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A simple method for collection and measurement of the progressive motility of spermatozoa was developed. The procedure consists of the spectrophotometric measurement of the increase in optical absorbance produced by the upward migration of spermatozoa in a high density medium of Ficoll 400. The suspension containing migrated spermatozoa may be used as a purified population of uniformly motile and undamaged spermatozoa.  相似文献   
The effects of five minutes of wrist flexion on median motor and sensory evoked potential latencies in 87 individuals were studied. Nineteen subjects had carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) as diagnosed by increased median nerve latencies across the wrist, and 68 had values in the normal range and were assigned to the control group. A slight prolongation of up to 0.5m sec of evoked potential latencies was observed in both groups after flexion, but the differences between the two groups were not significant to establish the value of adding wrist flexion to conventional screening methods.  相似文献   
As many as 136 patients (76 with Bechterew's disease, 40 with Reiter's disease and 20 with psoriatic arthritic) and 35 practically healthy persons were examined by echocardiography combined with electro-, phonocardiographic and by clinical, x-ray and laboratory methods. 62 patients were examined over time (within a period from 1 to 4 years). Echocardiography was used to study in detail the central and intracardiac hemodynamics, the status of the valvular apparatus of the heart and of the aorta. The different clinical characteristics of the disease were established to make a concrete contribution to the development of cardial pathology. The disease duration is the most significant characteristics. A long-term prospective follow-up coupled with echocardiographic examinations made over time enabled one to specify the structure of heart damage in patients suffering from Bechterew's disease, Reiter's disease and psoriatic arthritis depending on the hypothetic nature of the damage.  相似文献   
Health status of the underschool children from the second health group, which with having some morphofunctional changes, (503 persons) was studied. The key changes were postural, cardiovascular, neuropsychic changes. The lysozyme level in saliva is the informative index related to the health status of underschool children.  相似文献   
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