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Computed tomography (CT) enteroclysis is being performed routinely for evaluation of suspected small bowel diseases. The availability of multidetector CT scanners has further increased the diagnostic yield of enteroclysis. There is excellent depiction of small bowel wall pathology on CT enteroclysis especially with use of negative enteric contrast. We discuss the CT enteroclysis technique and procedure along with the imaging spectrum of some common small bowel pathologies.  相似文献   
Aim  This article focuses on the developments that occurred during the last two decades in the management of pediatric head injury. It describes the changes in incidence, various advancements in diagnosis, management, prognosis, prevention and strategies required for better outcome, and control of head injury. Materials and methods  Thorough evaluation of various papers, research, and our experience revealed that in developed countries, there has been a decreasing trend in head trauma incidence and trauma-related deaths as compared to developing countries. Results  This is mainly attributed to the widespread implementation of preventive measures. The development in imaging facilities, better characterization and grading of severe trauma (see, for example, diffuse axonal injury), an advanced understanding of the pathophysiology of secondary brain injury, endocrinological disturbances, predictive factors of outcome, development in neurophysiological monitoring, management advances in critical care units, implementation of safely measures, etc. have brought a significant change in overall outcome and profile of pediatric head injury Conclusion  The further developments in field of brain plasticity, stem cell, rehabilitation, evolution of new drugs, preventive community measures, and global policies to deal with head trauma are expected to play a major role in days to come. The development of future pediatric trauma centers based on current evolutions (in order to achieve a good outcome), global and emphatic preventions of trauma will be required to establish equilibrium between developed and developing countries.  相似文献   


Intracranial aneurysms in children are not as common as in adults and there are many differences in the etiology, demographic variables, aneurysm location, aneurysm morphological characteristics, clinical presentation, and outcome in pediatric and adult intracranial aneurysms.


All children (≤18 years) suffering from intracranial aneurysm managed at our center from July 2001 through June 2013 were included in the study, and the details of these patients were retrieved from the computerized database of our hospital.


A total of 62 pediatric patients were treated for 74 aneurysms during the study period and constituted 2.3 % of all intracranial aneurysms treated during the same period. The mean age at presentation was 13.5 years. Headache (82 %) was the commonest presenting feature; other symptoms included seizures (21 %), ictal loss of consciousness (27 %), and motor/cranial nerve deficits (22.6 %). Computed tomogram revealed subarachnoid hemorrhage in 58 % of patients. Eighty-two percent of aneurysms were in anterior circulation. Sixty-seven percent of aneurysms were complex aneurysms. Fifty-eight percent of patients underwent surgical intervention while 30 % underwent endovascular procedures. Twenty-one percent of the patients developed vasospasm. There was no postoperative mortality. Favorable outcome was seen in 72 % of the patients.


Pediatric intracranial aneurysms are uncommon as compared to in adult patients. Seizures and cranial nerve involvement are seen more often as the presenting features in children. Posterior circulation aneurysms are more common in children, as are the internal carotid artery bifurcation aneurysms. There is high incidence of giant, posttraumatic, and mycotic aneurysms in children.  相似文献   
The Movement for Global Mental Health is a coalition of individuals and institutions committed to collective actions that aim to close the treatment gap for people living with mental disorders worldwide, based on two fundamental principles: evidence on effective treatments and the human rights of people with mental disorders.  相似文献   
Normal pressure hydrocephalus is characterized by a clinically progressive triad of an abnormal gait, dementia and urinary incontinence, which might present as paranoid psychosis, mood disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and, occasionally, with frontal lobe symptoms. We are reporting a patient having schizophrenia with intolerance to even low dose of antipsychotics, who was subsequently revealed to be having communicating hydrocephalus.  相似文献   
Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is an economically important disease of small ruminants with a rapidly expanding geographical distribution. Peste des petits ruminants virus may manifest in a variety of ways with disease ranging from acute to subclinical. We investigated the exposure of large ruminants to PPRV in areas where the virus is endemic in the small ruminant population by assessing the serological status of groups of animals. This study focused on the Punjab province of Pakistan as an area where the virus is endemic and where mixed farming practices occur enabling close interactions between small and large ruminant populations. An overall PPR seropositivity was detected in 10.0% of cattle and 14.16% of buffaloes. Following an assessment of serological profiles in large ruminants within different age groups, a maximum seroprevalence was observed in cattle (17.5%) and buffaloes (22.5%) over 2 years of age indicating the potential utility of sampling large ruminant populations for PPR serosurveillance. The large ruminants sampled between one and two years of age had similar levels of seropositivity within populations with 11.2% and 16.2% of animals being seropositive, respectively. Current PPR vaccination strategies do not enable the differentiation between infected and vaccinated small ruminants, and as such, the serological surveillance of sheep and goats is of little value. When considering eradication programmes for PPRV, this factor is of great significance. However, where large and small ruminants are farmed together, serological surveillance of large ruminants may provide a snapshot of virus infection within populations where mild disease is present or where small ruminants are regularly vaccinated.  相似文献   
Radial artery pseudoaneurysm (RAP) at the site of transradial access (TRA) for coronary angiography is rare. A clean puncture, secure bandage, and watchful follow‐up are must to prevent complete occlusion and aneurysm formation at the access site. This illustration describes surgical repair as one of the successful strategies to repair a postcatheterization RAP after TRA.  相似文献   
Two-component organogels offer several advantages over one-component gels, but their design is highly challenging. Hence, it is extremely important to design new approaches for the crafting of two-component organogels with interesting optical and mechanical properties. Herein, we report the design of a new class of two-component supergelators obtained from the assembly between acid functionalized tetraphenylethylene (TPE)-based dendrons and alkylated melamine. No gelation behaviour is observed for the individual components, but interestingly, remarkable gelation behaviour is observed for their hydrogen-bonded complex. The primary driving force responsible for the gelation is the strong π–π stacking interaction of TPE units. Because of the strong π-stacking of TPEs in the gel state, the C(sp2)–C(sp2) bond rotation of the TPE segment is completely arrested in the gel state, which results in intense fluorescence emission of the gels. Furthermore, excellent elastic response is observed for the gels as evident from their high storage modulus compared to loss modulus values. Our results clearly demonstrate that by the appropriate selection of the molecular components, this approach can be applied for the creation of functional nanomaterials with emergent properties absent in the individual blocks.

Design of a novel class of two-component, highly emissive, low molecular weight supergelator is reported.  相似文献   
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