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MSUD is an autosomal recessive condition characterized by a deficiency in the enzyme, BCKDH, which catalyzes the breakdown of BCAAs. If left untreated, MSUD can result in mental retardation, central nervous system disorders, and even death. Most patients with MSUD are treated with a restricted protein diet and milk from which BCAAs have been removed. LT has been shown effective in patients with MSUD. This report describes the case of a 15‐month‐old boy who received a liver graft from his mother. Transplantation was successful, and the patient was then able to ingest a normal diet. Despite episodes of acute rejection, chylous ascites, and high fever (40 °C), he has shown no evidence of MSUD recurrence. These findings indicate that patients with MSUD can be successfully treated by LDLT, even when the donor is a heterozygous carrier of a mutated BCKDH gene.  相似文献   
Retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells play critical roles in the maintenance of visual function, partly by secreting various biologically active factors that modulate the intraocular environment. Recent studies suggest involvement of Wnt proteins secreted by RPE cells in the pathogenesis of photoreceptor degeneration. In the present study, we examined, via the luciferase assay, the effect of media conditioned by RPE cells (RPE-CM) on activity of the canonical Wnt pathway in vitro. We isolated primary RPE cells from Long-Evans rats at P6-P9. In culture, these cells formed a monolayer with polygonal cell morphology and demonstrated repigmentation at confluency and immunoreactivity for ZO-1, a marker for tight junctions. To evaluate the effect of RPE-CM on the canonical Wnt pathway, we replaced the culture media of COS-7 cells transfected with (Tcf)(7)LUC, a multimeric Tcf-responsive element luciferase reporter construct, with RPE-CM and measured luciferase activity with or without Wnt3a or SB216763, a specific GSK3 inhibitor. RPE-CM did not enhance basal or Wnt3a-induced (Tcf)(7)LUC activity; instead, this activity decreased by 60%. RPE-CM also reduced SB216763-induced (Tcf)(7)LUC activity by 65%, which suggests that the inhibitory effect of RPE-CM is probably due to intracellular crosstalk rather than extracellular antagonism. RPE cells may thus be able to modulate the intraocular environment by regulating the canonical Wnt pathway.  相似文献   
Prosthodontics is a practical science based on life sciences and health sciences, and takes a role to contribute to the improvement of people's health and welfare. It is true the main field of prosthodontics and/or prosthodontic treatments is oral rehabilitation including recoveries of morphological defects and the functional disability caused by teeth loss. From this point of view, I am sure that the ultimate target of prosthodontics and/or prosthodontic treatments is maintenance and improvement of patient's QOL. To achieve this purpose, I think research, education, and clinical practice to be inseparable and integral in prosthodontics. This ensures that prosthodontics become more academic which can contribute to the society more greatly. Advertisement disclosure of "Prosthodontic Specialist certified by Japan Prosthodontic Society" is our earnest wish. The specialist system is regarded to be effective for the improvement of the medical treatment level, the information provision to the patient, and the promotion of cooperation hospital and clinic. On the other hand, the high quality treatments are severely requested and the specialists are strictly evaluated by the many people more than before. We have to be aware of our responsibility as Prosthodontic Specialists. In addition, Japan Prosthodontic Society is a corporate judicial person, and there is obligation and a responsibility that transmit necessary information to the society certainly and promptly, and present various proposals based on EBM as the opinion leader. Concretely, it is necessary to promote basic researches as well as clinical researches on prosthodontic treatments, and to examine the improvement of educational methods of prosthodontics. Let's reconfirm the purpose of our Society written in the article of incorporation and make an effort to achieve this purpose!  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Little information exists regarding the precise distribution of verapamil-sensitive atrial tachycardia originating from the vicinity of the atrioventricular node (V-AT). METHODS: In 12 patients with V-AT, we examined the spatial and topologic distribution of tachycardia origin relative to the His bundle (HB) site. The V-AT origin was divided into six areas: anterior (A-HB), posterior (P-HB), superior (S-HB), inferior (I-HB), lateral (L-HB), and septal (SP-HB) portion of HB catheter. Three dimensional distance between the distal pair of the electrodes of HB catheter and that of V-AT origin (DIS) was obtained by calculating the distances on the right and left anterior fluoroscopic images. Topologic distribution was expressed as the interval between the onset of the atrial electrogram of V-AT origin and that of HB catheter (INT). RESULTS: The tachycardia origin was observed at the P-HB in four, S-HB in two, I-HB in two, SP-HB in three, and L-HB in one patient. The tachycardia cycle length, DIS, and INT were 369 +/- 67 ms, 12 +/- 3 mm, and -12 +/- 8 ms, respectively. After successful ablation of initial V-AT (1st V-AT), V-AT with a different origin (2nd V-AT) was induced in five patients. The tachycardia origin, tachycardia cycle length, DIS, and INT of the 2nd V-AT (P-HB in three, S-HB in one, and SP-HB in one patient; 333 +/- 66 ms, 8 +/- 3 mm, and -11 +/- 4 ms, respectively) were not different from those of 1st V-AT. CONCLUSIONS: V-AT often shows a shift in tachycardia origin to another site where the spatial and topologic distributions are similar to those of 1st V-AT.  相似文献   
Parenchyma-sparing pancreatic resections have been reported increasingly in recent years; however, for multifocal diseases involving the head and the tail of the pancreas, total pancreatectomy is still the preferred procedure. The possible consequence of this procedure is loss of normal pancreatic parenchyma, resulting in insufficiency of pancreatic exocrine and endocrine functions. Various types of limited resection have been introduced for isolated or multiple pancreatic lesions, depending on the location of the tumor. Even for multifocal diseases, if the pancreatic body is spared, a middle-preserving pancreatectomy (MPP) can be performed to assure maximal pancreatic function and uncompromised quality of life. Yet, few papers have introduced the feasibility of MPP for a better outcome. This report describes a new surgical technique for MPP using an alternative approach for the remnant pancreas anastomosis. We used this technique successfully to remove a bifocal neoplasm: adenocarcinoma of the distal bile duct and mucinous cyst adenoma in the tail of the pancreas.  相似文献   
Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) is rare and comprises the triad of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and acute kidney injury. Recently, abnormalities in the mechanisms underlying complement regulation have been focused upon as causes of aHUS. The prognosis for patients who present with aHUS is very poor, with the first aHUS attack being associated with a mortality rate of ~25 %, and with ~50 % of cases resulting in end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis. If treatment is delayed, there is a high risk of this syndrome progressing to renal failure. Therefore, we have developed diagnostic criteria for aHUS to enable its early diagnosis and to facilitate the timely initiation of appropriate treatment. We hope these diagnostic criteria will be disseminated to as many clinicians as possible and that they will be used widely.  相似文献   
A randomized controlled study comparing once-a-day morning and once-a-day bedtime administration of 40 mg famotidine in treating duodenal ulcers was carried out in 99 Japanese patients. Endoscopic examinations were performed at the baseline and repeated at 3-week intervals until healing was confirmed. Eighty-two patients fulfilled the evaluation criteria (38 in the morning group and 44 in the bedtime group). In 13 of these patients the antisecretory effects of these regimens were also assessed by 24 h intragastric pH monitoring. The healing rates were 66% after 3 weeks and 95% after 6 weeks in the morning group, and 57% after 3 weeks and 80% after 6 weeks in the bedtime group. The differences were insignificant between the two groups, but there was a higher healing rate tendency after 6 weeks in the morning group (0.05<P<0.10). Regarding pain subsidence, there were no significant differences between the two groups. Both treatments were significantly superior to the controlgroup in increasing 24 h intragastric pH. The morning regimen was significantly superior to the bedtime regimen in suppression of daytime acidity. On the contrary, the bedtime regimen was significantly superior to the morning regimen in suppression of nocturnal acidity. These findings suggest that suppression of nocturnal acidity is important but not essential to promote duodenal ulcer healing and suppression of daytime acidity is equally important. Thus, once-a-day morning administration of 40 mg famotidine seems to be at least as effective as once-a-day bedtime administration of 40 mg famotidine in treating duodenal ulcers.  相似文献   
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