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Background:Colon cancer is a common malignant tumor of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a clear diagnosis is particularly important for the treatment of colon cancer. Ultrasound and spiral computed tomography (CT) can both be used in the diagnosis, but each has its own advantages and disadvantages, which could cause confusion in clinical choice. The purpose of this study was to systematically evaluate the practicability of spiral CT and ultrasound in the diagnosis of colon cancer.Methods:A systematic search was performed by retrieving on English databases (PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, the Cochrane Library) and Chinese databases (CNKI, Wanfang, Weipu [VIP], CBM). Besides, manually search for Google and Baidu academic of diagnostic experimental study of ultrasound and spiral CT in the diagnosis of Colon Cancer. The retrieval time limit was from the establishment of the database to October 2020. Two researchers independently extracted and evaluated the quality of the data in the included study. A meta-analysis was performed using Meta Disc1.4 and RevMan5.3 software.Results:Sensitivity, specificity, positive Likelihood ratio, negative likelihood ratio, and diagnostic odds ratio were used to determine the diagnostic efficacy of ultrasonography and helical CT in colorectal cancer.Conclusions:This study will compare the practicability of CT and ultrasound in the diagnosis of colon cancer and provide reliable evidence-based basis for clinicians to choose the appropriate or best evidence-based basis.Ethics and dissemination:The private information from individuals will not be published. This systematic review also will not involve endangering participant rights. Ethical approval is not required. The results may be published in a peer-reviewed journal or disseminated in relevant conferences.OSF Registration number:DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/WAJHQ  相似文献   
1乳腺癌内分泌治疗:他莫昔芬的益处和局限性他莫昔芬(TAM)是最常用的乳腺癌内分泌治疗的药物,关于TAM在早期乳癌术后预防复发转移的辅助治疗阶段中应用,最为权威的结论来自发表在Lancet上、对5 5个临床试验共计37 000例患者的综合回顾报告,目前TAM在乳癌辅助治疗中应用的基本共识有:①辅助内分泌治疗的决定因素为激素受体(ER/PR)状况,ER阳性者效果最好,部分ER、阴性PR阳性的患者也可以使用TAM,但ER阴性患者辅助治疗用TAM不能改善生存;②目前认为TAM合适的服药时间为5年,可以显著降低复发风险12%,提高生存率9%。至于再延长用药…  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: To assess the effectiveness and safety of additional bedtime H2‐receptor antagonists (H2RAs) in suppressing nocturnal gastric acid breakthrough (NAB) via a systematic review. METHODS: Eligible trials were identified by searching the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (Cochrane Library Issue 2, 2004), MEDLINE (January 1966–June 2004), EMBASE (January 1980–June 2004) and CINAHL (January 1982–June 2004). Additional hand‐searching was conducted on the proceedings of correlated conferences, eight important Chinese journals and references of all included trials. All randomized controlled trials evaluating H2RAs for the control of NAB were eligible for inclusion. The systematic review was conducted using methods recommended by The Cochrane Collaboration. RESULTS: Only two randomized crossover studies, comprising 32 participants, met the inclusion criteria. Because the design, dosage and duration of the treatments were different between the studies, it was not possible to conduct meta‐analysis. There were no consistent conclusions found between the two included studies in evaluating H2RAs for the control of NAB. CONCLUSIONS: No implications for practice at this stage can be concluded. Appropriately designed large‐scale randomized controlled trials with long‐term follow up are needed to determine the effects of additional bedtime H2RAs in suppressing NAB.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate effect of reduced glutathione and diammonium glycyrrhizinate on the treatment of hepatic damage in experimental dogs following open abdominal injuries coupled with seawater immersion. Methods Twenty-four dogs with open abdominal injuries were randomly divided into 3 groups: the control group (given with simple observation after 1.5 h seawater immersion); the routine treatment group (given routine care and fluid transfusion after 1.5 h seawater immersion) ; the hepatic treatment group (given routine are, fluid transfusion and hepatic treatment as well, after 1.5 h seawater immersion). Each group consisted of 8 dogs. Blood samples were taken at different time points to measure total bilirubin (TB), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), prothromin time (PT), endotoxin, tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and pathological examination was also made at the same time. Results For the control group, contents of TB, ALT, AST and LDH increased significantly and survival time was less than 24 hours. Contents of TB, ALT, AST and LDH of the routine treatment group also increased significantly, but survival time of all the experimental animals was mere than 24 hours. Reduced glutathione and diammonium glycyrrhizinate could reduce the extent of lesion quite significantly 12~24 hours following open abdominal injuries. Conclusions Reduced glutathione and diammonium glycyrrhizinate seemed to have good effects on the treatment and prevention against hepatic damage induced by trauma coupled with seawater immersion. It could be used as a primary means for the treatment of such kind of hepatic damage.  相似文献   
正中神经-尺神经交通支解剖、电生理及临床意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
尺神经损伤是成人周围神经损伤中最常见者,损伤后的功能恢复不佳.正中神经-尺神经交通支是正中神经、尺神经之间的连接神经.解剖、电生理研究表明神经纤维可在正中神经和尺神经之间交叉支配.大部分研究证实正中神经-尺神经交通支的存在使临床正中神经、尺神经损伤症状不典型,尤其是在与腕管综合征、肘管综合征相关时.正中神经-尺神经交通支的发生有遗传性和种系相关性.电生理与解剖研究结果尚未完全一致,但从理论上都认为,明确该交通支在人群中的分布,对减少误诊,避免不必要的手术及其并发症,作出正确的预后判断有重要意义.  相似文献   
近年来,虽然遭遇阻力,但日本国内对于中日战争时期日军在华实施性暴力的调查、研究工作还是取得了重要进展。以石田米子为中心的调查小组经过长期不懈的努力,对当年日军在山西省盂县实施性暴力的事实进行了确证和揭露。本文在介绍石田小组的工作及其意义的同时,还对战时日军的性暴力活动进行了分类,并结合史学理论探讨了利用口述史料研究中国近现代史的意义与可能性。  相似文献   
2006开年,一个似曾相识的专有名词重返人们的视野——社区卫生服务,作为一种由政府强力推动的解困手法,被迅速纳入到有效缓解“看病难看病贵”的社会预期之中。由上而下的理论先导,只能经由行之有效的实践打磨才能得以还原。如果将整个社区卫生服务网络比作一个完整的神经系统,那么只有这个新  相似文献   
2004年8月26日,哈医大二院建院50周年庆典,位于哈市近郊的这所庞大的医院一扫往日的紧张忙碌,被欢快的乐、缤纷的鲜花、五色的气球和飞扬的条幅紧紧包裹。在庆典活动的中心——该院科技会馆,前去采访的本刊记者穿过络绎不绝的祝贺来宾和整齐划一的迎宾方阵,流连在会场外整齐摆放的各类奖杯、奖牌和科研成果宣传展板之间。这些被物化了的荣誉,几乎挤满了偌大的会堂一层走廊的每一寸角落,静静地宣示着这家医院半个世纪的所有自尊和自豪。在随后进行的庆祝仪式上,在医院各科室职工代表声情并茂的发言之后,哈医大二院院长张岂凡走上讲台。面对眼前如云的嘉宾和着装整齐统一的医护人员方阵,看得出这位著名的技术型院长难掩激情。他在题为“弘扬二院精神,再创世纪辉煌“的演讲词中这样形容:“50年的砥砺前行,50年的春华秋实,令天的哈医大二院已经成为我国医院之林中的一棵生机盎然的大树,根深叶茂,硕果累累。”命运总是在不动声色间逆转,谁能料到,一年后爆出的“天价医药费”事件,使曾经激情飞扬的哈医大二院再一次名动天下,所不同的是,再度亮相的哈医大二院,这一次坐在了被告席上。这棵生长了50年的医疗常青树,难道就此在瞬间轰然倒地?  相似文献   
经皮激光椎间盘减压术治疗椎间盘源性腰痛   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨经皮激光椎间盘减压术(percutaneous laser disc decompression,PLDD)治疗椎间盘源性腰痛的疗效。方法2002年6月~2004年12月我院对36例椎间盘源性腰痛,采用英国DIOMED公司半导体激光仪,激光功率15W,每个激光脉冲持续1s,间隔1s,照射能量800~1200J。VAS评分评价治疗效果。结果手术时间15~60min,平均30min。32例出现“疼痛复制效应”。36例随访6~36个月,平均11个月,32例有效(术后VAS评分改善≥3分18例,≥分14例),4例无效,有效率88.9%(32/36)。结论PLDD治疗椎间盘源性腰痛安全、有效、微创。  相似文献   
目的探讨衰老对大鼠阴茎组织结构、NO(nitric oxide)-cGMP(cvclic Guanosine Monophosphate)通路及端粒酶活性的影响作用。方法本课题以不同月龄大鼠阴茎组织及培养的平滑肌细胞为研究对象,检测不同月龄大鼠阴茎组织中NO量、NOS(Nitric Oxide Synthase)活性、cGMP量、端粒酶活性及海绵体结构的变化,并比较大鼠、人阴茎组织及大鼠原代海绵体平滑肌细胞的端粒酶活性。结果(1)大鼠阴茎组织中NO量、NOS活性均先升高后降低,各月龄组间有显著差异。阴茎组织cGMP含量逐渐降低,各月龄组间差别显著;(2)随龄增加,平滑肌纤维逐渐减少,胶原纤维增多,粗大成团,窦状隙变少、变窄:(3)大鼠阴茎组织端粒酶活性以2月龄活性最高,随龄增加逐渐下降。人阴茎组织中无端粒酶活性。结论(1)衰老对大鼠阴茎组织结构、NO.cGMP通路及端粒酶活性有显著影响,提示衰老与ED关系密切;(2)大鼠阴茎组织有端粒酶活性,可作为研究细胞衰老与ED关系有关端粒酶的模型。  相似文献   
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