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The aim of this study was to evaluate cardiac, biochemical and endocrine differences between female adolescents with anorexia nervosa (AN) with and without pericardial effusions. We studied 128 female adolescents (9.8–17.7 years) with anorexia nervosa (AN) diagnosed according to DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994 American Psychiatric Association. 1994. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 4th, Washington, DC: Author.  [Google Scholar]) criteria. They all underwent an echocardiographic evaluation. In 29 patients (22.2 %) a pericardial effusion (ranging between ≥ 0.35–2.5 cm) was noted. None of the patients were clinically symptomatic. After 3 months of refeeding, the effusions disappeared in 18/29 patients while in 7/29 patients a pericardial effusion > 0.3 cm persisted. Risk factors for development of effusions were a BMI ≤ 13,5 kg/m², weight loss ≥ 25% and IGF-1-level ≤100 ng/ml. Pericardial effusions are common in adolescent AN patients. They are mostly asymptomatic not requiring any intervention and spontaneously regress with refeeding. They are more common in the patients with the most significant weight loss.  相似文献   
Cell migration is a dynamic process involving formation of a leading edge in the direction of migration and adhesion points from which tension is generated to move the cell body forward. At the same time, disassembly of adhesion points occurs at the back of the cell, a region known as the trailing edge. Syndecan-4 (S4) is a transmembrane proteoglycan thought to be involved in the formation of focal adhesions. Recent studies have shown that its cytoplasmic domain can engage in signal transduction, making S4 a bona fide receptor. Here, we show that ligand clustering of cell surface S4 on endothelial cells initiates a signaling cascade that results in activation of Rac1, induction of cell polarization, and stimulation of cell migration that depends on S4 interaction with its PDZ-binding partner. Expression of an S4 mutant lacking its PDZ-binding region (S4-PDZ(-)) leads to decreased cell motility and a failure to form a trailing edge. On clustering S4, but not S4-PDZ(-), targets activated Rac1 to the leading edge of live cells. Cells lacking synectin, a PDZ domain containing protein that interacts with S4, fail to migrate in response to S4 clustering. Both S4-PDZ(-)-expressing and synectin(-/-) endothelial cells exhibit elevated basal levels of Rac1. Thus, our data suggest that S4 promotes endothelial cell migration in response to ligand binding by activating Rac1 and localizing it to the leading edge, and that these processes are dependent on its PDZ-binding domain interaction with synectin.  相似文献   
In the present paper, the acute and subchronical inflammatory processes of the vaginal epithelial were studied in mice experimentally infected with two Trichomonas vaginalis strains of different pathogenicity, by means of histological and immunological methods. There was an increase in the stratified epithelium layers as well as edema produced by the increase of vascularization in the propia submucosa and infiltration of leukocytes. The proliferation of the vaginal epithelium favors the settlement and persistence of the parasitic infection. All of the findings corresponded with signs of a systemic disease being observed in the animals, including significant weight loss and also intestinal invasion. The entire inflammatory process has been corroborated by studies of adhesion molecules such as E-Selectin, VCAM-1 and PECAM-1. A correlation between the time of appearance and the perseverance of the inflammatory process with E-Selectin and VCAM-1 expression was observed, but not with PECAM-1. The strain with a higher pathogenicity was able to invade deep vaginal tissues and thus, parasites could not be detected by vaginal washings. This may be an important cause of diagnosis and treatment failure. Also, by the different localization of trichomonads, it appeared that the battle between host and parasite took place in different areas dependent upon the characteristics of the strain.  相似文献   
There are more than 40 H(1)-antihistamines available worldwide. Most of these medications have never been optimally studied in prospective, randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled trials in children. The aim was to perform a long-term study of levocetirizine safety in young atopic children. In the randomized, double-masked Early Prevention of Asthma in Atopic Children Study, 510 atopic children who were age 12-24 months at entry received either levocetirizine 0.125 mg/kg or placebo twice daily for 18 months. Safety was assessed by: reporting of adverse events, numbers of children discontinuing the study because of adverse events, height and body mass measurements, assessment of developmental milestones, and hematology and biochemistry tests. The population evaluated for safety consisted of 255 children given levocetirizine and 255 children given placebo. The treatment groups were similar demographically, and with regard to number of children with: one or more adverse events (levocetirizine, 96.9%; placebo, 95.7%); serious adverse events (levocetirizine, 12.2%; placebo, 14.5%); medication-attributed adverse events (levocetirizine, 5.1%; placebo, 6.3%); and adverse events that led to permanent discontinuation of study medication (levocetirizine, 2.0%; placebo, 1.2%). The most frequent adverse events related to: upper respiratory tract infections, transient gastroenteritis symptoms, or exacerbations of allergic diseases. There were no significant differences between the treatment groups in height, mass, attainment of developmental milestones, and hematology and biochemistry tests. The long-term safety of levocetirizine has been confirmed in young atopic children.  相似文献   
Extant anthropoids have large brains, small olfactory bulbs, and high-acuity vision compared with other primates. The relative timing of the evolution of these characteristics may have important implications for brain evolution. Here computed tomography is used to examine the cranium of a fossil anthropoid, Parapithecus grangeri. It is found that P. grangeri had a relatively small brain compared with living primates. In addition, it had an olfactory bulb in the middle of the range for living primates. Methods for relating optic foramen area and other cranial measurements to acuity are discussed. Multiple regression is used to estimate retinal ganglion cell number in P. grangeri. Given currently available comparative data, P. grangeri seems to have had retinal ganglion cell counts intermediate for living primates, overlapping with the upper end of the range for strepsirrhines and possibly with the lower end for anthropoids.  相似文献   
Egg-sharing in assisted conception: ethical and practical considerations   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
The present acute shortage of eggs for donation cannot be overcomeunless adequate guidelines are set to alleviate the anxietiesregarding payments, in cash or kind, to donors. The currentHuman Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) guidelinesdo not allow direct payment to donors but accept the provisionof lower cost or free in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatmentto women in recognition of oocyte donation to anonymous recipients.Egg-sharing achieved in this way enables two infertile couplesto benefit from a single surgical procedure. However, the practicalguidelines related to this approach are ill-defined at the presenttime leading to some justifiable uncertainty. A pilot studywas therefore undertaken in order to establish the place ofegg-sharing in an assisted conception programme. The currentHFEA guidelines on medical screening of patients, counselling,age and rigid anonymity between the donor and recipient werefollowed. The study involved 55 women (25 donors and 30 recipients)in 73 treatment cycles involving fresh and frozen-thawed embryos.Donors were previous IVF patients who, regardless of their abilityto pay, shared their eggs equally with matched anonymous recipients.They paid only for their consultations and tests right up tothe point of being matched with a recipient The sole recipientpaid the cost applicable in egg donation of a single egg collection,although both received embryo transfers. The results indicatethat although the recipients were older than the donors (41.4± 0.9 versus 31.6 ± 0.5 years), and there wasno difference in the mean number of eggs allocated, the percentagefertilization rates, or the mean number of embryos transferred,there were more births per patient amongst recipients than amongstdonors (30 versus 20%). We conclude that providing the donorsare selected carefully, this scheme whereby a sub-fertile donorhelps a sub-fertile recipient is a very constructive way ofsolving the problem of the shortage of eggs for donation. Thereare also the advantages of including a group of women who wouldotherwise be denied treatment Problems related to ‘patientcoercion’ can, in our view, be fully overcome by the applicationof strict common-sense safeguards. The ideal of pure altruismis not without its medical and moral risk. The success of egg-sharingdepends on shared interests and a degree of altruism betweenthe donor, the recipient and the centre. The current HFEA guidelinesshould be applauded for enabling a highly effective conceptof mutual help to develop.  相似文献   
Recently, sequences from a novel virus, termed GB virus C (GBV-C), were identified in serum from several patients with cryptogenic hepatitis. In the present study, the nucleotide sequence of this virus has been extended to near-genome length. GBV-C encodes a putative single large polyprotein in which the structural proteins are positioned at the N-terminal end, with the nonstructural proteins located at the C-terminal end. Amino acid sequence analysis of this large polyprotein reveals the presence of protease, helicase, and replicase motifs. Sequence alignments of the polyprotein followed by phylogenetic analyses suggest that GBV-C is a member of the Flaviviridae, most closely related to the recently described GB virus A. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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