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These researchers investigated the effects of a progressive resistive, cycle ergometric exercise program on cardio-vascular endurance in one rheumatoid arthritic. The 46 yr. old, male subject exercised three days/week for 14 weeks. Workouts included interval-type training using 5 minute intervals for a total of 20-30 minutes (work rate set at 50-75 watts for each interval), not including 3-minute warm-up and cool-down periods (work rate set at zero resistance). Maximal exercise stress testing on the cycle ergometer was completed and blood samples collected before and after the exercise program. Also, psychological and physical health and lifestyle data were gathered before, during and after completion of the program. The conditioning program produced a training effect (greater than 75% of the HR max after the second exercise session) and blood values improved (10-28%) from the beginning to the end of the program. Finally, the program appeared to have a positive influence on various physical and psychological parameters as perceived by the subject and his wife.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to evaluate a new fluorescence polarization immunoassay, TDx, for digitoxin by comparing the results of this assay with those of a radioimmunoassay (RIA). Thirty-three serum samples were obtained from 15 patients during, and for 4 weeks after, a 4-week course of digitoxin therapy. Each sample was separated by centrifugation, coded, and frozen until analysis. At the time of analysis, each sample was divided and analyzed simultaneously by TDx and RIA. Nine samples yielded results less than 2 ng/ml (limit of assay sensitivity) by one or both methods and were excluded from further data analysis. Linear regression analysis of the results of the remaining 24 paired samples (x = TDx, y = RIA) revealed a strong correlation coefficient of r2 = 0.95, slope = 0.95, and a y intercept of -0.99 (y = -0.99 + 0.95x). Additionally, the TDx results were lower than the RIA values in only five of 33 paired samples; and these occurred in four patients who had a significantly lower mean estimated creatinine clearance than that of the other 11 patients (39.0 +/- 9.1 ml/min/1.73 m2 vs. 63.3 +/- 11.8 ml/min/1.73 m2, p less than 0.01). The TDx system is a comparable alternative to the RIA method, but differences in specificity and sensitivity may exist and should be evaluated more thoroughly.  相似文献   
Free choline and ATP contents were measured in Mongolian gerbil hippocampal slices (tissue) and incubation media (media) during exposure to 30 min of aglycemia, high potassium, anoxia, or ischemia. Changes in choline levels reflected the degree of energy reduction, lower ATP levels being associated with high choline (4-fold increase during exposure to high potassium and anoxia, and 11-fold increase during ischemia). Media (extracellular) choline was particularly affected and increased about twofold during relatively mild energy depletion (e.g., aglycemia), but tissue choline content was less sensitive to energy reduction. A plot of choline vs. ATP levels indicated a nonlinear correlation, and the sharp increase in choline occurred when ATP values fell to about 2.5 nmol/mg of protein. Inhibition of acetylcholine sterase by 10 microM physostigmine during ischemia did not prevent an increase in choline contents but rather enhanced them, indicating that acetylcholine hydrolysis was not the source of free choline. Formation of free choline was Ca2+ independent. These findings suggest the involvement of phospholipase D and phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis in free choline formation during energy stress. The extent of choline formation may be an indicator of the degree of membranal damage, which in turn reflects damage to the metabolic machinery of the cell.  相似文献   
Endothelial cell seeding may improve the patency of synthetic vascular grafts provided that platelet reactivity of nonendothelialized sites is not increased. We have investigated if surface-adsorbed monoclonal antibodies directed against endothelial cell membrane proteins and against extracellular matrix proteins promote the adhesion and proliferation of cultured human endothelial cells, without causing platelet deposition at non-endothelialized sites. Adhesion of endothelial cells onto polyethylene coated with monoclonal antibodies directed against endothelial cell-specific membrane antigens, integrin receptors and glycoprotein CD31 was equal to or higher than adhesion onto fibronectin-coated polyethylene. Endothelial cells did not proliferate on these surface-adsorbed antibodies. However, pre-coating of polyethylene with mixtures of endothelial cell-specific monoclonal antibodies and monoclonal antibodies directed against fibronectin or von Willebrand factor, resulted in relatively high adhesion and optimal proliferation. Platelet reactivity of the polyethylene surface was found to significantly increase after adsorption of fibronectin, endothelial cell-specific monoclonal antibody or its Fc fragments. In contrast, adsorption of F(ab')2 fragments of endothelial cell-specific monoclonal antibody did not promote platelet deposition. Therefore, it is concluded that coating of vascular graft materials with mixtures of F(ab')2 fragments of monoclonal antibodies specifically directed against endothelial cells and against extracellular matrix proteins may be an effective way to both promote the growth of seeded endothelial cells and limit platelet-graft interaction.  相似文献   
Laser-light scattering was used to observe and quantify the dynamics of human blood platelet aggregation in platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Aggregation was performed in a controlled shear environment by placing the PRP in the annular space between a rotating cylindrical rod and a stationary cylindrical tube. The instrument was capable of very sensitive continuous semi-quantitative measurements of chemically-induced microaggregation. As a demonstration of the technique, results are presented for ADP-induced aggregation at doses of 10, 1, and 0.1 microM and collagen-induced aggregation at a dose of 5 micrograms/ml, each at shear rates of 1,000 s-1 and 500 s-1. Extensive aggregation was observed in response to ADP at even the low dose of 0.1 microM, indicating a high sensitivity to microaggregates. The sensitivity of the ultimate size of the ADP-induced aggregates to ADP concentration was shear dependent. The formation of microaggregates by collagen stimulation was shown to be almost immediate, as contrasted with a 10-20 s typical lag when observed turbidometrically. Disaggregation was observed with 1 microM ADP, but this was only partial, as contrasted with the complete recovery of transmittance observed in the turbidometric technique. Electronic particle sizing and counting was employed to semiquantitatively verify the aggregate size distributions found from mathematical conversion of the laser-light scattering data.  相似文献   
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