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The chemical stability of members of two groups of cytostatics, mitomycins and anthracyclines, has been studied in four different cell culture media enriched with serum. Stability was determined with the use of high performance liquid chromatography. In the group of mitomycins, the 7-aminomitosanes appeared to be relatively stable during a seven days incubation period at 37 degrees C when compared to the 7-methoxy congeners. The anthracycline derivatives, 4-demethoxy-daunorubicin, doxorubicin and its 4'-analogues showed half-lives of about 10-20 hours. Doxorubicinol and daunorubicin were found to be more stable. Anthracycline degradation products could be traced with the use of thin layer chromatography. All main degradation products originate from hydrolytic reactions. No enzymatic conversions could be observed. These observations may be of importance for the correct interpretation of the effects of mitomycins or anthracyclines on cells incubated in a cell culture medium.  相似文献   
A 3-week-old patient underwent cataract extraction under halothane anesthesia. After induction of anesthesia and instillation of phenylephrine hydrochloride eyedrops, the patient experienced cyanosis and cardiovascular depression. Her condition improved over the next 10 minutes. The possible contributions of halothane and phenylephrine to this response are discussed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Beim kleinzelligen Lungenkarzinom muss die Dosisintensität der zytotoxischen Behandlungsmodalitäten als wichtige therapeutische Größe angesehen werden. Dies gilt sowohl für die Chemo- als auch die Strahlentherapie in ihrer Kobination. Die Mehrheit der verfügbaren Evidenz deutet an, dass der frühe Einsatz der thorakalen Strahlentherapie, simultan mit einer platinbasierten Zweitgenerationschemotherapie, einen moderaten therapeutischen Vorteil bei Patienten im UICC-Stadium I–III bietet.  相似文献   
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