in duplicate for total platinum by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Serum samples obtained up to 4 h after three cisplatin infusions were assayed for parent (free) cisplatin following ultrafiltration. The mean (±SE) elimination half-life of free cisplatin in serum was 1.3 (±0.4) h. Serial serum concentrations of total platinum following 90 mg/m2 dosages were adequately described by a biexponential equation. The mean (±SE) serum T1/2 of total platinum was 0.42 (±0.10) h and the mean (±SE) T1/2 was 44.43 (±8.24) h. The intercompartment distribution rate constants of a two-compartment kinetic model indicate extensive tissue accumulation of total platinum, with a rate of transport into tissue compartments (K12) that is about six times the rate of transport out of tissues (K21). The mean (±SE) renal clearance of total platinum from 0–3 h was 37.36 (±11.96) ml/min/m2 and 35.8 (±13.6) ml/min/m2 for the 30 mg/m2 and 90 mg/m2 groups, respectively. This value decreased to 3.25 (±0.94) and 2.16 (±0.4) ml/min/m2 for the two groups by the 6–12 h interval, and remained between 1 and 3 ml/min/m2 for the duration of the observation period. The ratio of total plantinum clearance to creatinine clearance decreased significantly(P<0.05) beginning 3 h post-infusion. The change in renal clearance of total platinum is apparently a function of two independent first-order processes for renal clearance of parent drug and cisplatin metabolites.  相似文献   
Ependymomas were produced in 3 of 11 newborn hamsters inoculated intracerebrally with a human papovavirus (MMV) isolated from a malignant lymphoma of the brain of a child with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. One of the tumors was serially transplanted into weanling hamsters. Cells from the transplanted tumors and from cell cultures derived from these tumors contained an intranuclear "T" antigen that reacted with simian virus 40 T antibody.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Glomerular distention is associated with cellular mechanical strain. In addition, glomerular distention/contraction is assumed to influence the filtration rate through changes in filtration surface area. A contractile cytoskeleton in podocytes and mesangial cells, formed by F-actin-containing stress fibers, maintains structural integrity and modulates glomerular expansion. In this study, the glomerular cell distribution of F-actin and vimentin filaments was studied in normal control and nine-month streptozotocin-diabetic rats. Results in situ were compared with observations in tissue culture. METHODS: Microdissected rat glomeruli were perfused to obtain a physiological 25% glomerular expansion over the basal value. Fixation was done without change in glomerular volume. Dual fluorescent labeling of F-actin and vimentin was carried out, and samples were examined by confocal laser scanning microscopy. RESULTS: The podocyte cell bodies and their cytoplasmic projections, including the foot processes, contained bundles of vimentin-containing fibers. Except for a thin layer at the base of foot processes, they did not demonstrate F-actin. While mesangial cells in culture had F-actin as long stress fibers resembling tense cables, mesangial cells stretched in situ contained a maze of short tortuous F-actin fibers organized in bundles that often encircled vascular spaces. This fibrillar organization was disrupted in diabetic glomeruli. CONCLUSION: Mesangial cells, but not podocytes, contain a cytoskeleton capable of contraction that is disorganized in long-term diabetes. Together with previous observations, the distribution of this cytoskeleton suggests that mesangial cell contraction may be involved in the redistribution of glomerular capillary blood flow, but not substantially in the modulation of glomerular distention. Disorganization of stress fibers may be a cause of hyperfiltration in diabetes.  相似文献   
Recent studies demonstrate that cellular, molecular and morphological changes induced by stress in rats are accelerated when there is a pre-existing strain upon their already compromised adaptive responses to internal or external stimuli, such as may occur with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. The deleterious actions of diabetes and stress may increase oxidative stress in the brain, leading to increases in neuronal vulnerability. In an attempt to determine if stress, diabetes or stress+diabetes increases oxidative stress in the hippocampus, radioimmunocytochemistry was performed using polyclonal antisera that recognize proteins conjugated by the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE). Radioimmunocytochemistry revealed that HNE protein conjugation is increased in all subregions of the hippocampus of streptozotocin (STZ) diabetic rats, rats subjected to restraint stress and STZ diabetic rats subjected to stress. Such increases were not significant in the cortex. Because increases in oxidative stress may contribute to stress- and diabetes-mediated decreases in hippocampal neuronal glucose utilization, we examined the stress/diabetes mediated HNE protein conjugation of the neuron specific glucose transporter, GLUT3. GLUT3 immunoprecipitated from hippocampal membranes of diabetic rats subjected to stress exhibited significant increases in HNE immunolabeling compared to control rats, suggesting that HNE protein conjugation of GLUT3 contributes to decreases in neuronal glucose utilization observed during diabetes and exposure to stress. Collectively, these results demonstrate that the hippocampus is vulnerable to increases in oxidative stress produced by diabetes and stress. In addition, increases in HNE protein conjugation of GLUT3 provide a potential mechanism for stress- and diabetes-mediated decreases in hippocampal neuronal glucose utilization.  相似文献   
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