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DPC4/Smad4 is inactivated in about 50% of pancreatic ductal cancers. It has been recently reported that this gene is also inactivated in neoplasms arising from pancreatic islet cells, a phenomenon suggested to be related to similar progressions of malignancy found in common ductal cancers. To evaluate this possibility, we analysed 20 metastases of pancreatic endocrine carcinomas and their corresponding primary lesion for inactivation of DPC4 using immunohistochemical staining. In fact, immunohistochemical labelling has been shown to correlate with DPC4 gene status with high sensitivity and specificity. The cancers included 18 nonfunctioning tumours, one gastrinoma and one ViPoma all with liver, nodal and/or adrenal metastases. Seventeen were well-differentiated and three poorly differentiated endocrine carcinomas. Dpc4 expression was absent in only one primary well-differentiated endocrine cancer and its liver metastasis, while all the remaining 19 primary tumours and their metastases stained positive for the protein. All positively staining cases showed diffuse cytoplasmic and nuclear staining in virtually all neoplastic cells. Our data suggest that DPC4 is only rarely involved in pancreatic endocrine tumourigenesis and give further weight to the hypothesis that tumours arising from pancreatic exocrine and endocrine epithelia are genetically distinct.  相似文献   
The fragile X syndrome is the most frequent cause of inheritedmental retardation. The molecular mechanism of the disorderis based on the expansion of a CGG repeat in the 5' UTR of theFMR1 gene In the majority of fragile X patients. The instabilityof this CGG repeat containing region is not restricted to theCGG repeat Itself but expands to the flanking region as well.We describe four unrelated fragile X patients that are mosaicfor both a full mutation and a small deletion in the CGG repeatcontaining region. Sequence analysis of the regions surroundingthe deletions showed that both the (CGG)n repeat and some flankingsequences were missing in all four patients. The 5' breakpointsof the deletions were found to be located between 75–53bp proximal to the CGG repeat. This suggests the presence ofa hot spot region for deletions in the CGG repeat region ofthe FMR1 gene and emphasizes the instability of this regionIn the presence of an expanded CGG repeat.  相似文献   


Many candidate genes have been reported to be risk factors for acute coronary syndrome (ACS), but their impact on clinical prognosis following ACS is unknown.  相似文献   
In order to assess the suitability of cryopreserved neoplastic tissues for xenografting into nude (nu/nu) mice, we compared the take rate in 28 samples of pancreatic ductal carcinoma. Eleven fresh samples were implanted in nu/nu mice, and 17 were frozen in cryopreserving solution and implanted at a later time. All samples were examined for the presence of neoplastic tissue in cryostat sections. A total of 15 tumors grew in the animals; five from the freshly implanted samples and ten from those cryopreserved. Ten xenografted tumors were characterized for alterations in p53, K-ras, and p16 genes, which were found in six, eight, and nine cases, respectively. Our results demonstrate that the take rate for xenografting is comparable between cryopreserved and fresh tissue samples. The procedure allows for the exchange of tumor material between institutions and permits the establishment of centralized facilities for the storage of an array of different primary tumor samples suitable for the production of in vivo models of cancers.  相似文献   
A new medical field, known as regeneration medicine is developing and attracting more and more researchers and practitioners. Whereas hematopoietic cell-based therapies have already proven their efficacy in numerous – malignant or not – diseases, non-hematopoietic cell-based therapies have not. They can be useful to dozens, if not hundreds, of patients with various disorders, such as cardiopathy, diabetes, some types of cancer, osteoarticular and neurodegenerative disorders. In these fields, numerous clinical applications are possible for mesenchymal stem cells. Cell and tissue (corneas, bone, skin) therapy products require the definition of pharmaceutical standards with new European requirements in terms of quality and safety. The legitimacy of the Établissement Français du Sang (EFS) in cell and tissue engineering activities is established, it is recognized by most specialists and by regulatory authorities and has been asserted by the orientations of its “contrat d’objectifs et de moyens”. An independent committee has been set up by the EFS President to define an EFS-specific strategy. This committee made up of qualified specialists was required to draw up a rational organization plan for these activities, in order for EFS to be in a position to produce cells and tissues according to pharmaceutical standards. The committee proposals are based on economic data and an inventory of existing cell and tissue engineering activities. Public/private partnerships are required and efforts must focus towards the industrial valorization of EFS expertise in R&;D activities and staff know-how. Implementing such a new organization requires national management and the cooperation of institutional actors (university hospitals, cancer treatment centers, universities). For the success of this approach, EFS personnel must be convinced of its legitimacy and new skills must be encouraged. With its numerous assets, EFS can be ambitious and assert itself as a major actor in cell and tissue engineering in Europe.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies OKT11 (γ1) and OKT11A (γ2) are described and appear to have similar binding specificities. They bind, in immunofluorescence, with >95% of infant thymocytes, staining both cortical and medullary cells, 65-80% of blood lymphocytes and selectively stain the T cell-dependent paracortical areas of tonsil. A small proportion (9-12%) of bone marrow lymphocytes stain, but this population excludes the terminal transferase-positive cells. Both the γ1 and γ2 antibodies stain the surface membrane Ig-negative lymphocytes in blood and tonsil and are able to block sheep E rosette formation (to normal or leukemic T cells). In contrast, other monoclonal anti-T reagents tested (OKT1, OKT3, OKT4, OKT6, OKT8, OKT9, OKT10) did not block E rosette formation. E rosette formation and OKT11 binding are coincident on T-ALL cell lines and both are trypsin-sensitive. In a series of 145 leukemias and 26 leukemic cell lines investigated, only leukemias with a T cell phenotype including E rosette positivity were reactive with OKT11 and OKT11A. OKT11A binds to a polypeptide of approximately 50000 molecular weight on thymic lymphocytes. This structure may carry the recognition site for sheep erythrocytes. These antibodies provide additional useful markers for T cell analysis and are of potential therapeutic value.  相似文献   
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