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The use of N-acetylcysteine has increased in the prevention of radiographic contrast induced nephrotoxicity. Many nurses need to be aware of the proper administration and action of this prophylactic agent. This article discusses the research behind the use of N-acetylcysteine and the protocol for administration to prevent radiographic contrast-induced nephrotoxicity.  相似文献   
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the United States and most other Western countries. In the United States alone, more than 1 million annual deaths and as many as three times that number of serious consequences can be attributed to these conditions. To provide care to patients with cardiovascular disease, oral health care providers must understand the disease, its treatment, and its impact on the patient's ability to undergo and respond to dental care.  相似文献   


Die nosokomiale Pneumonie gehört zu den häufigsten nosokomialen Infektionen und ist die häufigste auf der Intensivstation. Die nosokomiale Pneumonie ist mit einer signifikanten Mortalität und Morbidität assoziiert, und ihr Auftreten verschlechtert die Prognose des Patienten deutlich. Nach der Definition der DRGs auch im deutschen Krankenhaussystem ist die nosokomiale Pneumonie überwiegend Sache des Krankenhauses und kann somit nicht nur das Ergebnis der Patientenbehandlung, sondern auch das finanzielle Ergebnis des Krankenhauses beeinträchtigen.  相似文献   
Studies were carried out on the penetration of cefuzonam (L-105, CZON), a new synthetic cephalosporin antibiotic, into cerebrospinal fluid, and on the clinical efficacy against bacterial infections. The results are summarized as follows: Concentrations of CZON in cerebrospinal fluid at 1 hour after intravenous administration of 100 mg/kg in cases of furunculosis of the external canal, encephalitis and mumps meningitis were 0.56 micrograms/ml, 1.44 micrograms/ml and 0.33 micrograms/ml, respectively. Concentrations of CZON in cerebrospinal fluid at 1 hour after intravenous administration of 100 mg/kg in 3 cases of purulent meningitis were 2.80-6.40 micrograms/ml at the acute stage and 0.56-1.45 micrograms/ml even at the recovering stage. Sensitivities of clinically isolated strains to CZON were determined and expressed as MIC. MICs of CZON on Haemophilus influenzae, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Klebsiella pneumoniae were similar to MIC's of cefmenoxime (CMX), and lower than those of cefoperazone (CPZ), cefmetazole (CMZ), cefatiam (CTM) and Cefazolin (CEZ). The MIC of CZON on Staphylococcus aureus was similar to those of CEZ, CMZ and CTM, and lower than those of CMX and CPZ. Clinical responses of CZON were good in 2 cases of purulent meningitis, good in 2 cases of pyothorax, excellent in 1 case of septicemia, excellent in 3 cases of urinary tract infections, excellent in 7 cases and good in 3 cases out of 10 cases of pneumonia. Clinical responses of other diseases were excellent in 4 cases of bronchitis, good in 1 case of furunculosis of the external canal, excellent in 1 case of tonsillitis. No side effects nor abnormal laboratory findings were observed except 2 cases of mild diarrhea out of 24 cases.  相似文献   
Caffeine is the most widely consumed drug in Western society. The intake of caffeine-containing beverages in many adults and children often reaches levels that can induce pharmacological effects. Ninety-nine percent of ingested caffeine is absorbed and distributed to all tissues and organs. The effects of caffeine intake differ greatly according to acute or chronic intake, level of intake, and the development of tolerance. Caffeine administered acutely to non-users or recent abstainers can induce hypertension, arrhythmias, altered myocardial function, increased plasma catecholamine levels, plasma renin activity, serum cholesterol levels, increased production of urine, gastric acid secretion, and alterations in mood and sleep patterns. Tolerance to chronic caffeine intake develops in most individuals, with the cessation of its effects on the renal system, the cardiovascular system, the gastrointestinal system and, to some extent, the central nervous system. Moderate caffeine consumers probably need to have little concern for the effect of caffeine intake on their health if their other life-style habits are also moderate.  相似文献   
A 68 year-old woman presented with a two-week history of amaurosis fugax, ipsilateral fronto-temporal headache and jaw claudication suggesting carotid giant cell arteritis. However, this syndrome proved to be due to atherosclerosis causing complete occlusion of the external carotid artery at its origin and narrowing of the internal carotid artery. Combined external and internal carotid endarterectomy relieved the symptoms. The symptom complex of temporal arteritis may be rarely mimicked by carotid atherosclerotic occlusive disease.  相似文献   
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