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On-site testing of 157 poultry processors disclosed that 50% had three or more abnormal upper extremity findings out of a total of 22 possibles. The average worker had five to six abnormal findings. Impaired pinch strength, decreased vibration sensitivity in the fingertips, and reports of current numbness were the most prevalent. Of workers with signs, 25% reported no symptoms, whereas only 8% of workers reported symptoms but had no signs. The investigators concluded that this measurement method has utility for assessments of worker populations to determine prevalence of CTDs and, potentially, for preclinical detection of these disorders to permit early intervention, reduce medical costs, and minimize disability. The need for accurate measurement to enhance early detection and prevention is discussed.  相似文献   
We have earlier introduced a principle for learning metrics, which shows how metric-based methods can be made to focus on discriminative properties of data. The main applications are in supervising unsupervised learning to model interesting variation in data, instead of modeling all variation as plain unsupervised learning does. The metrics are derived by approximations to an information-geometric formulation. In this paper, we review the theory, introduce better approximations to the distances, and show how to apply them in two different kinds of unsupervised methods: prototype-based and pairwise distance-based. The two examples are self-organizing maps and multidimensional scaling (Sammon's mapping).  相似文献   


Research fellowship in behavioral AIDS research  相似文献   
Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural findings in two cases of fibrolamellar carcinoma of the liver and two cases of hepatocellular carcinoma of the common histologic type are described. Ultrastructural examination of both cases of fibrolamellar carcinoma revealed the presence of neurosecretory (NS) granules which were sparse in some cells and abundant in others. Many of the tumor cells had a distinct oncocytic appearance with abundant mitochondria. A portion of the glutaraldehyde-fixed neoplasm was processed for the uranaffin reaction (an ultrastructural cytochemical stain specific for the NS granules of neuroendocrine tissue). Abundant uranaffin-positive granules were found in the neoplastic cells of both cases of fibrolamellar carcinoma, whereas no uranaffin-positive granules were found in hepatocellular carcinoma of the common histologic type. There was no statistical difference in the mean diameter of the uranaffin-positive granules measured from both cases. Immunohisto-chemistry revealed the presence of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and serotonin in one of the two cases of fibrolamellar carcinoma and no NSE staining in two cases of hepatocellular carcinoma of the common histologic type. These findings suggest that some liver tumors presenting histologically as fibrolamellar carcinoma may be neuroendocrine in nature.  相似文献   
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