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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the spatial distribution of the magnitude and direction of the current density in the human head during transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). METHODS: The current density distribution was calculated using a numerical method to implement a standard spherical head model into which current was injected by means of large electrodes. The model was positioned in 'MNI space' to facilitate the interpretation of spatial coordinates. RESULTS: The magnitude and direction of the current density vector are illustrated in selected brain slices for four different electrode montages. Approximately half of the current injected during tDCS is shunted through the scalp, depending on electrode dimension and position. Using stimulating currents of 2.0 mA, the magnitude of the current density in relevant regions of the brain is of the order of 0.1 A/m2, corresponding to an electric field of 0.22 V/m. CONCLUSIONS: Calculations based on a spherical model of the head can provide useful information about the magnitude and direction of the current density vector in the brain during tDCS, taking into account the geometry and position of the electrodes. Despite the inherent limitations of the spherical head model, the calculated values are comparable to those used in the most recent in vitro studies on modulation of neuronal activity. SIGNIFICANCE: The methodology presented in this paper may be used to assess the current distribution during tDCS using new electrode montages, to help optimize montages that target a specific region of the brain or to preliminarily investigate compliance with safety guidelines.  相似文献   
Objective: Primary culture is an effective experimental model to study molecular mechanisms that drive axonal regeneration after central nervous system injury. However, the culture of spinal cord (SC) cells remains poorly characterized. Here, we have analyzed the cell composition of a primary SC culture during its maturation.

Methods: Primary cell culture was prepared from mouse embryo spinal cords. After 2, 7, and 14 days of cultivation, the cells were fixed and stained with antibodies against β3-tubulin, nestin, crmp1, SMI-32, DCC or GFAP. We counted percentage of cells positive for the mentioned markers and measured the length of cell processes.

Results: We found that β3-tubulin and nestin were both expressed at day 2 of culture in vitro. Surprisingly (given the use of differentiation-supporting culture medium), the number of nestin+ cells has significantly increased during the first week of cultivation. The GFAP+ cells appeared only at the seventh day in vitro, and their fraction increased during the following cultivation. At 14 day in vitro, SC culture contained cells that expressed the markers typical of commissural and motor neurons. At this age, the neurons had the ability to repair injured neurites after mechanical damage.

Conclusion: Primary culture of SC cells is a dynamically developing cell population that contains all main types of SC cells and is capable of self-repair. Therefore, the culture of mouse embryonic SC cells represents an adequate experimental model for studying cellular and molecular processes taking place in SC neurons after axonal damage in the absence of external inhibitors.  相似文献   

Effect of porosity on grain growth is both the most frequent and technologically important situation encountered in ceramic materials. Generally this effect occurs during sintering, however, for nuclear fuels it also becomes very important under reactor irradiation conditions. In these cases pores and gas bubbles attached to the grain boundaries migrate along with the boundaries, in some circumstances giving a boundary migration controlled by the movement, coalescence and/or sintering of these particles. New mechanisms of intergranular bubble and pore migration which control the mobility of the grain boundary under normal and irradiation conditions are reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   
Irreversible electroporation is a treatment option used for focal therapy. In this systematic review, we summarise data on irreversible electroporation outcomes in patients with localised prostate cancer. We performed a literature search in 3 databases and included articles with own data on irreversible electroporation results in patients with localised prostate cancer. Primary outcome was procedure efficacy measured as the absence of cancer in the treatment area on the follow-up biopsy. Secondary outcomes were the absence of prostate cancer recurrence in the treatment area on MRI, out-of-field recurrence, complications and functional outcomes (erectile function and micturition). In-field recurrence rate was 0%–39% and out-field 6.4%–24%. In all studies, PSA level decreased: twice lower than baseline after 4 weeks and by 76% after 2 years. Most of the authors noted sexual and urinary toxicity during the first half year after surgery. However, functional outcomes recovered to baseline after 6 months with mild decrease in sexual function. Complication rates after irreversible electroporation were 0%–1% of Clavien–Dindo III and 5%–20% of Clavien–Dindo I–II. Irreversible electroporation has promise oncological outcomes, rate of post-operative complications and minimal-to-no effects on erectile and urinary function. However, medium and long-term data on cancer-specific and recurrence-free survival are still lacking.  相似文献   
The activation of oncogenic mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade via mutations in BRAF is often observed in human melanomas. Targeted inhibitors of BRAF (BRAFi), alone or as a part of a combination therapy, offer a significant benefit to such patients. Unfortunately, some cases are initially nonresponsive to these drugs, while others become refractory in the course of treatment, underscoring the need to understand and mitigate the underlying resistance mechanisms. We report that interference with polo-like kinase 3 (PLK3) reduces the tolerance of BRAF-mutant melanoma cells to BRAFi, while increased PLK3 expression has the opposite effect. Accordingly, PLK3 expression correlates with tolerance to BRAFi in a panel of BRAF-mutant cell lines and is elevated in a subset of recurring BRAFi-resistant melanomas. In PLK3-expressing cells, R406, a kinase inhibitor whose targets include PLK3, recapitulates the sensitizing effects of genetic PLK3 inhibitors. The findings support a role for PLK3 as a predictor of BRAFi efficacy and suggest suppression of PLK3 as a way to improve the efficacy of targeted therapy.  相似文献   
A radiative vapor condenser sheds heat in the form of infrared radiation and cools itself to below the ambient air temperature to produce liquid water from vapor. This effect has been known for centuries, and is exploited by some insects to survive in dry deserts. Humans have also been using radiative condensation for dew collection. However, all existing radiative vapor condensers must operate during the nighttime. Here, we develop daytime radiative condensers that continue to operate 24 h a day. These daytime radiative condensers can produce water from vapor under direct sunlight, without active consumption of energy. Combined with traditional passive cooling via convection and conduction, radiative cooling can substantially increase the performance of passive vapor condensation, which can be used for passive water extraction and purification technologies.

Energy and clean water are global challenges that are intertwined in an unfavorable way: even in areas where water is abundant, energy may not be available to purify it for human use (1, 2). There has been strong interest in developing passive technologies to purify or harvest water without using fuel or electricity. In this context, passive vapor condensation becomes particularly important because many passive water technologies go through the vapor phase of water in their harvesting or purification processes.Traditional vapor condensation technique is based on convective and conductive heat exchange with ambient environments. This technique is widely used in systems with hot vapors (36). However, with ever-increasing emphasis on passive systems, there are many situations in which warm- or even room-temperature vapor needs to be effectively condensed, such as extracting water from atmosphere (79) and warm vapor generated from high-efficiency solar evaporation (10). For vapor at such temperatures, most traditional condensers fail. For this reason, there is a clear need for a condensation technique to complement traditional condensers.A different technique is based on radiative vapor condensation. Darkling beetles in the Namib desert (11) use this technique to collect water. Their bodies function as a cooling surface by shedding thermal energy through midinfrared (mid-IR) radiation toward a clear nighttime sky, generating dew from humid air. This mechanism is also used by commercial radiative dew condensers (79). However, neither Namib beetle nor existing dew condensers can operate in the daytime (7). Those nighttime radiative condensers are incompatible with many emerging water technologies that require 24 h operation or direct access to sunlight.Recently, Fan et al. showed that passive radiative cooling to subambient temperatures can be realized even during the daytime, by integrating a high-efficiency solar reflector with a high-emissivity thermal emitter in the mid-IR atmospheric transparency window (12). Using this work as a basis, here we demonstrate a daytime radiative condenser. Compared to existing radiative vapor condensers (79), our condenser can function even in the presence of sunlight, which is essential for integration into passive water-harvesting systems that mainly operate during daytime.  相似文献   
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