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The 2-period, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study compared the stain-prevention and stain-removal benefit of a chewing gum containing 7.5% sodium hexametaphosphate (measured by digital image analysis) with a placebo chewing gum. The results of this study support that sodium hexametaphosphate delivered from a chewing gum prevents dental stain formation and facilitates stain removal, which leads to a perceptible whitening benefit. The long-term clinical benefits of sodium hexametaphosphate delivered from chewing gum have not been reported in the literature.  相似文献   


Acidogenic, acid-tolerant bacteria induce dental caries and require D-alanyl glycerol lipoteichoic acid (D-alanyl LTA) on their cell surface. Because fluoride inhibits acid-mediated enamel demineralization, an elevated antibody response to D-alanyl LTA may indicate subjects with more acidogenic bacteria and, therefore, an association of DMFT with fluoride exposure and gingival health not apparent in low responders.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to quantify the impact of oral health problems on the quality of life of patients who were experiencing difficulties with dentures. Two hundred and ten patients who were awaiting an initial specialist assessment appointment were asked to complete the short form Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14). One hundred and sixty three (78%) questionnaires were completed correctly and were analyzed. Overall, the prevalence of impacts was high in all sub-scales, indicating that denture related problems had a negative impact on quality of life of both partially dentate and elderly patients.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate the suitability of resorbable screws made of poly (D.L-lactide) acid (PDLLA) for fixation of autologous bone grafts related to graft regeneration and osseointegration of dental implants. In eight edentulous patients suffering from insufficient retention of their upper denture related to a severely resorbed maxilla, the floor of both maxillary sinus and width of the alveolar crest were augmented with an autologous bone graft from the iliac crest. Randomly, the bone graft used to augment the alveolar crest was fixed with two titanium screws on one side and two resorbable screws on the other side (split-mouth design). Three months after the reconstruction, a bone biopsy was taken with a trephine including one resorbable screw (N = 8). Subsequently, six implants were placed in the left and right posterior maxilla. Six months later, at the abutment connection, a bone biopsy was taken including the other resorbable screw (N = 8). The biopsies were processed for light microscopic examination. In addition, clinical parameters were scored. Wound healing was uneventful. Clinically no difference in wound healing was observed between sides treated with either a resorbable or titanium screw. No implants were lost. Six months after implantation, implant retained overdentures could be fabricated in all patients. All patients functioned well with their overdentures (follow-up 22.2 +/- 4.3 months). Three as well as 9 months after insertion (remnants of), the resorbable screws were still visible after reflecting the mucoperiosteum. Histological examination confirmed that a considerable quantity of remnants of the resorbable screws was still present, although areas with some fragmentation of the PDLLA were also observed. The screws were separated by a fibrous tissue layer containing many giant cells from the bone. Particles of PDLLA were observed within these giant cells. This study revealed that resorbable screws made of PDLLA can be used for fixation of bone grafts. The bulk of the PDLLA material is still present after 9 months.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: This study assesses parenting behaviors, health behaviors and attitudes in a sample of disadvantaged African-American fathers and evaluates the potential of fathers as recipients of oral health promotion interventions. METHODS: Participants were 60 African-American fathers whose children were enrolled in a childhood caries prevention study at Women and Infant Child Program (WIC) (n=25) or who were members of a Young Fathers' Program (n=35) at an urban health center. Demographic factors, oral health knowledge, dental self-efficacy, parenting behaviors, readiness to change, and health promotion behaviors were assessed. RESULTS: Participants averaged 30.8 years of age (sd=8.6); children averaged 2.1 years (sd=0. 9). Half of the fathers always have lived with their own children and 92% had regular physical contact with their children. Almost half of the sample reported 'fair/poor' oral health status, while less than 25% reported 'fair/poor' general health. Fathers had high oral health knowledge scores (x=7.7 correct of 9 items), and high readiness for change scores at the action stage (X=12.2 of 15; sd=1.9). dental self-efficacy scores were moderate (X=15.7 of 24; sd=5.5). Half of the fathers shared or had sole responsibility for brushing their children's teeth; 90% report children's teeth were brushed daily. CONCLUSIONS: African- American fathers participated in childrearing and oral health promotion behaviors.  相似文献   
This article reports the preliminary results from a clinical study involving the use of implants with a natural taper design in edentulous and partially edentulous patients. Implants were followed for at least 12 months after occlusal loading. Three hundred nine implants were placed by two periodontists (176 maxillary, 133 mandibular; 198 anterior, 111 posterior). Digital radiographs were taken immediately after implant placement and 1 year after occlusal loading. Computerized measurements were made, with distances calculated between the implant restorative platforms and the greatest heights of interproximal bone on both interproximal surfaces at the time of implant placement and 12 months postplacement. At the 12-month recall appointments, it was noted that 8 of the 309 implants had failed. Osseotite NT implants can be used in the treatment of edentulous and partially edentulous patients using two-stage, single-stage, and immediate occlusal loading protocols with survival rates equivalent to those seen for cylindrically shaped implants.  相似文献   
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The increasing trend toward esthetics has led to controversy as to the longevity of esthetic restorations and the wisdom of having traditional restorations replaced for esthetic reasons. With the assumption that the way dentists treat their own teeth may be a good indication of the accumulated wisdom of the profession, knowledge of dentists' own restorative choices may provide guidance in selecting the most appropriate restorations. PURPOSE: The purpose of this article was to determine restorative choices of dentists for personal molars and estimate restoration longevity. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Information about dentists' molars was obtained from a Web-based survey designed to receive dentists' demographic data and charting of 8 molar teeth with estimated longevity. Approximately 12,000 e-mails asking to access the website were sent to dentists' addresses randomly selected from a commercial database. Nonrespondents received 1 reminder. The responses were statistically analyzed with a chi-square analysis (alpha=.05). RESULTS: Seven hundred fifty-seven valid replies provided information for 6,034 teeth (22% unrestored, 75% restored, 2% missing). Restorations reported included amalgam (36%), gold inlay/onlay (13%), complete veneer crown (CVC) (10%), metal-ceramic crown (MCC) (8%), and composite (7%). Other esthetic options accounted for less than 3%. Restorations with more than 20 years longevity included amalgam restorations (58%), gold inlays/onlays (48%) and crowns (23%). Fifty-six percent of esthetic restorations and 5% of amalgams were placed in the last 5 years. The following restorations were placed in the last year (n=186): 38% esthetic, 29% crowns (18% MCC; 11% CVC), and 17% gold inlay/onlay or amalgam. Significant differences (P<.001) were identified for dentist's gender, year of graduation and practice location. CONCLUSIONS: Most dentists have not replaced traditional metallic restorations with esthetic alternatives. Dentists still choose nonesthetic options for significant numbers of their own restorations.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the number of Latino dentists in California, identify the schools and countries where they were educated, and compare Latino dentist demographics with that of the state's new demographics. From the 2000 California Department of Consumer Affairs list of 25,273 dentists, we identified Latino U.S. dental graduates (USDGs) by "heavily Hispanic" surnames and Latino international dental graduates (IDGs) by country and school of graduation. From the 2000 U.S. census Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS), we described Latino dentist characteristics such as Spanish language capacity and practice location. The number of Latino dentists acquiring licenses to practice in California has fallen dramatically, by nearly 80 percent, between 1983 and 2000. This decline is not merely an affirmative action issue; it results in an issue of access. Latino dentists are far more likely to speak Spanish and be located in a heavily Latino area than non-Latino dentists. Currently, although the supply of Latino dentists is dwindling, the Latino population is growing rapidly. In California and out-of-state schools, first-year matriculation of Latino USDG must increase. Further, non-Latino dentists should be prepared and given incentives to learn Spanish and locate practices in areas of need. The reintroduction of IDG Latino dentists needs to be seriously considered.  相似文献   
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