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Background: Only limited data exist comparing differences in sensory function and responses to neural blockade in infant and adult rats. Therefore, the authors sought (1) to compare baseline thermal, proprioceptive, and postural responses in infant, adolescent, and adult rats; and (2) to compare the effects of sciatic nerve blockade on thermal, proprioceptive, and postural responses in infant, adolescent, and adult rats.

Methods: Infant, adolescent, and adult rats were evaluated for proprioceptive, thermal, and mechanical nociceptive and motor function before and after sciatic blockade using a detailed neurologic examination.

Results: Mechanical and thermal nociception were present in all rats, starting from age 1 day. The withdrawal reflex latency to pinch was rapid at all ages, whereas that reaction to thermal stimulus depended on both age and temperature. In contrast, the tactile placing response and hopping response were absent at birth and developed completely during the first 10 days of life. The extensor postural thrust was absent in the first 2 weeks of life and developed variably during the first 50 days of life. Sciatic blockade duration is shorter in infant rats than in adult rats receiving the same dose per kilogram. A brief halothane general anesthetic at the time of sciatic injection in infant or adult rats does not alter the duration of blockade.  相似文献   

Penetration of Schistosoma japonicum cercaria into host skin.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The anterior part of Schistosoma japonicum cercaria is a specialized head organ which can slightly stretch out and retract. There are three different types of large unicellular glands in cercarial body, consisting of one head gland, 2 pairs of pre- and 3 pairs of postacetabular glands. These glands differ in position, gross feature, histochemistry and functions. Both polysaccharase and protease activities are demonstrated in the secretions from these glands. Mode of cercarial penetration is described in detail and the penetration is effected by a combination of lytic secretions and mechanical movements. The schematic representation of the process of cercarial penetration is presented. The dynamic distributions of schistosomula in skin at different time intervals after skin penetration in various mammalian hosts are shown. Some newly transformed schistosomula die while penetrating into the skin of 7 mammalian species and the mortality rate varies with the host species, and that can also be affected by the age of cercariae following emergence from the snail. Some physiological aspects between cercariae and newly transformed schistosomula are compared. In contrast to cercariae, schistosomula are saline-adapted and water-intolerant. They were modified histochemically and antigenically.
临床输液监控系统的设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文针对临床输液过程中出现的漏、停、输液速度改变等各种问题,讨论了一由单台微机和多个单片机通讯实现的多床输液自动监控、自动反应、自动报答系统的可行性,并给出了主要部分的硬件、软件设计方法。  相似文献   
We have adapted the simple and sensitive McAb-antigen spot test (AST) for evaluating the efficacy of anti-Leishmania chemotherapy. Serum samples from 37 kala-azar patients were tested by McAb-AST, and all showed definite positive reactions before treatment. After a course of antimony treatment, 20 turned negative, coupled with the disappearance of clinical symptoms; another 12 cases responded with weak positivity accompanied by an improvement of clinical manifestations; and the remaining 5 antimony-resistant patients showed strong positive reactions, with their conditions gradually worsening. Furthermore, all 6 cases in which the diagnosis was missed by the bone marrow smear method turned McAb-AST negative after chemotherapy. These results suggest that McAb-AST can be used to evaluate the efficacy of chemotherapy as well as to avoid missed diagnosis by the bone marrow smear method.  相似文献   
脊柱侧弯是青少年的多发病,发病率约1%,不但影响美观,也给患者心理健康造成危害,而且严重影响患者的心肺功能,甚至导致截瘫,目前最好的治疗方法是早期手术.  相似文献   
Effects of stimulation of brainstem sites on hemodynamics and plasma catecholamine levels were assessed in cats under chloralose-urethane anesthesia. Pressor areas of the dorsal medulla (DM) and ventrolateral medulla (VLM) and the depressor area of the paramedian reticular nucleus (PRN) were stimulated electrically using a monopolar electrode, or chemically using sodium glutamate microinjection. Plasma levels of norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (EPI) were measured in caval blood above the adrenal veins. Electrical stimulation of the DM and VLM produced increases in blood pressure and in plasma NE and EPI levels that were enhanced after acute vagotomies. The NE and EPI responses were attenuated after acute, bilateral adrenalectomies, confirming augmented adrenomedullary secretion, whereas the pressor responses were intact. Injection of sodium glutamate into the same pressor regions of the DM or VLM also produced pressor responses and elevated plasma catecholamine levels, indicating that the responses resulted from activation of neuronal perikarya. Stimulation of the PRN attenuated pressor and catecholamine responses during stimulation of the DM and VLM. The results indicate that pressor responses during stimulation of the DM and VLM are due at least partly to activation of perikarya in these regions, are associated with but not dependent on adrenomedullary activation, and are enhanced after vagotomy; and that neurons of the PRN exert inhibitory modulation of the pressor and adrenomedullary responses during stimulation of VLM and DM.  相似文献   
M Ma  H Hu  F Kutlar  J B Wilson  T H Huisman 《Hemoglobin》1987,11(5):473-479
A slow-moving gamma chain variant was discovered in the cord blood of an infant born to parents of the Han nationality from Jiangsu. The variant, which migrated electrophoretically at alkaline pH between Hb A and Hb D, was characterized by an Asp----His substitution at gamma 73, while residues gamma 75 and gamma 136 were occupied by Ile and Ala, respectively. As the A gamma T-chain was also present, this baby has two types of abnormal gamma-chain. The variant was named Hb F-Xin-Su.  相似文献   
Chronic lead exposure may cause hypertension in normotensive rats. This hypertensinogenic effect has been attributed to perturbations in the renin-angiotensin axis, the contractile response of the vascular smooth muscle, or the intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis as a consequence of the inhibition of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity. In this study we examined the short-term effect of lead exposure on blood pressure, plasma renin activity, vascular contractility, and renal Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity and abundance in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Our data indicate that modest lead exposure caused blood pressure elevation within two weeks in this rat strain that is genetically susceptible to the development of hypertension. This rapid blood pressure-elevating effect did not appear to depend on the mechanisms described in hypertension associated with more chronic lead exposure listed above. This acute model provides an additional approach to the study of lead-induced hypertension.  相似文献   
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