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This review is intended to provide a balanced view of the role of surgical burn wound excision and closure within the larger context of the total care and rehabilitation of patients with burn injury. The historical background leading to present practice is outlined. The salient technical and logistical problems associated with the performance of wound excision are discussed, with emphasis on the necessity for expeditiously completing these procedures which are associated with major blood loss. A realistic analysis of the results of excisional therapy in patients with burns of varying severity is presented. Benefits attributable to the surgical phase of therapy become progressively more difficult to identify as the size of deep burns increases beyond 20% of total body surface area.
Resumen La presente revisión propone proveer una visión equilibrada del papel de la resección tangencial quirúrgica de la quemadura y su cierre en el contexto más amplio del cuidado total y la rehabilitación de pacientes con lesiones térmicas. Se hace un recuento de los antecedentes históricos y se discuten los más prominentes problemas técnicos y logísticos relacionados con la resección tangencial de la quemadura con énfasis en la necesidad de implementar en forma expedita estos procedimientos, los cuales se asocian con pérdidas mayores de sangre. Se presenta el análisis realista de los resultados de la resección tangencial en pacientes con quemaduras de gravedad variable. Los beneficios atribuibles a la fase quirúrgica de la terapia se hacen progresivamente más difíciles de identificar en cuanto la extensión y profundidad sobrepasan el 20% de la superficie corporal.

Résumé Cette article fait le point sur les avantages et inconvénients respectifs de l'excision et la suture dans le cadre du traitement et la rééducation des grands brûlés. L'historique de cette technique est résumée. Les principaux problèmes de technique et de logistique de l'excision des brûlures sont discutés, en soulignant la nécessité d'assurer un geste rapide enfin de réduire les pertes sanguines. Une analyse réaliste des résultats de la technique excisionnelle des brûlures de sévérité variable est présentée. Les bénéfices directement en rapport avec la chirurgie deviennent plus difficiles à apprécier lorsque la surface brûlée dépasse 20 % de la surface corporéelle.
The expression of sodium channel α-subunit isoforms in astrocytes in adult rat spinal cord and optic nerve was examined utilizing immunocytochemical methods with antibodies generated against conserved and subtype-specific sequences of the sodium channel. In adult rat spinal cord, astrocytes within the dorsal and ventral funiculi were immunolabelled with antibody SP20, which recognizes a conserved sequence within sodium channel types I, II, and III. In addition, astrocytes within these spinal cord white matter tracts were immunostained with antibody SP11-II, which recognizes sodium channel type II. Antibodies SP11-I and SP32-III, which are directed against subtype-specific sequences in sodium channel types I and III, respectively, did not label astrocytes in the dorsal and ventral funiculi of the spinal cord. In optic nerves, astrocytes were immunostained with antibody SP20. However, no detectable labelling of cells within the optic nerve was observed with antibodies SP11-I, SP11-II, and SP32-III. These observations demonstrate that sodium channel II is expressed by astrocytes in spinal cord white matter. Moreover, these data suggest that regional factors regulate the level of sodium channel isoform expression in astrocytes.  相似文献   
This report of the North American Pediatric Transplant Cooperative Study summarizes data contributed by 57 participating centers on 754 children with 761 transplants from 1 January 1989 to 16 February 1989. Data collection was initiated in October 1987 and follow-up of all patients is ongoing. Transplant frequency increased with age; 24% of the patients were less than 5 years, with 7% being under 2 years. Common frequent diagnoses were: aplastic/dysplastic kidneys (18%), obstructive uropathy (16%), and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (12%). Preemptive transplant, i.e., transplantation without prior maintenance dialysis, was performed in 21% of the patients. Dialytic modalities pretransplant were peritoneal dialysis in 42% and hemodialysis in 25%. Bilateral nephrectomy was reported in 29%. Live-donor sources accounted for 42% of the transplants. Among cadaveric donors, 41% of the donors were under 11 years old. During the first post-transplant month, maintenance therapy was used similarly for live-donor and cadaver source transplants, with prednisone, cyclosporine, and azathioprine used in 93%, 83%, and 81%, respectively. Triple therapy with prednisone, cyclosporine, and azathioprine was used in 78%, 75%, and 75% of functioning cadaver source transplants at 6 months, 12 months, and 18 months as opposed to 60%, 63%, and 54% for live-donor procedures, with single-drug therapy being uncommon. Rehospitalization during months 1–5 occurred in 62% of the patients, with treatment of rejection and infection being the main causes. Additionally, 9% were hospitalized for hypertension. During months 6–12 and 12–17, 30% and 28% of the patients with functioning grafts were rehospitalized. Times to first rejection differed significantly for cadaver and live-donor transplants. The median time to the first rejection was 36 days for cadaver transplants and 156 days for live-donor transplants. Overall, 57% of treated rejections were completely reversible although the complete reversal rate decreased to 37% for four or more rejections. One hundred and fifty-two graft failures had occurred at the time of writing, with a 1-year graft survival estimate of 0.88 for live-donor and 0.71 for cadaver source transplants. In addition to donor source, recipient age is a significant prognostic factor for graft survival. Among cadaver donors, decreasing donor age is associated with a decreasing probability of graft survival. Thirty-five deaths have occurred; 16 attributed to infection and 19 to other causes. The current 1-year survival estimate is 0.94. There have been 9 malignancies.A list of all participating centers and the names of the investigators is printed on pages 552–553  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Primary care requests for radiographs of the lumbar spine have come under increasing scrutiny. Guidelines aiming to reduce unnecessary radiographs by limiting referrals to patients at high risk of serious disease have been widely distributed. Trial evidence suggests that guidelines can reduce radiography referrals. It is not clear whether this reduction has been achieved in routine practice. AIM: This study, using routine data, was conducted to measure trends in pnmary care referrals for lumbar spine radiography at two hospitals between 1994 and 1999. DESIGN OF STUDY: Analysis of primary care requests for lumbar spine radiography from computerised records. SETTING: Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge (1 July 1994 to 30 June 1999), and Ipswich General Hospital (1 July 1995 to 30 June 1999), United Kingdom. METHOD: All primary care requests for lumbar radiography were identified electronically from computerised information systems. A random sample of 2100 radiography reports were classified according to clinical importance. These classifications were used to examine whether the proportion of radiographs demonstrating potentially more serious findings had increased between 1994 and 1999. RESULTS: There was no evidence that primary care referrals for radiography of the lumbar spine had decreased between 1994 and 1999 at either hospital. General practitioners did not progressively refer more high-risk patients for lumbar radiography. Only a small proportion of patients had important radiographic findings that might warrant specialist referral or specific therapy. CONCLUSION: The implementation of diagnostic guidelines offers much to the NHS. However in these two hospitals, the reduction in radiograph utilisation evident in trials was not achieved. Guideline development is a resource intensive process; distribution must be supported by more effective implementation strategies.  相似文献   
The pathophysiological changes in neural activity that characterize multiple system atrophy (MSA) are largely unknown. We recorded the activity of pallidal neurons in 3 patients with clinical and radiological features of MSA who underwent unilateral microelectrode-guided pallidotomy for disabling parkinsonism. Findings in these patients were compared with 4 control patients with a clinical diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (PD). The position, firing rates, and firing patterns of single neurons in the pallidal complex were analyzed in both MSA and PD patients. The mean spontaneous firing rate of neurons in the internal segment of the globus pallidus internus (GPii) was significantly lower in MSA than in PD patients. There were no significant differences between MSA and PD patients, however, in firing rates of neurons in the external globus pallidus (GPe) or in the external segment of GPi (GPie). In addition, no significant differences in firing pattern were found between MSA and PD patients. In conclusion, this study has shown that firing rates of neurons in GPii but not in GPie and GPe are different in MSA patients compared with that in PD patients, a finding that may reflect the poor clinical results of pallidotomy reported in patients with MSA.  相似文献   
The exact opioid-sensitive receptors participating in EtOH-seeking behaviors remains unclear. Previous studies have reported higher densities of micro-opioid receptor binding in the nucleus accumbens (NACC) of P relative to NP rats; however, no differences were seen in delta-receptor binding. In contrast to the NACC, substantially lower levels of micro-receptor binding have been observed in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of both P and NP rats, albeit no line differences have been observed. In the present study, opioid receptors in the NACC, VTA, and hippocampus were evaluated for their capacity to regulate both EtOH- and saccharin-motivated behaviors in the genetically selected alcohol-preferring (P) rat. To accomplish this, nalmefene, an opiate antagonist with preferential binding affinity for the micro-opioid receptor was unilaterally or bilaterally infused during concurrent availability of 1 h daily EtOH (10% v/v) and saccharin (0.025 or 0.050% w/v) solutions. Rats performed under a two-lever fixed ratio (FR) schedule in which four responses on one lever produced the EtOH solution, and four on a second lever produced the saccharin solution. The results demonstrated that when responding maintained by both EtOH and saccharin are matched at basal levels, unilateral (1-60 microg) or bilateral (0.5-10 microg) microinjections of nalmefene into the NACC produced selective dose-dependent reductions on responding maintained by EtOH. Unilateral (40, 60 microg) and bilateral (10 microg) VTA infusions were also observed to selectively reduced EtOH responding; however, greater nalmefene doses were required and the magnitude of suppression on EtOH responding was markedly less compared with the NACC. The greater sensitivity of nalmefene to suppress EtOH responding in the NACC is likely due to the greater number of opioid receptors in the NACC relative to the VTA. Only bilateral infusion of the 40 microg dose in the NACC and VTA suppressed responding maintained by both EtOH and saccharin. In contrast, intrahippocampal infusions dose dependently suppressed EtOH- and saccharin-maintained responding over a range of doses (1-20 microg). The present study provides evidence that nalmefene suppresses EtOH-motivated behaviors via blockade of opioid receptors within the NACC and VTA, and under various dose conditions both reinforcer and neuroanatomical specificity can be observed.  相似文献   
We have developed a simulation tool within the NEURON simulator to assist in organization, verification, and analysis of simulations. This tool, denominated Neural Query System (NQS), provides a relational database system, a query function based on the SELECT function of Structured Query Language, and data-mining tools. We show how NQS can be used to organize, manage, verify, and visualize parameters for both single cell and network simulations. We demonstrate an additional use of NQS to organize simulation output and relate outputs to parameters in a network model. The NQS software package is available at http://senselab. med.yale.edu/senselab/SimToolDB. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A11U5014 00003  相似文献   
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