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Clinical instructors in health care disciplines are charged with engaging students in experiential learning wherein respect and cultural sensitivity is applied. This article reports on the results of 3 diversity workshops conducted for clinical preceptors and field instructors from various disciplines. The workshops were developed in response to students’ growing concerns that their academic learning experiences were negatively affected by dissatisfying management of differences between students, faculty, and preceptors with respect to ethno‐racial group membership, socioeconomic level, and degree of privilege and power. The workshops included a didactic session that presented basic principles of social and health equity followed by small‐group reflection about various ethical and moral dilemmas that were presented in clinical education scenarios. Examples of discrimination on a variety of levels were addressed in these workshops, including race, ethnicity, immigration status, sexual orientation, religion, body size and appearance, ability, age, socioeconomic class, religious faith, and gender. The group exercises and discussion from these sessions provided valuable insight and approaches to difficult but common areas of discomfiture encountered in the clinical teaching setting. This article presents the findings from participants of these diversity workshops in order to encourage the application of equity principles into clinical teaching in midwifery and other health care education contexts.  相似文献   
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is an inherited myocardial disease that predominantly affects the right ventricle and is associated with ventricular arrhythmias that may lead to sudden cardiac death. Mutations within at least seven separate genes have been identified to cause ARVC, however a genetic culprit remains elusive in approximately 50% of cases. Although negative genetic testing may be secondary to pathogenic mutations within undiscovered genes, an alternative explanation may be the presence of large deletions or duplications involving known genes. These large copy number variants may not be detected with standard clinical genetic testing which is presently limited to direct DNA sequencing. We describe two cases of ARVC possessing large deletions involving plakophilin‐2 (PKP2) identified with microarray analysis and/or multiplex ligation‐dependent probe amplification (MLPA) that would have been classified as genotype negative with standard clinical genetic testing. A deletion of the entire coding region of PKP2 excluding exon 1 was identified in patient 1 and his son. In patient 2, MLPA analysis of PKP2 revealed deletion of the entire gene with subsequent microarray analysis demonstrating a de novo 7.9 Mb deletion of chromosome 12p12.1p11.1. These findings support screening for large copy number variants in clinically suspected ARVC cases without clear disease causing mutations following initial sequencing analysis.  相似文献   
Chronic rejection accounts for most renal allograft losses after the first year posttransplantation. On March 24 and 25, 1997, a roundtable of five transplant surgeons, two nephrologists, and one pathologist assembled in Dallas, Texas, to review critical issues surrounding chronic renal allograft rejection. This article summarizes the presentations and relevant discussions of this meeting regarding the cause of chronic rejection, clinical diagnoses, risk factors, future prospects for intervention strategies, and general recommendations for the transplant community. Growing evidence indicates that chronic rejection is the aggregate sum of irreversible immunologic and nonimmunologic injuries to the renal graft over time. A history of acute rejection episodes and inadequate immunosuppression, likely attributable to inconsistent cyclosporine exposure or poor patient compliance, are among the most recognizable immunologic risk factors for chronic rejection. Donor organ quality, delayed graft function, and other donor and recipient variables leading to reduced nephron mass are nonimmunologic factors that contribute to the progressive deterioration of renal graft function. Clinical management of renal transplant recipients should incorporate both immunologic- and nonimmunologic-based intervention strategies aimed at minimizing risk factors to thwart the progression of chronic rejection and improve long-term allograft and patient survival.  相似文献   
Low serum albumin and low serum cholesterol levels are among the most consistent predictors of mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) undergoing hemodialysis. Hypoalbuminemia is often interpreted as a marker of poor nutrition, but serum albumin and cholesterol levels can also be low as part of a cytokine-mediated acute-phase reaction to acute or chronic inflammation. Here we report the results from a 900-day prospective study designed to determine whether tumor necrosis factor-alfa (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) predict serum albumin and cholesterol levels and mortality in a group of 90 ambulatory, adult hemodialysis patients with no acute infection, hospitalization or surgery, and no known acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), malignancy, or liver disease. Measurable levels of TNF-alpha and/or IL-6 were found in 89 of 90 patients. Significant relationships were found between TNF-alpha and IL-6 and the degree of hypoalbuminemia and dyslipoproteinemia. IL-6 was the strongest predictor of mortality in univariate and multivariate analysis, followed by age, albumin level, and body mass index (BMI). Although the cause of hypercytokinemia was not addressed in this study, the data support the view that hypoalbuminemia and hypocholesterolemia are negative acute-phase responses to inflammatory stimuli. These results suggest that efforts to identify the nature of the stimuli for cytokine production and to lower cytokine levels in hemodialysis patients might be effective in improving the survival of patients undergoing hemodialysis.  相似文献   
Hapel  AJ; Fung  MC; Johnson  RM; Young  IG; Johnson  G; Metcalf  D 《Blood》1985,65(6):1453-1459
Confluent cultures of endothelial cells from human umbilical cord were used to study the effect of activated human protein C (APC) on the production of plasminogen activators, plasminogen activator-inhibitor, and factor VIII-related antigen. Addition of APC to the cells in a serum-free medium did not affect the production of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) or factor VIII-related antigen; under all measured conditions, no urokinase activity was found. However, less plasminogen activator-inhibitor activity accumulated in the conditioned medium in the presence of APC. This decrease was dose dependent and could be prevented by specific anti-protein C antibodies. No decrease was observed with the zymogen protein C or with diisopropylfluorophosphate-inactivated APC. APC also decreased the t-PA inhibitor activity in endothelial cell-conditioned medium in the absence of cells, which suggests that the effect of APC is at least partly due to a direct effect of APC on the plasminogen activator- inhibitor. High concentrations of thrombin-but not of factor Xa or IXa-- had a similar effect on the t-PA inhibitor activity. The effect of APC on the plasminogen activator-inhibitor provides a new mechanism by which APC may enhance fibrinolysis. The data suggest that activation of the coagulation system may lead to a secondary increase of the fibrinolytic activity by changing the balance between plasminogen activator(s) and its (their) fast-acting inhibitor.  相似文献   
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