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The ethanol extract of potato tubers (Solanum tuberlosum L.) has been evaluated for antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities in mice. The acute treatment of mice with an ethanolic extract from the potato tuber at doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg, by oral administration, produced a significant anti-nociceptive effect in the acetic acid-induced writhing, formalin-induced pain licking and hot plate-induced pain. Also, the ethanolic extract of potato tubers significantly inhibited both carrageenan- and formalin-induced inflammation in mice as well as arachidonic acid-induced ear edema in mice. These inhibitions were statistically significant (p<0.05). These results provide support for the use of the ethanol extract of potato tuber in relieving inflammatory pain, and insight into the development of new agents for treating inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine whether 20 patients who received an early postmastectomy rehabilitation treatment program showed more improvement in range of shoulder motion and functional activities than 13 patients who received instruction for exercise only. Data were obtained at preoperatively, three days after operation, at discharge and at postdischarge one month for each patient on parameters such as range of motion of the ipsilateral shoulder joint, upper extremity circumferential measurements, as well as 10 elements of shoulder function. Postoperatively, both groups showed an increased range of motion of the shoulder joint and improved functional activities, but the group that received postoperative rehabilitation management had a better range of shoulder motion and less difficulty in five items for functional assessment. This study also showed that an early rehabilitation program did not increase postoperative complications. We concluded that an early rehabilitation program or intensive instruction program only by a well-trained physical therapist or physiatrist was beneficial to postmastectomy patients in regaining the function and range of shoulder motion, and significantly better in a rehabilitation group.  相似文献   
Thrombin-induced platelet microbicidal protein (tPMP-1) is a small, cationic peptide released from rabbit platelets exposed to thrombin in vitro. tPMP-1 is microbicidal against a broad spectrum of bloodstream pathogens, including Staphylococcus aureus. Preliminary evidence suggests that tPMP-1 targets and disrupts the staphylococcal cytoplasmic membrane. However, it is not clear if the cytoplasmic membrane is a direct or indirect target of tPMP-1. Therefore, we assessed the in vitro activity of tPMP-1 versus protoplasts prepared from logarithmic-phase (LOG) or stationary-phase (STAT) cells of the genetically related S. aureus strains 19S and 19R (tPMP-1 susceptible and resistant, respectively). Protoplasts exposed to tPMP-1 (2 microg/ml) for 2 h at 37 degrees C were monitored for lysis (decrease in optical density at 420 nm) and ultrastructural alterations (by transmission electron microscopy [TEM]). Exposure to tPMP-1 resulted in substantial lysis of LOG but not STAT protoplasts of 19S, coinciding with protoplast membrane disruption observed by TEM. Thus, it appears that tPMP-1-induced membrane damage is influenced by the bacterial growth phase but is independent of the staphylococcal cell wall. In contrast to 19S, neither LOG nor STAT protoplasts of 19R were lysed by tPMP-1. tPMP-1-induced membrane damage was further characterized with anionic planar lipid bilayers subjected to various trans-negative voltages. tPMP-1 increased conductance across bilayers at -90 mV but not at -30 mV. Once initiated, a reduction in voltage from -90 to -30 mV diminished conductance magnitude but did not eliminate tPMP-1-mediated membrane permeabilization. Therefore, tPMP-1 appears to directly target the staphylococcal cytoplasmic membrane as a primary event in its mechanism of action. Specifically, tPMP-1 likely leads to staphylococcal death, at least in part by permeabilizing the bacterial membrane in a voltage-dependent manner.  相似文献   
The T-cell receptor β locus (TCRB) on chromosome 7q35 was studied as a candidate region for genetic susceptibility to type 1 insulin-dependent diabetes (IDDM). A highly polymorphic microsatellite marker mapping to the TCRBV6.7 gene and a TCRB C-region RFLP were used to genotype the members of a total of 21 multiplex IDDM families from two different geographical areas. There was no evidence to support linkage to either of these markers with IDDM, and conventional two-point analysis excluded linkage to the telomeric end of the TCRB complex, in the region of the highly informative TCRBV6.7 marker. There was significant linkage of IDDM to the class II HLA-D locus with significant lod scores >3.0 obtained for the HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 genes. Affected sib-pair (ASP) and transmission disequilibrium (TDT) association tests confirmed these findings.  相似文献   
Liver is the primary source for collagen XVIII, the precursor of angiogenesis inhibitor, endostatin. However, the role of endostatin/collagen XVIII expression during liver carcinogenesis remains elusive. Therefore, we studied its expression in five hepatoma cell lines and 105 hepatocellular carcinoma specimens. The poorly differentiated hepatoma cell lines exhibited increased endostatin/collagen XVIII levels compared with the well-differentiated ones. In hepatoma tissues, endostatin/collagen XVIII expression was detected in various types of liver cells and was significantly stronger in adjacent nontumor tissues than that in tumors (P<0.001). Endostatin/collagen XVIII expression in nontumor tissues correlated with tumor stages (P=0.014) and expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (P=0.007), but not the stages of hepatic fibrosis (P>0.05). Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that patients with higher endostatin/collagen XVIII expression had significantly shorter overall survival (P=0.011) and disease-free survival (P=0.0034). Moreover, endostatin/collagen XVIII level was an independent prognostic factor for tumor recurrence (P=0.034) by multivariate analysis. In conclusion, increased endostatin/collagen XVIII expression correlated with hepatoma progression and predicted poor prognosis for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   
Three parametric statistical models have been fully validated for cancer of the larynx for the prediction of long-term 15, 20 and 25 year cancer-specific survival fractions when short-term follow-up data was available for just 1-2 years after the end of treatment of the last patient. In all groups of cases the treatment period was only 5 years. Three disease stage groups were studied, T1N0, T2N0 and T3N0. The models are the Standard Lognormal (SLN) first proposed by Boag (1949 J. R. Stat. Soc. Series B 11 15-53) but only ever fully validated for cancer of the cervix, Mould and Boag (1975 Br. J. Cancer 32 529-50), and two new models which have been termed Tobacco Cancer Risk (TCR) and Absolute Cancer Cure (ACC). In each, the frequency distribution of survival times of defined groups of cancer deaths is lognormally distributed: larynx only (SLN), larynx and lung (TCR) and all cancers (ACC). All models each have three unknown parameters but it was possible to estimate a value for the lognormal parameter S a priori. By reduction to two unknown parameters the model stability has been improved. The material used to validate the methodology consisted of case histories of 965 patients, all treated during the period 1944-1968 by Dr Manuel Lederman of the Royal Marsden Hospital, London, with follow-up to 1988. This provided a follow-up range of 20-44 years and enabled predicted long-term survival fractions to be compared with the actual survival fractions, calculated by the Kaplan and Meier (1958 J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 53 457-82) method. The TCR and ACC models are better than the SLN model and for a maximum short-term follow-up of 6 years, the 20 and 25 year survival fractions could be predicted. Therefore the numbers of follow-up years saved are respectively 14 years and 19 years. Clinical trial results using the TCR and ACC models can thus be analysed much earlier than currently possible. Absolute cure from cancer was also studied, using not only the prediction models which incorporate a parameter for a statistically cured fraction of patients C(SLN), C(TCR) and C(ACC), but because of the long follow-up range of 20-44 years, also by complete life analysis. The survival experience of those who did not die of their original cancer of the larynx was compared to the expected survival experience of a population with the same age, birth cohort and sex structure. To date it has been generally assumed for early stage disease that although for some 5-10 years after treatment the survival experience of this patient subgroup might be no different from that expected in the matched group, thereafter the death rate of this subgroup becomes lower than that of the matched group. This implies that surviving cancer patients cured of their disease tend to die of other conditions at a higher than normal rate as they become older, and therefore cancer is never totally cured. Our conclusion is that at least for cancer of the glottic larynx, the answer to the question: 'Can cancer totally be cured?' is 'Yes to at least 15-years post-treatment and also probably to 25 years.'  相似文献   
Focal gastric mucosal blood flow in aspirin-induced ulceration.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
T J Gana  R Huhlewych    J Koo 《Annals of surgery》1987,205(4):399-403
Focal gastric mucosal blood flow was studied during aspirin injury by hydrogen gas clearance in a chambered segment model of canine gastric corpus. Measurements were made simultaneously every 15 minutes at ulcerated and nonulcerated areas 1.5 hours before, during (20 mM of aspirin in 150 mM of HCl for 1 hour), and 2 hours after exposure of the mucosa to topical aspirin. There was a highly significant decrease (p less than 0.001) in flow at the ulcerated areas 30 minutes after exposure to aspirin, coinciding with the appearance of focal mucosal pallor followed by subsequent hemorrhagic foci and ulceration. This was not followed by recovery to basal flow values. Blood flow to the non-ulcerated areas was significantly but less severely reduced than in the ulcerated areas (p less than 0.05) 90 minutes after exposure to aspirin. This was followed by recovery to basal levels. It is proposed that aspirin induces reduction of focal mucosal blood flow of varying degrees and that mucosal areas with flow reduced to below a "critical value" develop gross damage.  相似文献   
The effect of the root ofCoptis japonica (COPT), both the dichloromethane soluble (CH2Cl2) and insoluble (H2O) fractions, on catecholamine contents and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) activity in PC12 cells was investigated. CH2Cl2 and H2O fractions showed 21 and 53% inhibitions on dopamine content, respectively, at a concentration of 40 μg/ml in medium: the H2O fraction provided a greater inhibitory effect. The TH activity was reduced by the treatment of COPT (H2O fraction). These results suggest that COPT has an inhibitory effect on the catecholamine biosynthesis by the reduction of TH activity in PC12 cells.  相似文献   
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