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许家璋  闫军凯 《江苏医药》1995,21(12):787-789
HCVRNA阳性的丙型肝炎46例,均经临床和/或组织学确诊。治疗组24例用IFNa-nl或a-2b3×106IU,隔日一次;对照组22例用一般护肝药物。HCVRNA12周转阴率治疗组为83.3%,对照组为9.0%(P<0.001)。ALT和AST复常率治疗组也优于对照组(P<0.05)。随访观察满48周者治疗组15例中HCVRNA持续转阴11例(73.3%).对照组5例均持续阳性。治疗组中5例做了Ⅰ~Ⅲ型HCV基因分型,结果均为Ⅱ型。同时对急、慢性丙型肝炎的发病过程和病理诊断作了讨论。  相似文献   
W M Xu 《中华肿瘤杂志》1992,14(2):116-118
This report is to demonstrate the antigen-dependent activity of human lung cancer transfer factor (Sp-TF). Sp-TFM was prepared from spleen of mice immunized with the human lung cancer cell line A549. [3H]-leu leukocyte adherence inhibition assay ([3H]-leu-LAI) was modified to identify activity of Sp-TFM. Leukocytes obtained from non-immunized mice were divided into eight groups as follows: 1. Control without TF or antigen; 2. Sp-TFM and antigen of cell line A549 (A549 Ag); 3. Sp-TFM alone; 4. Sp-TFM and ascitic tumor cell H22 antigen of mice (H22Ag); 5. Sp-TFM and antigen of human gastric cancer cell (HGCCAg); 6. Sp-TFM and antigen of human normal lung tissue (NLTAg); 7. Nor special TF of mice (N-TFM) and A549Ag; 8. A549Ag alone. When normal leukocytes were incubated with Sp-TFM and A549 antigen, the leukocytes adherence inhibition index (LAII) was significantly higher than those of the other groups. The different LAII of Sp-TFM to A549Ag and other experimental groups were highly significant (P less than 0.001). The results demonstrated that Sp-TFM could transfer specific cell mediated immunity to non-immune leukocytes. The TF prepared from spleen of goat immunized with antigen from lung cancer of patients (Sp-TFG) showed antigen specific activity as well as Sp-TFM.  相似文献   
人脑胶质瘤逃避免疫监视机制的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究胶质瘤逃避免疫监视的机制,检测了胶质瘤体外细胞系培养上清(SN)抗PHA-P刺激正常人及胶质瘤患者外周血淋巴细胞增殖的作用。证实了胶质瘤可自分泌免疫抑制因子。经抗TGFβ2单抗中和SN试验,TGFβ2免疫组化染色及Northern杂交进一步表明该因子主要成分为TGFβ2并对胶质瘤患者血浆皮质醇,生长激素及儿茶酚胺含量及细胞免疫功能进行检测,发现血浆去甲肾上腺素显著降低,其水平与CD8亚群%呈负相关,与CD4/CD8比值及淋巴细胞增殖率呈正相关。初步提示存在胶质瘤的情况下,神经-免疫调控紊乱,可能起着抑制性调节作用。  相似文献   
Little is known about the quality of pharmacy services provided to the rural elderly population. This exploratory study examines rural/urban and ethnic differences in perceived access to ancillary pharmacy services among elderly people. Two telephone surveys were conducted using directory listings in West Texas to generate a longitudinal sample. Persons aged 65 years and older who were not cognitively impaired were asked to complete the survey. The number of participants in both rounds of the survey was 3,689. Seven ancillary pharmacy services were examined: delivery of medications, medication counseling, written medication information, blood pressure monitoring, blood glucose monitoring, osteoporosis screening, and immunization. The sample was stratified by county of residence (urban, rural, or frontier) and racial/ethnic background. Chi-square tests were performed to detect rural/urban and racial/ethnic differences in access to the seven ancillary services. The association between proficiency in English and access to the services was also examined. Rural residents were more likely than urban residents to report that their pharmacies provide delivery of medications, medication counseling, and immunization services, but they were less likely than their urban counterparts to report that their pharmacies provide blood pressure monitoring. Access to ancillary pharmacy services was reported as poorer by older Hispanic people compared with non-Hispanics. Deficiency in English was significantly related to inequality in reported access to ancillary pharmacy services. It is essential to consider the special needs of rural and Hispanic elderly people to ensure equitable access to ancillary pharmacy services.  相似文献   
Smooth muscle relaxant effect of dehydroindicolactone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dehydroindicolactone, a novel linear furanocoumarin with an 8-substituted side chain carrying a 5-member ring lactone, showed spasmolytic activity in a number of smooth muscle preparations. The spasmolytic activity seems to lie in its ability to block the dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channel.  相似文献   
Roentgeno-pathological investigation of skeletal fluorosis in rabbits   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
癌症为深危重疾,对于绝大部分癌症患者,临床普遍采用手术、中医、化疗、放疗、生物等综合方法进行治疗。由于癌症的种类、所处阶段、先前采用的治疗方法以及病人体质等等的不同,求诊时病人的证  相似文献   
A new DRB1 allele, DRB1*0902, has been identified in an individual of the Jing ethnic minority. Its sequence was confirmed by sequencing of PCR products and clones. This allele differed by three nucleotides from DRB1*09012 at positions 157, 161 and 166, and resulted in amino acid motif substitution from VAES to DAEY.  相似文献   
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