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The results of the in vitro fertilisation programme at Tygerberg Hospital for the period April 1983 to January 1988 are presented. Of the 1117 laparoscopies performed, 825 patients reached the transfer stage. A live-birth rate of 9.3% was achieved. The pregnancy rate after transfer of 4 embryos was 25.9% compared with 15.4% after 2 embryos and 10.8% after 3 embryos (P = less than 0.0001). The multiple pregnancy rate was 2.8% in the group receiving 2 embryos and 11.7% and 10.4% in those receiving 3 and 4 embryos, respectively. Of the 77 successful pregnancies (90 babies), 1 baby died at 34 weeks' gestation as the result of abruptio placentae due to preeclampsia and 1 cot death occurred. The only congenital abnormality encountered was a cleft palate.  相似文献   
1. Effects of a novel imidazoindole derivative on cholinergic function were studied in isolated tissue preparations. 2. The compound demonstrated a dose-dependent (10(-11)-10(-9) potentiation (20-60%) of acetylcholine induced tension in guinea pig ileal tissue. 3. Increases in the size of end-plate potentials and nerve evoked muscle twitches were observed in frog nerve-skeletal muscle preparations. 4. Cholinesterase activity was not inhibited. 5. The results suggest that the compound has actions at the post-synaptic muscarinic receptor complex in smooth muscle and causes pre-synaptic increases in ACh release at the neuromuscular junction.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The aim was to determine the influence of the socioeconomic status of the family and the hygienic practices in the home on the prevalence of head lice infestation in children. METHODS: The study was carried out by analyzing the answers to a standardized epidemiological questionnaire given to parents of school children aged 4-17 in Bet Shemesh, a medium-sized urban town 25 km from Jerusalem. RESULTS: Of 3,000 questionnaires distributed, 958 (31.9%) were completed and returned. The majority of the children (72.4%) had been previously infested with lice. Half of them had other family members, mainly brothers and sisters, who had been infested in the past with lice. In 97.5% of the families the mother was responsible for examining the children for lice, and for carrying out treatment when infestation was present. An association was found between presence of lice infestation and mother's education, age of child, and frequency of shampooing, combing, and examination for lice. There was no association between infestation rates and mother's country of origin, crowding in the home, and the sharing of combs, brushes, hats, scarves, towels, and clothes. CONCLUSIONS: There is evidence that the incidence of lice infestation depends on the hygienic practices in the home rather than on the socioeconomic status of the family or sharing of personal articles among family members.  相似文献   
The results of a controlled randomized and prospective clinical study including 113 patients from March 1987 until August 1988 showed that prophylactic drainage in elective resection for cancer of the colon was not necessary. 60 patients received a drain, 53 patients were not drained. The drain turned out to be ineffective even concerning its expected function of draining intraabdominal fluid: its diagnostic and therapeutic value failed in clinical practice. The rate of surgical complications--i.e. anastomotic leakage, impaired wound healing and relaparotomy--was significantly higher in the drained group. In elective colon resection the use of a drain as a routine procedure cannot be recommended.  相似文献   
Serum bone-gla protein after fracture   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Serum bone Gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (bone-gla) protein (BGP), a marker of bone formation, was measured in serial blood samples drawn from 14 patients who had fractured at least one of their tibial or femoral diaphyses and from two other patients who had sustained major trauma without fracture but who had been immobilized. A total of 85 samples were taken and analyzed during the first three months after the fractures occurred. Serum BGP significantly increased and positively correlated with the time that had elapsed after the fracture, with an average twofold increase after two months. The fracture site and the duration of immobilization had no influence on the serum BGP levels. Serum BGP levels from the two non-fractured cases increased in the first two weeks with no subsequent consistent trend. These data suggest that serum BGP increases one to two months after a major fracture, possibly as a manifestation of bone repair. Further studies are required to determine the potential clinical value of serum BGP in the management of such patients.  相似文献   
Regional effects of craniotomy on cerebral circulation and metabolism, such as regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), regional cerebral oxygen consumption (rCMRO2), regional oxygen extraction fraction (rOEF), and regional cerebral blood volume (rCBV) were examined by a PET (positron emission tomography) study concerning surgery that was performed on unruptured aneurysm patients. Eight patients with intracranial un-ruptured aneurysms were studied pre- and post-operatively by the 15O labelled-gas steady-state method, using HEADTOME-III. All patients underwent aneurysmal surgery performed by the transsylvian approach. There was a significant increase in the mean OEF values taken from the whole-brains of 8 patients, but there was not a significant change in CBF, CMRO2 or CBV. The increase in OEF was caused by decrease of O2 content, which was caused by post-operative decrease in the Hb value. So, this OEF increase was not the direct effect of craniotomy. In 2 patients, the rCBF and rCMRO2, in the fronto-temporal region (where craniotomy was performed) increased post-operatively. This regional effect suggests transient reactive hyperemia following compressive ischemia during the operative procedure, and metabolic demands for recovery of brain function. In 2 other patients, who had relatively low rCBFs during the pre-operative study, rCBF and rCMRO2 in the bi-frontal region had decreased more at the post-operative study. This change appears to have been caused by removal of cerebrospinal fluid and depression of the frontal lobe. From this study, it becomes evident that the regional effect of craniotomy on cerebral circulation and metabolism is not so great, when adequate microsurgical techniques are used.  相似文献   
A case of blunt injury to the abdominal aorta is presented. A deceleration injury with seat-belt compression caused dislodgement of atheromatous fragments as emboli from an atherosclerotic aorta. Atherosclerosis is common, and the compulsory wearing of seat-belts may make this injury more frequent.  相似文献   
Aim : The study was designed to determine the effect of computerized nutrition information on consumer food choice in two workplace restaurants, one in which customers had to pay for their lunch and the other providing a free lunch. Methods : Customers entering the restaurants were asked to make selections from the menu on a computer screen. The energy, saturated fatty acids, non-milk extrinsic sugars and non-starch polysaccharide content of the meal selected was displayed graphically in proportion to the dietary reference values. They were given the opportunity to change their selected meal and the composition of all meals was recorded. Results : The nutritional composition of the first meal provoked 16% of customers to make a second selection. The proportion of energy in the first selection had been 31% higher for saturated fatty acids and 23% higher for non-milk extrinsic sugars than the first selection made by people who were satisfied with their first choice. In their second attempt they succeeded in reducing both nutrients to levels similar to those present in the meals selected by people who had been satisfied with their first selection. Customers>> selections for non-starch polysaccharide and energy did not differ between the groups. The main changes made by customers to achieve improved second choices were to omit dishes (44%), add dishes (19%), make changes within a menu category (46%), and make changes from one menu category to another (26%). Conclusion : It was concluded that provision of graphical nutrition information on a computer screen could be used by a subset of the users of both restaurants to enable them to improve their menu selections to a similar composition to that selected by the other people who used the computer system.  相似文献   
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