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Follicular lymphoma international prognostic index   总被引:14,自引:14,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
The prognosis of follicular lymphomas (FL) is heterogeneous and numerous treatments may be proposed. A validated prognostic index (PI) would help in evaluating and choosing these treatments. Characteristics at diagnosis were collected from 4167 patients with FL diagnosed between 1985 and 1992. Univariate and multivariate analyses were used to propose a PI. This index was then tested on 919 patients. Five adverse prognostic factors were selected: age (> 60 years vs 60 years), Ann Arbor stage (III-IV vs I-II), hemoglobin level (< 120 g/L vs 120 g/L), number of nodal areas (> 4 vs 4), and serum LDH level (above normal vs normal or below). Three risk groups were defined: low risk (0-1 adverse factor, 36% of patients), intermediate risk (2 factors, 37% of patients, hazard ratio [HR] of 2.3), and poor risk ( 3 adverse factors, 27% of patients, HR = 4.3). This Follicular Lymphoma International Prognostic Index (FLIPI) appeared more discriminant than the International Prognostic Index proposed for aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Results were very similar in the confirmation group. The FLIPI may be used for improving treatment choices, comparing clinical trials, and designing studies to evaluate new treatments.   相似文献   
This study examined the interaction between working memory and language comprehension in children with specific language impairment (SLI), focusing on the function of the central executive component and its interaction with the phonological loop (A. D. Baddeley, 1986) in complex working memory tasks. Thirteen children with SLI and 13 age-matched (age range = 7;0 [years;months] to 10;0) children with typical language development participated. The tasks combined traditional nonword repetition tests and sentence comprehension by using sentences that differed in length and syntactic complexity. The children with SLI exhibited larger processing and attentional capacity limitations than their age-matched peers. Increased word length and syntactic complexity resulted in a large performance decrease in nonword repetition in both groups. There were some variations in the error pattern, which may indicate qualitative differences between the 2 groups. The performance of the children with SLI in nonword repetition, across the different tasks, indicated a limitation in simultaneous processing rather than difficulty in encoding and analyzing the phonological structure of the nonwords. Furthermore, syntactic complexity had a greater effect on performance accuracy than did sentence length.  相似文献   
It has been shown that inhibition of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) may cause growth arrest and reduced tumour formation in some human cancers; however, the mechanism is not fully known. In this study, we used an oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line to study growth inhibition and changes in critical cell cycle-regulating proteins induced by the selective COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib. Using cell viability assay, we established the optimal in vitro inhibitory dose of celecoxib and showed that inhibition of COX-2 markedly induces the expression of p27kip1, p21, waf1, and the F-box protein skp2. These results add new experimental data to our knowledge of the mechanism of cyclooxygenases on neoplastic cells.  相似文献   
1. 1. By using the trihydroxyindole method to measure catecholamines in both control subjects and subjects with labile hypertension, no relationship could be demonstrated between changes in blood pressure, cardiac output, total peripheral resistance and catecholamines over a 10 minute period, from day to day, or following norepinephrine infusion.
2. 2. The explanation for this lack of correlation would appear to be largely a function of the multiple factors, in addition to the infusion rate, which determine the blood level of catecholamines, and possibly the lack of sensitivity of the method.
3. 3. A consistent hemodynamic effect could be demonstrated in response to norepinephrine infusion in both the control subjects and those with labile hypertension. Although the response was similar at the initial infusion rate, increasing the rate resulted in a fall in total peripheral resistance in the labile hypertensive subjects. The explanation for this appears to be the duration of infusion rather than the dose.
目的 观察并建立不同浓度卡铂损害成年灰鼠前庭终器的离体实验模型。方法 应用前庭终器分离取材技术、前庭器官离体培养技术和组织学检查技术,观察不同浓度卡铂对成年灰鼠前庭各终器的损害。结果 卡铂主要损害灰鼠前庭I型毛细胞,这种损害随着卡铂剂量的增加而加重。结论 卡铂选择性破坏离体培养的灰鼠前庭I型毛细胞。  相似文献   
Chondromyxoid fibroma of the skull base is a rare entity. Involvement of the temporal bone is particularly rare. We present an unusual case of progressive facial nerve paralysis with imaging and clinical findings most suggestive of a facial nerve schwannoma. The lesion was tubular in appearance, expanded the mastoid facial nerve canal, protruded out of the stylomastoid foramen, and enhanced homogeneously. The only unusual imaging feature was minor calcification within the tumor. Surgery revealed an irregular, cystic lesion. Pathology diagnosed a chondromyxoid fibroma involving the mastoid portion of the facial nerve canal, destroying the facial nerve. Laryngoscope, 2009  相似文献   
At least 71 patients have been reported in which their otherwise typical subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE) skin lesions were felt to have been temporally associated with the systemic administration of a drug. The mean age of this cohort of drug-induced SCLE (DI-SCLE) patients was 59 years of age which is somewhat older than the mean age of previously reported idiopathic SCLE patient cohorts. Patients had been taking the suspected triggering drug for weeks to years before the onset of SCLE skin lesions. In addition, it was not unusual for 2–3 months to be required for resolution of the SCLE skin lesions following discontinuation of the triggering drug. A relatively large number of drugs representing different pharmacological classes have been implicated in the induction of SCLE. The drug classes that were more frequently encountered were those used for the treatment of cardiovascular disease, especially hypertension. Calcium channel blockers were especially common in this regard. Elderly individuals being treated for hypertension are often taking multiple classes of drugs that have been implicated in triggering SCLE (thiazide diuretics, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, beta-blockers). An approach to the management of DI-SCLE is presented. Ro/SS-A autoantibodies tended to remain present in the blood after resolution of drug-induced SCLE skin lesions. A common link between the disparate group of drug structures implicated in triggering SCLE is their tendencies to produce photosensitivity and lichenoid drug reactions. This leads to the speculation that DI-SCLE could represent a photo-induced isomorphic/Köebner response in an immunogenetically predisposed host.  相似文献   
Epidermal wound healing is required for normal skin barrier function. Cell motility is a key factor in the ability of keratinocytes to heal epithelial damage. Calmodulin-like protein (CLP) is an epithelial-specific Ca(2+)-binding protein that is regulated during terminal keratinocyte differentiation. CLP is a specific light chain of unconventional myosin-10 (Myo10) and its expression increases filopodial length, filopodial number, and Myo10-dependent cell motility in vitro. However, the effects of CLP expression on keratinocyte motility are unknown. Here we used cultured human keratinocytes to study the role of CLP in regulating Myo10 and the effects of Myo10 and CLP on cell migration. CLP and Myo10 expression were correlated in vitro and required for keratinocyte motility in wound-healing assays. We examined the localization of CLP in wounded skin by immunohistochemistry and found an upregulation and peripheral localization of CLP in the basal and suprabasal cells adjacent to and immediately over the wound bed in vivo. The results suggest that increased CLP expression and CLP-mediated Myo10 function are important for skin differentiation and wound reepithelialization.  相似文献   
Netherton syndrome (NS) is a severe autosomal recessive ichthyosis. It is characterized by congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma, trichorrhexis invaginata, ichthyosis linearis circumflexa, atopic diathesis and frequent bacterial infections. Pathogenic mutations in SPINK5 have recently been identified in NS. SPINK5 encodes lymphoepithelial Kazal-type-related inhibitor (LEKTI), a new type of serine protease inhibitor involved in the regulation of skin barrier formation and immunity. We report two Taiwanese brothers with NS. The patients had typical manifestations of NS with an atopic diathesis and recurrent staphylococcal infections, including staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) since birth. Horny layers were obtained by skin surface biopsy for electron microscopy from lesional skin of both patients and from normal controls. All 33 exons and flanking intron boundaries of SPINK5 were amplified for direct sequencing. The ultrastructure of the stratum corneum (SC) was characterized by premature degradation of corneodesmosomes (CDs) with separation of corneocytes. A homozygous 2260A --> T (K754X) mutation of SPINK5 was found in both patients. Staphylococcal exfoliative toxin A (ETA) is a serine protease capable of cleaving desmoglein 1, an important adhesive molecule of CDs, and can cause separation of the SC, resulting in SSSS. The premature degradation of CDs found in our patients may be attributable to insufficient LEKTI, and possibly also to colonization/infection of ETA-producing Staphylococcus aureus. Mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of the skin barrier defect in NS are proposed. Further study is needed to prove this hypothesis.  相似文献   
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