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自体骨髓干细胞移植治疗糖尿病足17例   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
目的:观察自体骨髓干细胞下肢局部肌肉注射移植对糖尿病足的治疗效果。方法:①选择2004-03/2005-10郑州市中心医院内分泌内科住院确诊的糖尿病足患者17例(共17条患肢,左下肢10条,右下肢7条),男11例,女6例;年龄62~78岁,平均69岁;足部坏疽6例,静息痛或/和间歇性跛行11例。②纳入标准:不同程度的趾端坏疽、缺血性溃疡或静息痛;生活方式或职业必须解决的间歇性跛行;强烈要求缓解间歇性跛行者;血管造影证明存在周围动脉闭塞性病变,病变远端流出道差。排除标准:并发严重心、肺、肾、脑等脏器功能不全或不能耐受手术者。③分别采集患者自体骨髓,从双侧髂后上棘穿刺,每例约采集骨髓250~300mL,Ficoll液分离,配制成干细胞混悬液50mL,细胞计数为4×108~9×108。静脉麻醉下进行小腿肌肉及足部局部注射,每个位点注射0.3~0.5mL,两个位点间距约3cm,进针深度1.5~2.0cm/下肢,0.5~1.0cm/足部。④分别于术前及术后12周对患者进行肢体疼痛、冷感、间歇跛行状况评估,并采用SDW数字点温仪检测患者足背第3趾根后2cm皮肤温度,以多普勒血流探测仪及臂踝指数检查套件测量踝肱指数。观察溃疡的外观、范围、深度,有无异常症状或体症出现;血、尿、粪常规以及肝、肾功能和出、凝血时间的改变。结果:17例糖尿病足患者全部完成1年随访而进入结果分析。①基本体征指标的改变:骨髓干细胞移植后患者肢体疼痛、患肢冷感、间歇性跛行、皮肤温度及踝肱指数均得到明显缓解,与术前比较差异显著(t=-9.644~7.750,P均<0.01)。②术后足部坏疽病例创面愈合情况:5例糖尿病足患者于术后14~55d足部坏疽创面感染被控制,局部有新鲜肉芽出现,创面明显缩小并基本愈合;1例患者在接受骨髓干细胞移植的同时对足部坏疽进行彻底清创,切除坏死的左足第2趾关节远端,术后14d伤口完全愈合。③不良事件和副反应:17例糖尿病足患者骨髓干细胞移植后均未出现异常症状或体症,血、尿、粪常规及肝、肾功能和出、凝血时间均正常。随访1年,无不良反应发生。结论:自体骨髓干细胞下肢局部肌肉注射移植治疗糖尿病足患者,能够明显改善肢体疼痛、冷感、间歇跛行、踝肱指数等指标,安全有效。  相似文献   
Davis  PC; Hoffman  JC  Jr; Ball  TI; Wyly  JB; Braun  IF; Fry  SM; Drvaric  DM 《Radiology》1988,166(3):679-685
Eighty-one pediatric patients with a variety of spinal disorders, including suspected dysrhaphism, scoliosis, neoplasia, and neurofibromatosis, underwent magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. The results were retrospectively compared with those of myelography followed by computed tomography (CT) and surgery. In patients with dysrhaphism, most abnormalities, including hydromyelia, inclusion tumors, and sites of cord tether, were demonstrated with MR imaging. Diastematomyelia and small hydromyelic cavities were indistinguishable on routine coronal and sagittal T1-weighted images; axial images with T2 weighting were optimal for this differentiation. MR imaging did not enable direct visualization of a thickened filum or evaluation of tethering with a thin, dorsally positioned neural placode. Congenital or severe scoliosis required lengthy studies with multiple planes of imaging or myelography and CT. Milder curvatures were readily evaluated with MR imaging, and neoplastic lesions, with the exception of intrathecal tumor seeding, were adequately defined.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of infection on sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and to analyse whether modifiable risk factors of SIDS, prone sleeping, covered head and smoking act as effect modifiers. In a consecutive multicentre case-control study of SIDS in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, questionnaires on potential risk factors for SIDS were completed by parents of SIDS victims, and for at least two controls matched for gender, age and place of birth. All SIDS cases were verified by an autopsy. The study comprised 244 SIDS cases and 869 controls, analysed by conditional logistic regression. Significantly more cases than controls presenting symptoms of infectious diseases during the last week and/or last day were treated with antibiotics and had been seen by a physician. The finding is consistent with the hypothesis of an infectious mechanism in SIDS induced by local microorganism growth and toxin or cytokine production, and also adds further support to a possible association between infection and SIDS by loss of protective mechanisms, such as arousal. The risk of SIDS among infants with the combined presence of infectious symptoms and either of the other modifiable risk factors, prone sleeping, head covered or parental smoking, was far greater than the sum of each individual factor. These risk factors thus modify the dangerousness of infection in infancy.  相似文献   
目的:为寻找采集外周血造血干细胞更合适的手段,探讨间断流动式血细胞分离机采集外周血造血干细胞的效果。方法:选择中山大学第五附属医院血液风湿科2004-2006年12例行外周血造血干细胞移植住院患者。①实验对象:供者5例,男1例,女4例,一般状况良好,与患者关系为同胞妹妹3例,同胞弟弟1例,同胞姐姐1例;患者7例,男3例,女4例,23~62岁,7例为自体移植,5例为异基因移植。血液系统疾病患者9例(非霍奇淋巴瘤3例,急性淋巴细胞白血病2例,急性髓细胞白血病2例,慢性粒细胞白血病1例,骨髓增生异常综合征1例);自身免疫性疾病3例(重型系统性红斑狼疮2例,难治复发性类风湿关节炎合并干燥综合征1例)。②实验过程:每位供/患者均知情同意并签署知情同意书。对于自体患者,根据患者的疾病类型采取不同的干细胞动员化疗方案,联合化疗后7~10d,待白细胞下降至最低点,一般为≤1.0×109 L-1时,给予粒细胞集落刺激因子5μg/kg皮下注射,白细胞升至3.0×109 L-1时开始采集;对于allo-PBSCT供者直接给予粒细胞集落刺激因子5μg/kg,皮下注射,1次/d,共5d,同时应用流式细胞仪检测CD34 细胞数,至白细胞升至≥20.0×109 L-1或当CD34 细胞升高>20个/μL时采用增强型多功能血细胞分离机PBSC程序卡采集健康供者和患者外周血造血干细胞。③实验评估:分析采集效率、血液学参数、不良事件发生率、以及供、受者ABO血型不合的患者回输干细胞溶血反应等情况。结果:12例供者、患者均进入结果分析。①共进行了24次采集,其中1次采集1例,2次采集7例,3次采集3例,平均循环次数(25±5)次,采集时间(228±32)min,处理血量(7234±1205)mL,复方枸橼酸钠溶液用量为(623±96)mL,干细胞收集量为(102±21)mL,CD34 细胞采集效率为(54.3±30.7)%,细胞计数示白细胞为(156±34)×109 L-1,单个核细胞为(79.7±13.2)×109 L-1,流式细胞仪检测CD34 细胞为(10.30±4.38)×106/kg受者体质量。②不良反应轻微,24次采集过程中出现不良反应6次均为枸橼酸盐所致低钙血症反应。血红蛋白和血小板与采集前相比分别下降9.36%和11.10%。供、受者ABO血型不合的3例患者在输注造血干细胞悬液后均未出现溶血反应。③12例均获造血功能重建,无移植相关死亡。结论:用间断流动式血细胞分离机采集外周血造血干细胞效果良好,不良反应轻微,能有效的减少被采集者红细胞、血小板的丢失,对供、受者ABO血型不合者不需去除造血干细胞悬液中的红细胞,值得临床应用。  相似文献   
Rubin  JB; Enzmann  DR 《Radiology》1987,163(3):777-783
With the use of conventional spin-echo pulse sequences with a long repetition time (TR), the echo time (TE) and the number of echoes were varied to minimize cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow artifacts in a spine phantom and in cervical spines of three volunteers. The following echo trains were compared in both axial and sagittal planes with a TR of 2,000 msec: TE of 25, 80 msec ("asymmetric"); TE of 40, 80 msec ("symmetric long TE"); and TE of 20, 40, 60, and 80 msec ("symmetric short TE"). Variable degrees of even-echo rephasing of CSF flow artifacts were observed during sagittal but not axial imaging, depending on the echo train used. Even-echo rephasing was most complete with the symmetric short-TE echo train, less complete with the symmetric long-TE echo train, and absent with the asymmetric echo train. Switching the orientation of the phase and frequency encoding gradients and slightly modifying TR on the basis of the heart rate further improved image quality. The results suggest that a symmetric short-TE echo train may be used to provide velocity compensation (similar to that observed with rephasing gradients) on even echoes of conventional spin-echo pulse sequences during spine imaging.  相似文献   
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