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Experimental investigations of single mild brain injury (SMI) show relatively little resultant cognitive impairment. However, repeated mild brain injuries (RMI), as those sustained by athletes (e.g., football, hockey, and soccer players) may have cumulative effects on cognitive performance and neuropathology. Numerous clinical studies show persistent, latent, and long-term consequences of RMI, unlike the episodic nature of SMI. The nature of repeated traumatic brain injury (TBI) introduces confounding factors in invasive and even semiinvasive animal models of brain injury (e.g., scar formation). Thus, the present study characterizes SMI and RMI in a noninvasive mouse weight drop model and the cumulative effects of RMI on cognitive performance. Investigation of drop masses and drop distances revealed masses of 50, 100, and 150 g dropped from 40 cm resulted in 0% mortality, no skull fracture, and no difference in acute neurological assessment following sham injury, SMI, or RMI. Cumulative effects of RMI were examined following four mild brain injuries 24 h apart induced by 50-, 100-, or 150-g masses dropped from 40 cm through histological measures, mean arterial pressure, and measures of complex/spatial learning. RMI produced no overt cell death within the cortex or hippocampus, no evidence of blood-brain barrier compromise, and no significant change in mean arterial pressure. Following testing in the Morris water maze (MWM) on days 7-11 after initial injury, mice in the RMI 100-g and RMI 150-g groups had significantly longer MWM goal latencies compared to sham, SMI 150-g, and RMI 50-groups. Additionally, the evident cognitive deficit manifested in the absence of observed cell death. This is the first study to show complex/spatial learning deficits following RMI, similar to the visual/spatial perception and planning deficits observed in clinical studies.  相似文献   
We report on a 17-year-old white woman with multiple bilateral renal angiomyolipomas (AMLs) in the absence of tuberous sclerosis. Multiple hyperdense lesions were detected in both kidneys by sonography. A computed tomography (CT) scan confirmed mainly fatty tissue. Sparing as much functional tissue as possible, eight AMLs of the right kidney were resected. The largest removed tumour measured 7 x 4 x 2.4 cm. Renal function was completely preserved. An AML is a benign, generally unilateral renal tumour. Treatment is necessary in cases of flank pain, spontaneous bleeding, obstruction by tumour growth and tumours exceeding 4 cm in diameter. Patients who present are often symptomatic due to pain, retroperitoneal bleeding or haematuria. An AML occurs either sporadically or in association with tuberous sclerosis. Bilateral or unilateral multiple AMLs are rare.  相似文献   
Berkenbosch JW  Fichter CR  Tobias JD 《Anesthesia and analgesia》2002,94(3):506-11; table of contents
In patients who are mechanically ventilated in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), sedative and/or analgesic medications are routinely provided and titrated to effect based on clinical assessment of the patient. The bispectral index (BIS) monitor uses a modified electroencephalogram to quantify the effects of central nervous system-acting drugs on the level of consciousness. To evaluate the usefulness of the BIS monitor to predict clinical sedation levels in the PICU, we compared BIS values with simultaneously obtained clinical sedation scores in 24 mechanically ventilated pediatric patients aged 5.7 plus minus 6.1 yr. For each sedation scale used, the BIS value correlated with increasing depth of sedation (P < 0.0001) and was independent of the drug(s) used for sedation. To differentiate adequate from inadequate sedation, a BIS value <70 had a sensitivity of 0.87--0.89 and a positive predictive value of 0.68--0.84. To differentiate adequate from excessive sedation, a BIS value <50 had a sensitivity of 0.67--0.75 and a positive predictive value of 0.07--0.52. We conclude that the BIS monitor may be a useful adjunct for the assessment of sedation in PICU patients. IMPLICATIONS: We demonstrate the usefulness of the bispectral index monitor for assessing sedation in pediatric intensive care unit patients. The bispectral index monitor correlated with clinically assessed sedation levels and was useful for differentiating adequate from inadequate sedation, which would be of value when the clinical examination is unavailable.  相似文献   
The bony fixation of reference marker arrays used for computer-assisted navigation during total hip arthroplasty (THA) theoretically involves the risk of fracture, infection, and/or pin loosening. We asked whether intraoperative assessment of leg length (LL) and offset (OS) changes would be accurate using a novel pinless femoral reference system in conjunction with an imageless measurement algorithm based on specific realignment of the relationship between a dynamic femoral and pelvis reference array. LL/OS measurements were recorded during THA in 17 cadaver specimen hips. Preoperatively and postoperatively, specimens were scanned using CT. Linear radiographic LL/OS changes were determined by two investigators using visible fiducial landmarks and image processing software. We found a high correlation of repeated measurements within and between (both 0.95 or greater) the two examiners who did the CT assessments. Pinless LL/OS values showed mean differences less than 1 mm and correlations when compared with CT measurements.  相似文献   
Summary On a sample of 1,317 children aged 9.9 years we developed a novel method of measuring humeral dimensions from total body dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans and showed that gender differences in the ratio between humeral width and length are established prior to puberty. Introduction It is recognised that long bone cross-sectional area is greater in males compared to females, which is thought to reflect more rapid periosteal bone growth in boys. However, it is currently unclear whether these findings reflect gender differences in bone size or shape. In the present study, we investigated whether gender differences exist in the balance between longitudinal and periosteal long bone growth in children, leading to gender differences in bone shape, based on a novel method for evaluating shape of the humerus. We also examined whether these differences are established prior to puberty. Methods Length, area and width of the humerus were estimated from total body DXA scans in 1,317 children aged 9.9 ± 0.33 years, who had participated in a nested case-control study of fractures within the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) (a geographically based birth cohort based in South West England). No differences were observed with respect to parameters of humeral geometry according to fracture history, and so both groups were pooled for further analysis. Aspect ratio (AR) of the humerus was calculated as humeral width divided by length. Total body height and weight were measured at the same time as the DXA scan. Puberty was assessed using self-completion questionnaires. Results Humeral width and length were positively associated with age and height in boys and girls combined (P < 0.001), and with Tanner stage in girls (P < 0.002). In contrast, age, height and Tanner stage were not related to humeral AR. We then examined gender differences in humeral shape according to pubertal stage. In prepubertal children (i.e. Tanner stage 1), humeral length was similar in boys and girls, but width (1.92 vs 1.88 cm, P < 0.001) and area (47.7 vs 46.9 cm2, P < 0.001) were greater in boys, resulting in a greater AR (7.78 vs 7.53, P < 0.001). Similar gender differences were observed in early pubertal children (i.e. Tanner stage 2). Conclusion We conclude that the greater periosteal diameter of boys compared to girls reflects differences in the balance between longitudinal and periosteal bone growth. Interestingly, resulting gender differences in humeral AR are established in prepubertal children.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Pregabalin has demonstrated robust, rapid efficacy in reducing symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in 4 placebo-controlled clinical trials. The current study compared the efficacy and safety of pregabalin and venlafaxine in patients diagnosed with moderate to severe GAD. METHOD: The study was conducted from December 21, 1999, to July 31, 2001. Outpatients (N = 421) in primary care or psychiatry settings meeting DSM-IV criteria for GAD were randomly assigned to 6 weeks of double-blind treatment with pregabalin 400 or 600 mg/day, venlafaxine 75 mg/day, or placebo. The primary analysis was change in Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HAM-A) total score from baseline to last-observation-carried-forward (LOCF) endpoint. Secondary analyses included the change in HAM-A psychic (emotional) and somatic (physical) factor scores, significant improvement at week 1, and week 1 improvement sustained at every visit through endpoint. RESULTS: Pregabalin at both dosages (400 mg/day, p = .008; 600 mg/day, p = .03) and venlafaxine (p = .03) produced significantly-greater improvement in HAM-A total score at LOCF endpoint than did placebo. Only the pregabalin 400-mg/day treatment group experienced significant improvement in all a priori primary and secondary efficacy measures. Pregabalin in both dosage treatment groups (400 mg/day, p < .01; 600 mg/day, p < .001) significantly improved HAM-A total score at week 1, with significant improvement through LOCF endpoint. Statistically significant improvement began at week 2 for venlafaxine. Discontinuation rates due to associated adverse events were greatest in the venlafaxine treatment group: venlafaxine, 20.4%; pregabalin 400 mg/day, 6.2%; pregabalin 600 mg/day, 13.6%; placebo, 9.9%. CONCLUSION: Pregabalin was safe, well tolerated, and rapidly efficacious across the physical-somatic as well as the emotional symptoms of GAD in the majority of patients studied in primary care and psychiatric settings.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: Low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the temporal cortex has been proposed as a new treatment strategy for patients with chronic tinnitus. However, functional abnormalities in tinnitus patients also involve brain structures used for attentional and emotional processing, such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Therefore, we have developed a new rTMS treatment strategy for tinnitus patients that consists of a combination of high-frequency prefrontal and low-frequency temporal rTMS. STUDY DESIGN: A total of 32 patients received either low-frequency temporal rTMS or a combination of high-frequency prefrontal and low-frequency temporal rTMS. Treatment effects were assessed with a standardized tinnitus questionnaire (TQ). RESULTS: Directly after therapy there was an improvement of the TQ-score for both groups, but no differences between groups. An evaluation after 3 months revealed a remarkable benefit from the use of combined prefrontal and temporal rTMS treatment. CONCLUSION: These results support recent data that suggest that auditory and nonauditory brain areas are involved in tinnitus pathophysiology.  相似文献   
The anesthesia care of a 14-year-old female patient with an acute exacerbation of myasthenia gravis (MG) and a full stomach who required emergency surgery for placement of a hemodialysis catheter is described. A nonventilated rapid sequence induction was successful with the use of propofol, lidocaine, remifentanil, cricoid pressure and no neuromuscular blocking agent. Although the use of combinations of i.v. anesthetic agents have been suggested for tracheal intubation without the need for neuromuscular blocking agents, none of these techniques has been advocated for rapid sequence intubation. We review existing literature on the topic of tracheal intubation using remifentanil and propofol without a neuromuscular blocking agent and on the topic of tracheal intubation of patients with MG using i.v. anesthesia and no neuromuscular blocking agents.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: In scoliosis patients treated with long segment spinal fusion, degenerative changes like retrolisthesis and disc space narrowing below fusion have been observed. However, there is disagreement concerning their incidence and dependency on the location of the lowest instrumented vertebra. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To evaluate temporal changes in disc height and posteroanterior displacement (indicating listhesis) below fusion, 40 patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, mainly treated with Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation, were retrospectively investigated in this longitudinal study with a follow-up of on average 9.2 years (median 9.4 y) after surgery. Disc height and displacement were measured from lateral radiographs by means of distortion-compensated roentgen analysis (DCRA). Additionally, a mathematical model was developed to determine the influence of vertebral tilt in scoliosis on disc height and displacement. RESULTS: Overall, no significant decrease in disc height was observed during follow-up. Concerning listhesis a small but significant retrolisthesis was found in segments L2/L3 and L3/L4. Compared with normative data, there was no significant listhesis for the L5/S1 segment. Nevertheless, separating the study group into subsamples of identical distal fusion level revealed a significant correlation between the amount of posteroanterior displacement at L5/S1 and the location of the lowest instrumented vertebra. With a reduction of free motion segments, listhesis increased into posterior direction. Taking the tilt correction into account led to considerably increased values of disc height whereas displacement was affected only to a minor degree. CONCLUSIONS: Long segment spinal fusion in young patients with idiopathic scoliosis did not lead to disc space narrowing during 9.2 years follow-up. However, the observed increase in retrolisthesis potentially indicates the initiation of a degenerative process. These only minimal changes might be referred to the preservation of a physiologic lumbar lordosis. Without correction for vertebral tilt disc space narrowing is overestimated.  相似文献   
OBJECT: Surgery in the cerebellopontine angle (CPA) is a standard procedure at many centers. Outcome is focused mainly on preservation of hearing and facial function postoperatively. The nonmotor part of the facial nerve, the intermediate nerve, is nearly neglected nowadays. METHODS: A retrospective study was designed, including a questionnaire that was sent to 178 patients who had undergone surgery between 2000 and 2004. Data were obtained in 156 cases. The questionnaire was divided into five parts assessing the presence of increased tearing, reduced tearing, salivation disturbances, increased nasal secretions, and abnormalities in taste. Finally, a self-assessment of patient symptoms was analyzed. RESULTS: Postoperatively, 70 patients (45%) experienced crocodile tears, whereas 62 (40%) had dry eyes. Disturbances in taste were noted in six patients (4%) preoperatively and in 52 patients (33%) after surgery. Increased nasal secretion was noted in 68 patients (44%) postoperatively. An analysis of the correlation between the surgical approach used and disturbances in the intermediate nerve revealed a strong tendency to a higher rate of symptoms following the middle fossa approach (p = 0.071, chi-square test). CONCLUSIONS: Data in this study demonstrate the clinical importance of nonmotor defects associated with CPA tumor removal. More than 50% of the patients in this study reported postoperative crocodile tears, dry eyes, nasal secretions, and/or taste disturbances. These sequelae may affect both short- and long-term postoperative quality of life to the same extent as deafness or transient facial paresis. The risk of injury seems to be higher after the middle fossa approach.  相似文献   
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