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The Viral Activation Transfusion Study (VATS): rationale, objectives, and design overview 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Engraftment of bone marrow cells into normal unprepared hosts: effects of 5-fluorouracil and cell cycle status 总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2
Bone marrow from animals treated with 5-fluorouracil (5FU) competes equally with normal marrow when assessed in vivo in an irradiated mouse, but shows markedly defective engraftment when transplanted into noncytoablated hosts. Using Southern Blot analysis and a Y-chromosome specific probe, we determined the level of engraftment of male donor cells in the bone marrow, spleen, and thymus of unprepared female hosts. We have confirmed the defective engraftment of marrow harvested 6 days after 5FU (FU-6) and transplanted into unprepared hosts and shown that this defect is transient; by 35 days after 5FU (FU-35), engraftment has returned to levels seen with normal marrow. FU-6 marrow represents an actively cycling population of stem cells, and we hypothesize that the cycle status of the stem cell may relate to its capacity to engraft in the nonirradiated host. Accordingly, we have evaluated the cycle status of engrafting normal and FU-6 marrow into normal hosts using an in vivo hydroxyurea technique. We have shown that those cells engrafting from normal marrow and over 70% of the cells engrafting from FU-6 marrow were quiescent, demonstrating no killing with hydroxyurea. We have also used fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis with a Y-chromosome probe and demonstrated that normal and post-5FU engraftment patterns in peripheral blood were similar to those seen in bone marrow, spleen, and thymus. Altogether these data indicate that cells engrafting in normal, unprepared hosts are dormant, and the defect that occurs after 5FU is concomitant with the induction of these cells to transit the cell cycle. 相似文献
We report the successful long-term engraftment of normal male donor bone marrow (BM) transfused into noncytoablated female mice, challenging the assumption that "niches" need to be created for marrow to engraft. We have used chromosomal banding and Southern blot analysis to identify transplanted male marrow cells, and shown the long-term stability of the chimeric marrows. Balb/C, BDF1, or CBA-J female hosts (no irradiation) received for 5 consecutive days 40 x 10(6) male cells (per day) of the same strain, and repopulation patterns were observed. Parallel studies were performed using tibia/femur equivalents of normal marrow or marrow from Balb/C mice pretreated 6 days previously with 150 mg/kg 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). Chromosome banding techniques showed that 5% to 46% of marrow cells were male 3 to 9 months posttransplant with normal donor marrow. Southern blot analysis, using the pY2 probe, showed continued engraftment at 21 to 25 months posttransplant, ranging from 15% to 42% male engrafted cells in marrow. Normal donor male marrow engrafted significantly better than 5-FU-pretreated male marrow as shown 1 to 12 months posttransplant in non-cytoablated female recipients. Percentages of male engrafted cells in BM ranged from 23% to 78% for recipients of normal donor marrow and from 0.1% to 39% for recipients of 5-FU marrow. Mean engraftment for 6 mice receiving normal marrow was 38%, whereas that for 6 mice receiving post-5-FU marrow was 8%, as assayed 1 to 3 months posttransplant. At 10 to 12 months, mean engraftment for the normal donor group was 46%, compared with 16% for the 5-FU group. The patterns of engraftment with normal and 5-FU marrow were similar for spleen and thymus. These results show that long-term chimerism can be established after transplantation of normal donor marrow to normal nonirradiated host mice and indicate that marrow spaces do not have to be created for successful engraftment. They suggest that transplanted marrow competes equally with host marrow for marrow space. Finally, these data show that post-5-FU Balb/C male marrow is markedly inferior in the repopulation of Balb/C female host marrow, spleen, and thymus, and suggest that this population of cells may not be the ideal population for gene transfer studies. 相似文献
Impact of education for physicians on patient outcomes 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
NM Clark M Gong MA Schork D Evans D Roloff M Hurwitz L Maiman RB Mellins 《Pediatrics》1998,101(5):831-836
新生儿复苏培训项目十年回顾 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
每年约2000万新生儿出生的中国,鼓励一对夫妻只生一个孩子,随着国民经济迅速发展,生活水平不断提高,每一个新生儿的健康都受到家庭及社会的高度关注。1991年中国要儿死亡率为50.2‰,1998年降至33.3‰,地区性差别很大,贫困地区最高可达56‰,一些条件较好的城市低至7.5‰。围产医学界公认围产窒息为要儿患病及死亡的首要原因,如合并早产、严重肺、脑疾病等后果更为严重。 相似文献
Macrophage microbicidal activity. Correlation between phagocytosis-associated oxidative metabolism and the killing of candida by macrophages 总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29

The mechanisms by which macrophages kill ingested microorganisms were explored using Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis. The results indicate that efficient macrophage candidacidal activity depends upon the generation of oxygen metabolites by the phagocytic cell: (a) peritoneal macrophages from mice infected with bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) or injected intraperitoneally with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) released more superoxide anion (0(2)(-)) during phagocytosis of candida and killed candida better than did resident macrophages; (b) cells of the macrophage-like line J774.1, which released negligible amounts of O(2)(-), could ingest the candida normally but not kill them; (c) killing of candida by resident, LPS- elicited, and BCG-activated macrophages was inhibited by agents that scavenge O(2)(-), hydrogen peroxide (H(2)0(2)), hydroxyl radical (x OH), and singlet oxygen; and (d) all three macrophage types killed C. parapsilosis more effectively than C. albicans, and (7. parapsilosis stimulated a more prompt and vigorous burst of macrophage oxygen consumption and 0(2)(-) release than did C. albicans. Macrophages ingested C. parapsilosis slightly more quickly than C. albicans, but phagocytosis of both strains was equivalent by 60 min of incubation. Although C. albicans contained higher concentrations of the oxygen-metabolite scavengers superoxide dismutase and catalase, neither fungal species scavenged 0(2)(-) or H(2)0(2) effectively; and C. albicans was killed more easily than C. parapsilosis by a xanthine oxidase system that generates primarily H(2)O(2) at pH 7, or 0(2)(-) and x OH at pH 10. Thus, the decreased killing of C. albicans appears to result primarily from the capability of this species to elicit less vigorous stimulation of macrophage oxidative metabolism. This capability may have general relevance to the pathogenicity of microorganisms. 相似文献
We have found that the addition of 10 mM inorganic phosphate to DHA in CPD-adenine maintains ATP levels at normal or higher than normal values for six weeks of storage. 2,3-DPG values are slightly lowered by the extra phosphate, but are still maintained at approximately half normal for four weeks by the DHA. The addition of a higher phosphate concentration, 20 mM, to DHA produced lower levels of ATP and 2,3-DPG than those observed with 10 mM phosphate, although both levels were better than in the CPD-adenine control. pH values in this experiment were lowest in the three preservatives containing DHA, probably indicating increased lactate production due to metabolism of this triose sugar, in addition to dextrose present in CPD. 相似文献