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Summary In normal human skin, immtmoreactive thrombomodulin (TM) is expressed in a strict differentiation related pattern. solely in suprabasal spinous layer keratinocytes. To evaluate the polential application of TM as a differentiation marker for keratinocyte-derived skin tumours, we have studied immunohistopathological, biochemical and functional TM activities in various skin tumours. Immunoreactive, full sized and enzymatically active TM was expressed in keratinocyte-derived skin tumours (squamous cell carcinoma, seborrhoeic keratosis and partly Bowen's disease), as well as normal epidermal keratinoeytes and endothelial cells. However, no TM was detected in basal cell carcinotnas, senile keratosis or non-squanious epithelial tumours such as malignant melanoma, naevus pigmentosus and Paget's disease. Interestingly, decreased expression was observed in verruca vulgaris. These findings suggested that differentiation-dependent TM expression was restricted to epithelial skin tumours and undetectable on neural crest derived tumours. TM is a differentiation marker for spinous layer keratinocytes and is a useful tool in histopathological study of epithelial tumours.  相似文献   
An oral biofilm is a community of surface-attached microorganisms that coats the oral cavity, including the teeth, and provides a protective reservoir for oral microbial pathogens, which are the primary cause of persistent and chronic infectious diseases in patients with dry mouth or Sjögren''s syndrome (SS). The purpose of this study was to establish an animal model for studying the initial adhesion of oral streptococci that cause biofilm formation in patients with dry mouth and SS in an attempt to decrease the influence of cariogenic organisms and their substrates. In nonobese diabetogenic (NOD) mice that spontaneously develop insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and SS, we replaced major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II (Ag7 Eg7) and class I Db with MHC class II (Ad Ed) and class I Dd from nondiabetic B10.D2 mice to produce an animal model that inhibited IDDM without affecting SS. The adhesion of oral streptococci, including Streptococcus mutans, onto tooth surfaces was then investigated and quantified in homologous recombinant N5 (NOD.B10.D2) and N9 (NOD.B10.D2) mice. We found that a higher number of oral streptococci adhered to the tooth surfaces of N5 (NOD.B10.D2) and N9 (NOD.B10.D2) mice than to those of the control C57BL/6 and B10.D2 mice. On the basis of our observation, we concluded that these mouse models might be useful as animal models of dry mouth and SS for in vivo biological studies of oral biofilm formation on the tooth surfaces.Oral streptococci are present in large numbers in dental plaque, and several types interact with the enamel salivary pellicle to form a biofilm on tooth surfaces (9, 16, 17, 21, 29). Streptococci account for approximately 20% of the total number of salivary bacteria (24), with Streptococcus salivarius being the primary organism. Further, the densities of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguis in saliva are more than 1 × 105 cells per ml. S. mutans is a pioneering organism that plays an important role in biofilm formation on tooth surfaces and is a primary causative agent of dental caries (9, 16, 21). The mechanical forces of salivary flow and tongue movement tend to dislodge and expel bacteria from tooth surfaces and the oral cavity (3, 5, 6), and their importance in controlling microbial colonization in the oral cavity has been well demonstrated in individuals with diabetes mellitus, Sjögren''s syndrome (SS), and dry mouth, who suffer from a rapid overgrowth of biofilm and rampant caries, making them highly susceptible to oral infections (1-2, 6). Thus, attempts to investigate the initial adhesion by oral streptococci, including S. mutans, in mouse models are likely to aid in the understanding and prevention of oral infectious diseases caused by the components of oral biofilm.Previous studies of S. mutans infections in the oral cavities of mice have been performed by feeding the animals diets containing sucrose in the presence of glucans (13, 15, 30, 43). Since the adherence of S. mutans to the tooth surface may depend on the balance between physical adherence and synthesis of insoluble glucans in a natural environment, that infection method may be inappropriate for investigation of natural biofilm formation associated with streptococci, including S. mutans (18, 39).The nonobese diabetogenic (NOD) mouse strain is currently the best available model for the study of insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and SS (11, 31), both of which develop spontaneously and are characterized by lymphatic infiltration of the pancreas and salivary glands. Oral changes are prominent features of these diseases, which are manifested by dry mouth and hyposalivation (6, 7, 37). NOD mice are also used as an animal model for the study of oral infectious diseases associated with systemic diseases such as diabetes and SS or dry mouth.The unique major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II genes (I-Ag7, no expression of I-E) represent dominant susceptibility factors and mediate activated T cells during the development of diabetes in NOD mice (11, 22, 25, 36, 41, 42). In the NOD model of SS, histopathological analyses of the salivary glands in MHC-congenic strains of NOD mice have indicated that the I-Ag7 region is not required for lymphocytic infiltration (26, 31). Further, replacement of the NOD MHC class I Kd region with another haplotype, MHC class I Kwm7, as well as replacement of the MHC class II Ag7 Eg7 and class I Dd regions with the corresponding region from the other MHC haplotype, has been shown to prevent diabetes (12). However, replacement with MHC class I K does not completely prevent development of insulitis. In another report, NOD mice pretreated nasally by using peptides restricted with MHC class I Kd showed a delayed onset of spontaneous IDDM, though insulitis could not be prevented by the induction of tolerance (23).In the present study, we attempted to establish an animal model for oral infectious diseases such as dental caries by focusing on replacement of the MHC class II and class I D region but not the class I K region in nondiabetic NOD mice by outcrossing B10.D2 mice (Kd, I-Ad, and Dd) with NOD mice (Kd, I-Ag7, and Db) because the MHC class I K region in B10.D2 mice is identical with that in NOD mice (12). The present backcrossed and intercrossed NOD mice with the MHC class II and MHC class I D region replaced with that from B10.D2 mice developed SS, however, not diabetes. We then attempted to determine whether these mice would be useful as animal models for a sucrose-free study of the initial adhesion of oral streptococci on tooth surfaces in humans.  相似文献   
Diagnosis of Small Pancreatic Carcinoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A retrospective analysis was performed to evaluate the clinicalsymptoms and abnormal test findings in small pancreatic carcinoma.Five hundred and thirty-six cases of pancreatic carcinoma withthe histology of duct cell carcinoma were collected from 14medical centers in Japan. In 440 of the cases, tumor size wasmeasured at the time of laparotomy or from the resected specimen.Three hundred and seventy-seven patients (86%) had a carcinomalarger than 3.0 cm; only 30% of these were resectable. Sixty-threepatients (14%) had a carcinoma of 3.0 cm or less, with resectabilityof 97%. Detecting a tumor of "3 cm or less" with a high probabilityof resectability is the objective of early diagnosis with theresulting possibility of a cure. In most cases these small carcinomaswere found easily when obstructive jaundice was present (73%).However, the estimated occurrence of obstructive jaundice associatedwith carcinomas of 3 cm or less was only 10% among the totalcases of pancreatic carcinoma studied. Therefore, it is necessaryfor early diagnosis to detect carcinomas of 3 cm or less presentingwithout jaundice. The symptoms of small carcinoma without jaundiceare weight loss, anorexia, upper abdominal pain, back pain anda palpable abdominal mass. Among the various available examinations,endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, computerizedtomography and ultrasonography were valuable in diagnosing thesesmall carcinomas.  相似文献   
Few studies have reviewed the roles of perfusion magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in the histopathological examination of meningiomas. We analyzed the relationships between radiological findings on perfusion MR imaging and pathological characteristics such as origin of the tumor, mitotic activity, pathological subtype, and perifocal edema formation. The subjects were 21 surgical cases of meningioma preoperatively evaluated by perfusion MR imaging. A region of interest (ROI) was set inside of the tumor, and perifocal edema of the same size, cerebral blood volume (CBV), and cerebral blood flow (CBF) on perfusion MR and diffusion-weighted (DW) imaging were analyzed. These radiological data were evaluated in comparison with histopathological characteristics. On perfusion MR imaging, the average ratio of CBV against the contralateral side was 6.43 (1.13–20.0) and that of CBF was 7.73 (1.34–11.3). There was no significant relationship with perfusion MR imaging data, tumor volume, or perifocal edema volume. However, the large peritumoral edema group often had a higher CBV and CBF than the non-large peritumoral edema group. The skull base group had a significantly higher CBV and lower signal intensity on DW images than the non-skull base group. Signal intensity on DW images was higher in grade II or III than in grade I. Perfusion MR imaging data revealed that the higher ratio of peritumoral edema against tumor size was associated with higher blood flow and blood volume under intratumoral circulatory conditions, and that skull base meningioma had a higher blood volume than non-skull base meningioma.  相似文献   
We have studied the effects of different doses of thiopentoneon the increase in serum myoglobin after administration of suxamethoniumduring inhalation induction of anaesthesia in children. Forty-threechildren were anaesthetized with halothane and nitrous oxidein oxygen and allocated to four groups. group S received suxamethonium1 mg kg–1 to facilitate intubation; group ST2 receivedthiopentone 2 mg kg–1 and group ST4 received thiopentone4 mg kg–1 before administration of suxamethonium 1 mgkg–1; group N did not receive thiopentone or suxamethonium.Serum myoglobin and creatine kinase (CK) concentrations weremeasured until 60 min after the injection of suxamethonium.Both myoglobin and CK concentrations increased in the threegroups receiving suxamethonium. There were no significant differencesbetween groups S and ST2, but the myo globin concentration wasless in group ST4 than in groups S and ST2. A significant differencein CK concentration was found only between groups ST2 and ST4at 60min. In group N, both values remained reasonably constant.Thiopentone 4mg kg–1, but not 2 mg kg–1, attenuatedthe increase. The results indicate that to prevent a markedelevation in serum myoglobin after administration of suxamethonium,thiopentone 4 mg kg–1 should be administered. Presented in part at the Annual Meeting of the American Societyof Anesthesiology, October 1989 (Anesthesiology 1989; 71: A1046).  相似文献   
The metabolic behavior, clearance, and pulmonary effects ofgadolinium (Gd), one of the rare earth elements, were investigatedafter single intratracheal instillation of gadolinium chloride(GdCl3) in male Wistar rats. There was a dose-related increasein Gd content of lung tissue. Gd content in the supernatantof bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) did not exceed 5 µgGd/ BALF even at a dose of 100 µg Gd/rat. Gd in the lungtissue decreased very slowly with a biological half-life of136 days at a dose of 50 µg Gd/rat. On the other hand,Gd content in the super natant of BALF was not detectable after31 days. These results suggest that intratracheally instilledGd can be retained in epithelial lining fluid only to a limitedextent as soluble forms and is deposited in the lung tissueprobably in insoluble forms which are metabolized very slowly.Calcium (Ca) content in BALF increased more rapidly than othertoxicological indices such as lactate dehydrogenase activity,protein concentration, and inflammatory cell counts. In thelung tissue, levels of Ca in Gd-instilled groups did not differfrom the control value. Although these data suggest that theorigin of Ca may be blood plasma, biological and/or toxicologicalsignificance of increased Ca is not known. The number of neutrophilsreached the maximum at 12 hr after instillation, indicatingthat Gd has the potency to cause acute lung toxicity. Summarizingthe observation, Gd instilled intratracheally into rats wasdeposited in the lung tissue in nonsoluble forms with an extremelylong half-life, while the metal caused a rapid and selectiveinfiltration of serum Ca before acute lung toxicity.  相似文献   
1. The plasma level of Z-300 reached a maximum (Cmax) at 30?min after the oral administration of Z-300 to dog, and disappeared from the systemic circulation with a halflife of 8-9 h. The bioavailability of Z-300 was 52% after the oral administration of Z-300, 3?mg/kg. At doses ranging from 3 to 30?mg/kg, Cmax and AUC (area under the plasma concentration-time curve) were proportional to the dose. 2. The plasma level of Z-300 reached Cmax at 10?min after the oral administration of Z-300 to rat, and disappeared from the systemic circulation with a half-life of 0.8-1.6 h. The bioavailability of Z-300 was 39% after the oral administration of Z-300, 10?mg/kg, and there was a non-linear relationship between the plasma level-time profile of Z-300 and the administered dose (3-50?mg/kg). 3. The binding of Z-300 to plasma protein was 92% in man, 65% in dog and 25% in rat. It is suggested that these species differences were due to the content of α1-acid glycoprotein (α1-AG), because Z-300 bound more strongly to α1-AG than to albumin.  相似文献   
Diapause represents a major developmental switch in insects and is a seasonal adaptation that evolved as a specific subtype of dormancy in most insect species to ensure survival under unfavorable environmental conditions and synchronize populations. However, the hierarchical relationship of the molecular mechanisms involved in the perception of environmental signals to integration in morphological, physiological, behavioral, and reproductive responses remains unclear. In the bivoltine strain of the silkworm Bombyx mori, embryonic diapause is induced transgenerationally as a maternal effect. Progeny diapause is determined by the environmental temperature during embryonic development of the mother. Here, we show that the hierarchical pathway consists of a γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic and corazonin signaling system modulating progeny diapause induction via diapause hormone release, which may be finely tuned by the temperature-dependent expression of plasma membrane GABA transporter. Furthermore, this signaling pathway possesses similar features to the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) signaling system for seasonal reproductive plasticity in vertebrates.

To ensure survival under unfavorable environmental conditions and synchronize populations, most insect species enter diapause, which is a seasonal adaptation that evolved as a specific subtype of dormancy (1, 2). Diapause is not a passive response to changing conditions but rather an actively induced state that precedes adverse natural situations. Therefore, this diapause phenotype is accompanied by changes in energy metabolism or storage to improve cold/stress tolerance in later life stages, or progeny via reproductive switch (3). Although it has been generally suggested that brain/neuroendocrine systems are associated with this seasonal reproductive plasticity in both vertebrates and invertebrates (3, 4), the hierarchical relationship of the molecular mechanisms involved in the perception of environmental signals to integration into morphological, physiological, behavioral, and reproductive responses, known as the diapause syndrome, remains unclear (3).The silkworm Bombyx mori is a typical insect that arrests normal development during early embryogenesis, which is accompanied by metabolic changes in diapause (5, 6). The development of diapause-destined embryos is arrested during the G2 cell cycle stage immediately after the formation of the cephalic lobe and telson and sequential segmentation of the mesoderm (7). The bivoltine strain of B. mori has two generations per year, and progeny diapause is transgenerationally induced as a maternal effect and is determined by the environmental temperature, photoperiod, and nutrient conditions during embryonic and larval development of the mother (5, 6). The temperature signal during the mother’s embryonic development predominantly affects diapause determination, even if silkworms of the bivoltine Kosetsu strain are exposed to all cases of photoperiods during embryonic and larval development. In the Kosetsu strain, when eggs are incubated at 25 °C under continuous darkness, the resultant female moths (25DD) lay diapause eggs in almost all cases. In contrast, incubation of eggs at 15 °C in dark condition results in moths (15DD) that lay nondiapause eggs in almost all cases (6).Embryonic diapause is induced by the diapause hormone (DH) signaling pathway, which consists of highly sensitive and specific interactions between a neuropeptide, DH, and DH receptor (DHR) (6, 8). DH is exclusively synthesized in seven pairs of neurosecretory cells (DH-PBAN–producing neurosecretory cells [DHPCs]) located within the subesophageal ganglion (SG) in the mother’s generation (6). DH is released into the hemolymph during pupal–adult development and acts on the DHR, which belongs to the G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) (9). DH levels in the hemolymph are higher in the 25DD than 15DD pupae in the middle of pupal–adult development when the developing ovaries are sensitive to DH (6). Furthermore, the embryonic Bombyx TRPA1 ortholog (BmTRPA1) acts as a thermosensitive channel that is activated at temperatures above ∼21 °C and affects diapause induction through DH release (10). However, there remain questions about the thermal information that is received by BmTRPA1 and linked to DH signaling to induce diapause.From the 1950s, it has been suggested that the DH release was controlled by signals derived from certain region(s) in the brain based on surgical experiments, such as midsagittal bisection or transection (1113). Especially, the operation in nondiapause producers changed them to diapause producers while transection of the protocerebrum had no effect on the diapause producers. These surgical results suggested the involvement of the protocerebrum in the inhibitory control of DH secretion (12, 14). Furthermore, the accumulation of the ovarian 3-hydroxykynurenine (3-OHK) pigment that accompanies the diapause syndrome was affected by injection with γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and the plant alkaloid picrotoxin (PTX), which is a widely used ionotropic GABA and glycine receptor antagonist (15, 16), and the selective ionotropic GABA receptor (GABAR) antagonist bicuculline. This suggests that a GABAergic neurotransmission via ionotropic GABAR is involved in DH secretion, which may be active in nondiapause producers but inactive in diapause producers throughout the pupal–adult development (14, 17). In general, ionotropic GABAR is composed of homo- or hetero-pentameric subunits. All known GABAR subunits display a similar structural scheme, with a large N-terminal extracellular domain involved in the formation of a ligand-binding pocket and a pore domain made of four transmembrane alpha-helices (TM1–TM4) (16, 18). Four homologous sequences of the ionotropic GABAR subunit genes were identified as RDL, LCCH3, GRD, and a GRD-like sequence named 8916 in various insects (19). However, the in vivo physiological roles of both signals derived from the brain and the GABAergic pathway in diapause induction have not been previously investigated.Corazonin (Crz) is an undecapeptide neurohormone sharing a highly conserved amino acid (a.a.) sequence across insect lineages and is involved in different physiological functions, such as heart contraction (20), stress response (21, 22), various metabolic activities (2325), female fecundity (26), melanization of locust cuticles (27), regulation of ecdysis (28, 29), and control of caste identity (30). Moreover, Crz belongs to the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) superfamily alongside adipokinetic hormone (AKH) and AKH/Crz-related peptide (ACP). Duplicates of an ancestral GnRH/Crz signaling system occurred in a common ancestor of protostomes and deuterostomes through coevolution of the ligand receptor (31, 32).Herein, we demonstrated that the hierarchical pathway consists of a GABAergic and Crz signaling system modulating progeny diapause induction by acting on DH release. We propose that the PTX-sensitive GABAergic signal may act to chronically suppress Crz release in dorsolateral Crz neurons (under nondiapause conditions) and that diapause conditions (or PTX injection) inhibits GABAergic signaling, resulting in accelerated Crz release, which in turn induces DH release. GABA signaling may be finely tuned by the temperature-dependent expression of the plasma membrane GABA transporter (GAT), which differs between the 25DD and 15DD conditions. Furthermore, this signaling pathway possesses similar features to the GnRH signaling system with respect to seasonal reproductive plasticity in vertebrates.  相似文献   
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