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Many commercially available hydroxyapatite (HA) spacers for cervical laminoplasty have been introduced but have disadvantages such as lack of plasticity, easy cracking, and occasional difficulty in fixation by sutures. Here we present the short-term results of a newly designed titanium spacer (Laminoplasty Basket) in open-door cervical laminoplasty, and evaluated clinically and radiologically. The titanium box-shaped spacer with two arms for fixation was easily inserted and fixed into the laminoplasty space with 4-mm or 5-mm length screws after the posterior cervical arch was repositioned for the canal expansion. Twenty-one patients with cervical myelopathy due to spondylosis or ossification of the longitudinal ligament or developmental narrow canal observed for more than 6 months postoperatively were enrolled in this study. The neurological condition of these patients improved from 9.4 points on the Japanese Orthopaedic Association scale preoperatively to 13.5 points at 6 months after surgery. Postoperative radiological evaluation showed no laminar closure or implant failure and cervical spine curvature was maintained. These results seemed to have no significant difference compared with those using HA spacers. This titanium spacer is a potential substitute for conventional HA or other similar devices in cervical laminoplasty.  相似文献   
A 25-year-old parturient with Marfan's syndrome was scheduled for cesarean delivery. She suffered with severe scoliosis and asymptomatic aortic root dilatation. To establish a cardiovascular stability and prevent aortic dissection perioperatively, we selected the use of remifentanil, an ultra-short acting opioid analgesic with general anesthesia. General anesthesia was induced with remifentanil (0.2 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1)), propofol (100 mg), and vecuronium bromide (10 mg). Anesthesia was maintained with 100% O2, sevoflurane (1-1.5%), and remifentanil (0.2-0.25 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1)). She remained hemodynamically stable during surgery. A lively infant was delivered and Apgar scores were 8 and 9 at 1 and 5 min, respectively. Their post-delivery courses were uneventful. Remifentanil was useful for anesthetic management in a pregnant patient with Marfan's syndrome undergoing cesarean delivery, although attention to infant's respiratory condition should be paid because remifentanil can cross the placenta.  相似文献   
We report a case of Bland-White-Garland syndrome with advanced age. The patient, a 67-year-old women, presented with a history of congestive heart failure. Coronary catheterization revealed an anomalous origin of the left coronary artery (LCA) from the trunk of the pulmonary artery and huge right coronary aneurysm. Myocardial single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) showed previous myocardial infarction with reversible ischemia in left anterior descending (LAD) region. We performed LCA direct closure and coronary artery bypass graft. The patient recovered uneventfully without signs of ischemia. Although a bypass graft was patent, left ventricular function had not been improved immediately probably due to the coronary flow pattern changes.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To compare site-dependent changes across the carpal tunnel in axonal persistent Na+ conductances in motor and sensory axons. Positive sensory symptoms are prominent features in carpal tunnel syndrome, and a persistent Na+ current is a major determinant of axonal excitability. METHODS: The technique of latent addition was used to estimate persistent Na+ currents in median motor and sensory axons at the wrist and palm of 10 normal subjects. Brief hyperpolarizing conditioning current pulses were delivered, and threshold change at the conditioning-test interval of 0.2 ms was measured as an indicator of persistent Na+ currents. RESULTS: Threshold changes at 0.2 ms were greater in sensory than in motor axons at both the wrist and palm. In motor axons, the threshold changes were significantly smaller at the palm (mean, 4.9%) than at the wrist (10.0%). By contrast, the threshold changes were similar at the two sites of sensory axons (12.6 and 13.1%). The passive membrane time constant was similar for motor and sensory axons at the palm and wrist. CONCLUSIONS: Nodal persistent Na+ conductances have substantial site-dependent changes decreasing distally across the carpal tunnel in median motor axons, but not in sensory axons. SIGNIFICANCE: Whereas sensory axons generally have higher excitability than motor axons, the sensory-motor differences become more prominent across, and possibly at the carpal tunnel than the nerve trunk, and it is suggested that this contributes to the predominance of positive sensory symptoms in carpal tunnel syndrome.  相似文献   
Farin A  Suzuki SO  Weiker M  Goldman JE  Bruce JN  Canoll P 《Glia》2006,53(8):799-808
Glioma cells have a remarkable capacity to infiltrate the brain and migrate long distances from the tumor, making complete surgical resection impossible. Yet, little is known about how glioma cells interact with the complex microenvironment of the brain. To investigate the patterns and dynamics of glioma cell infiltration and migration, we stereotactically injected eGFP and DsRed-2 labeled rat C6 glioma cells into neonatal rat forebrains and used time-lapse microscopy to observe glioma cell migration and proliferation in slice cultures generated from these brains. In this model, glioma cells extensively infiltrated the brain by migrating along the abluminal surface of blood vessels. Glioma cells intercalated their processes between the endothelial cells and the perivascular astrocyte end feet, but did not invade into the blood vessel lumen. Dynamic analysis revealed notable similarities between the migratory behavior of glioma cells and that previously observed for glial progenitor cells. Glioma cells had a characteristic leading process and migrated in a saltatory fashion, with bursts of migration separated by periods of immobility, and maximum speeds of over 100 microm/h. Migrating glioma cells proliferated en route, pausing for as short as an hour to divide before the daughter cells resumed migrating. Remarkably, the majority of glioma cell divisions took place at or near vascular branch points, suggesting that mitosis is triggered by local environmental cues. This study provides the first dynamic analysis of glioma cell infiltration in living brain tissue and reveals that the migration and proliferation of transplanted glioma cells is directed by interactions with host brain vasculature.  相似文献   
The authors present the case of a 61-year-old male with a de novo fusiform vertebral artery aneurysm, probably due to non-traumatic dissection. He underwent flow diversion therapy, using a double overlapping technique, because the origin of the contralateral vertebral artery was stenotic. Placement of two stents resulted in marked reduction of blood flow in the aneurysm. Postoperative course was uneventful. Follow-up 3D-CT angiography revealed a patent blood flow in the stent and a gradual progression of intra-aneurysmal thrombosis. Flow diversion therapy can potentially obliterate the complicated cerebral aneurysm with the preservation of blood flow in the parent artery, and would be one of the important therapeutic options in patients with complicated aneurysms in which conventional strategies such as neck clipping, endovascular coiling and parent artery occlusion are not feasible or contraindicated.  相似文献   


Postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) remains a leading cause of morbidity after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). In the present study we sought to establish a preoperative scoring system with which to predict this complication.  相似文献   


Cardiac arrest during spine surgery in the prone position is difficult to manage as poor access makes cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defibrillation difficult. Advanced age is the maximal risk factor for cardiac arrest. Therefore, we wanted to determine the relationship between age and cardiac risk factors/pre-operating tests for cervical spine surgery in the prone position.  相似文献   
Documentation of familial epilepsy is of paramount importance for identification of epilepsy-associated genes, elucidation of pathomechanisms of epilepsy, and development of treatment of epilepsy. We report a Japanese family with 5 members with lateral temporal lobe epilepsy beginning around the second decade of life. All seizures were intractable to medical treatment, and four patients underwent surgical treatment following long-term monitoring by intracranial electroencephalography with subdural electrodes, which revealed neocortical origins for the seizure. These four patients were successfully treated with surgery. The clinical features of this familial temporal lobe epilepsy seem to be different from those of previously reported types of familial temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   
We investigated the optimum initial dose and timing of administration of α1A-adrenoceptor antagonist silodosin for treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH/LUTS). Ninety-eight patients were given a 4 mg dose after breakfast (group A), 4 mg after supper (group B), or 4 mg after breakfast and after supper (group C). At baseline, 4, 8 and 12 weeks after treatment, we assessed International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and quality of life (QOL) index. Twenty-five percent or less improvement of total IPSS and no improvement of QOL index compared with baseline were defined as treatment failure at each evaluation point. Otherwise treatment was considered effective. In group A and group B, patients with treatment failure at 4 or 8 weeks after treatment, the dose of silodosin was increased to 8 mg daily. At the end of the study, 83 patients were evaluable. At 12 weeks after treatment, 20 of the 31 patients in group A and 22 of the 29 patients in group B remained on the 4 mg dose ; silodosin was effective in 65 and 76% of the patients, respectively. When patients with dose escalation were included, silodosin was effective in 81 and 90% of the patients, respectively. Silodosin was effective in 18 of the 23(78%) patients in group C, although improvement of total IPSS and voiding symptom score of IPSS at 12 weeks after treatment was better in group C than in group A or group B, the difference was not significant. In patients with IPSS less than 20, the degree of improvement of IPSS was similar among the 3 groups. In contrast, in patients with IPSS of 20 or greater the degree of improvement was better in group C than in group B or group C, but the difference was not significant. Storage symptom score of IPSS was significantly improved in all 3 groups without any significant difference among the 3 groups. Three patients (52, 59 and 76 years old) experienced abnormal ejaculation. In conclusion, 4 mg of silodosin daily showed effectiveness against BPH/LUTS, but 8 mg of silodosin daily might be better for patients with severe LUTS.  相似文献   
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