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The sudden increase in incidence and magnitude of mine blast injuries prompted us to highlight the problem and its management.


The cases of mine blast injuries occurring during mining and demining in a particular geographical area were analysed. Total 27 cases of mine blast injuries occurred during mining or demining operations in a period of 13 months.


Various body regions were involved in the mine blast injuries but the main brunt was borne by feet and legs followed by multiple body regions due to splinters. 14 patients underwent below knee (BK) amputation while 4 patients required through knee (TK) amputations. The effect of blast was so severe that most of the cases required 2 to 5 times wound debridements. The initial aggressive debridement / open stump amputation saved the limb and life of all patients.


A mine blast causes extensive injuries and psychological trauma. Management is needed urgently, surgery is difficult, and amputation is often inevitable. Maximum lives and limbs can be saved with aggressive debridement, repeated inspections and dressings under anaesthesia and definitive closure at optimum time.Key Words: Amputation, Antipersonnel mine, Crush syndrome, Debridements, Mine blast injury, Secondary missiles, Shrapenels  相似文献   
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), once considered as the gold standard of treatment of menopausal symptoms and osteoporosis, introduced about seventy years ago still continuing with lot of controversies. Menopause, a transitional period of women's life, is not an illness when oestrogen level falls leading to its consequences. Results of earlier observational studies showed beneficial effects of HRT including cardiovascular protection. But all recent randomized controlled trials have failed to prove these positive effects, rather increases the cardiovascular risk and breast cancer. Women's Health Initiative(WHI), one of the recent randomized controlled trials was stopped prematurely in 2002 due to unfavorable risk-benefit ratio. HRT is not the only way of treating the menopausal symptoms and other consequences of estrogen deficiency. There are suitable alternatives without bearing the risk of HRT. Vasomotor symptoms with hot flushes and sweating experienced by about 75 percent of menopausal women can be treated with alternatives like phyto-estrogens, selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), clonidine, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, acupuncture, exercise, behavioral therapy etc. HRT is no longer considered as the first line of treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. It can be treated with alternatives like regular weight bearing exercise, balanced calcium rich diet, maintaining weight, avoidance of bone robbers, (like excess alcohol, caffeine, smoking), use of SERMs etc. Use of HRT should be individualized and rationalized considering its risks and benefits.  相似文献   
Over 200 measurements of the resting rate of oxygen consumption using an open-circuit method were made on 15 small babies nursed in their usual clinical setting during the first month of life. There were striking and persistent variations between babies that could not be explained by postnatal age, relationship to feed, sleep, or time of day. It was not possible from clinical examination to predict which babies had the higher or lower metabolic rates, except that babies who were light-for-dates generally had higher values. Because of these variations the appropriate thermal temperature for small babies cannot be predicted from average values adjusted for body weight and postnatal age alone.  相似文献   
The long-term effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy are becoming increasingly reconginzed as the cure rates of certain childhood malignancies improve. The endocrine system is particularly sensitive to cancer therapies. Long-term survivors of childhood cancer who received cranial irradiation have been shown to have lower than predicted height, an increased prevalence of obesity and redutions in strength, exercise tolerance, bone mineral density, quality of life and academic achievement. Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is the most frequent endocrine deficiency observed following cranial irradiation. Adults with GHD resulting from primary hypothalamic-pituitary disease during childhood have been shown to exhibit a clinical picture similar to that described in long-term survivors of childhood cancer: increased fat mass and reduced lean mass, strength, exercise tolerance, bone mineral density and quality of life. This review considers the possible contributin of GHD to the adverse sequelae observed in long-term survivors of childhood malignancy and includes our preliminary experience in treating 14 adults with GHD resulting from the treatment of childhood malignancies.  相似文献   
Trials which randomize practices II: sample size   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Kerry  SM; Bland  JM 《Family practice》1998,15(1):84-87
BACKGROUND: When practices are randomized in a trial and observations are made on the patients to assess the relative effectiveness of the different interventions, sample size calculations need to estimate the number of practices required, not just the total number of patients. OBJECTIVE: Our aims were to introduce the methodology for appropriate sample size calculation and discuss the implications for power. METHOD: A worked example from general practice is used. DISCUSSION: Designs which randomize practices are less powerful than designs which randomize patients to intervention groups, particularly where a large number of patients is recruited from each practice. Studies which randomize few practices should be avoided if possible, as the loss of power is considerable and simple randomization may not ensure comparability of intervention groups.   相似文献   


Cryptosporidium spp. is a coccidian parasite infected humans and animals. Prevalence rate of Cryptosporidium spp. infection associated with is some parameters such as sampling, age, season, country and contact to domestic animals. This study aimed to determine Cryptosporidium spp. Infection in humans and some animals in rural areas of Shushtar district from Khuzestan Province, south- west of Iran.


In this study, Stool specimens were randomly collected from 45 cattle, 8 buffalos, 35 calves, 22 turkeys, 3 sheep, 2 geese as well as 62 humans in different seasons selected from rural areas of Shushtar district located in Khuzestan in the south- west of Iran from August 2009 to April 2011. The collected stool samples were examined by modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining method.


Altogether, 68/115 (59.1%) domestic animals and 9/62 (14.5%) of humans were showed Cryptosporidium spp. infection in the study areas.


In this study we found the high frequency of Cryptosporidium spp. infection in the studied areas.  相似文献   
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