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A case of β-thalassemia major with a huge mass of hernatopoictic tissuc firmly attached tothe dura mater was reported This is the first case reported in China.  相似文献   
本文研究了各类表面活性剂对聚氯乙烯增塑糊流变行为的影响。阴离子表面活性剂使其增塑糊有较高致流值,呈明显假塑性流动;阳离子和非离子表面活性剂使其增塑糊有低的表观粘度,接近牛顿型流动。测定了聚氯乙烯粒子表面的Zeta电位和接触角,并讨论了表面活性剂影响增塑糊流变性能的机理。  相似文献   
Trial use of CES-D with 550 normal persons   总被引:94,自引:0,他引:94  
目的 对临床发生的急性输液反应进行分析,找出发生的原因,探讨预防措施。方法对201885例次输液治疗中的52例次输液反应资料进行分析。结果 经分析,属药物因素27例(52%),属操作因素11例(21%),属病人因素11例(21%),属输液器具因素3例(6%)。结论 把好药品和操作关,改善操作环境,严格操作规程是减少输液反应的关键。  相似文献   
观察发育阶段不同的鸡和大鼠的小脑标本外形,并在光学显微镜和电子显微镜下观察了结构。鸡卵在孵育的第6天,小脑原基出现。第15天小脑皮质形成,普肯野氏细胞(普氏细胞)排成一层。新生鸡小脑皮质发育近成年状态,普氏细胞发育基本完成。大鼠在生后第5天小脑皮质形成,第20天发育成熟。在生后第5天普氏细胞排成一层,第20天接近成熟状态,此时在电子显微镜下显示为粗面内质网和多聚核蛋白体区域性集中分布。鸡小脑比大鼠小脑发育早,这是种属差异。  相似文献   
可切除原发性十二指肠恶性肿瘤X线征象分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :对可切除的原发性十二指肠恶性肿瘤X线征象进行分析。方法 :对 2 6例原发性十二指肠恶性肿瘤胃肠道造影及CT征象进行了回顾性对比分析总结。结果 :全部病例均经手术病理证实 ,其中腺癌 2 2例 ,平滑肌肉瘤 3例 ,非何杰金氏淋巴瘤 1例。描述包括肿瘤的部位 ,造影X线表现 (黏膜破坏 ,充盈缺损及龛影 ,管腔不规则狭窄 ,肠腔外改变等 )及CT表现 (肠壁增厚肠腔狭窄 ,局部肿块 ,梗阻性改变及转移 )。不能手术切除的影像学征象为 :肿瘤直径大于 6cm ;腹腔、系膜淋巴结成团肿大 ;腔静脉、肠系膜动静脉等重要血管管径被包绕大于 2 / 3时。结论 :CT与X线造影对肿瘤的位置、大小、形态 ,肿瘤的继发征象的术前评价 ,能够提供能否手术切除的重要依据。  相似文献   
In this study antigen-independent factor in the pathogenesis of chronic rejection of organ transplants was examined.Kidney isografts and allografts were transplanted orthotopically into bilaterally nephroectomized rat recipients and studied functionaaly,morphologically and immunohistologically,at serial intervals up to 52 weeks after transplantation.Allograft recipients developed progressive proteinuria after 12 weeks,with gradual renal failure ultimately leading to death.At the same time,morphological changes,including progressive arteriosclerosis and glomerulosclerosis ,tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis,developed.Immunohistologically,macrophages infiltrated glomeruli during this period and cytokines became unregulated.Our results showed that antigen-independent functional and morphological changes occurred in long-tern kidney isografts and mimicked those appearing much earlier in allografts that reject chronically.Initial injury and extent of functioning renal mass is suggested to be important factor for such late changes.  相似文献   
Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N Z Zhang 《中华内科杂志》1984,23(10):593-601
A new DRB1 allele, DRB1*0902, has been identified in an individual of the Jing ethnic minority. Its sequence was confirmed by sequencing of PCR products and clones. This allele differed by three nucleotides from DRB1*09012 at positions 157, 161 and 166, and resulted in amino acid motif substitution from VAES to DAEY.  相似文献   
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