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The composition of the clientele from an ophthalmological practitioner's office is described with special reference to the occurrence of glaucoma and disc haemorrhages (h in singular; hh in plural). This study could not be planned as an epidemiological survey and gives no clue to sensitivity or specificity of hh in glaucoma. During a period of about 10 years ending with 1986 there were 731 patients with h and/or glaucoma. When detected, 185 patients had h but no glaucoma, 33 had both h and glaucoma and 513 had glaucoma but no h. During the follow-up period hh were detected in 83 cases of glaucoma, and glaucoma developed in 27 cases with hh. The detection rate of hh among glaucoma was low but steady, indicating that hh may occur at any stage of the glaucoma process. This study shows no predilection for hh in cases with general hypertension or diabetes, nor is the frequency of hh among pseudoexfoliation cases significantly lower than among cases without this stigma.  相似文献   
. Neutrophil-mediated tissue damage has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diarrhoea-associated haemolytic uraemic syndrome (D+ HUS). This study evaluates priming and activation of the neutrophil oxidative burst in D+ HUS using chemiluminescent techniques. Peripheral blood neutrophils from 11 children with acute D+ HUS were examined. No difference was found in the oxidative burst of neutrophils from patients and controls. Serum elastase levels were measured in 8 patients and found to be significantly elevated. Although elastase results suggest neutrophil activation, chemiluminescence studies do not confirm this in the peripheral blood neutrophil. This does not support a significant role for circulating agents in priming and activating the peripheral blood neutrophil. Received August 17, 1995; received in revised form and accepted November 27, 1995  相似文献   
The role of caffeine or coffee in causing or promoting the incidence of serious disease is equivocal. Two design factors may account for the discrepancies in reported findings on the effects of coffee drinking: (a) imprecision of measurement and (b) confounding variables. A study of 2,714 white U.S. adults disclosed that, of 32 risk factors analyzed by linear and logistic regression, only sex and cigarette smoking were found to be important potential confounders of caffeine and coffee intake. Partial R2 values of the other 30 risk factors were relatively small and were inconsistent for each sex. It is unlikely that any of these factors could explain any of the reported associations between caffeine or coffee consumption and certain diseases. However, certain weak associations with caffeine or coffee intake should be included in the study design when they are known to be risk factors of a disease under investigation. These factors for men are dietary fat intake, vitamin C intake, and body mass index; and for women are vitamin use, alcohol intake, stress, and perceived health status.  相似文献   
SUMMARY Current standard specifications for the laboratory evaluation of denture base materials require subjective assessment of colour stability. This study evaluates a new objective measurement technique for translucent denture base materials, by comparing quantitative data with the results obtained from a standard subjective method. Preliminary work on three representative commercial acrylic materials resulted in the selection of a white background for the quantification of colour change of these translucent materials. One half of each sample was exposed to artificial sunlight for 24 h.
The colour of both exposed and unexposed resin was measured on the CIE L*a*b* scale using a photoelectric colorimeter. Significant changes in the b* and E* values (P < 0.001) were observed following light exposure. Objective data for a wide range of commercial materials were compared with the results of a subjective evaluation and it was shown that a change in b* of 1.5 units was discernable subjectively by eye for 100% of the cases. It is suggested that this method and limit value could form the basis of a new objective colour change specification for polymeric dental materials.  相似文献   
In order to satisfy the need to restore the aesthetics, phonetics and comfort and to facilitate optimal hygiene procedures, 20 edentulous patients were treated with a new concept of overdenture therapy on implants ad modum Brånemark. After 24±3.5 months the patients were re‐examined. They were asked to answer a questionnaire and use a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) to give their opinion on the prosthetic treatment. The results indicate that an implant‐retained overdenture in the maxilla with this design can satisfy the patients needs in aesthetics, phonetics and comfort and can 1 facilitate oral hygiene measures.  相似文献   
The results of the in vitro fertilisation programme at Tygerberg Hospital for the period April 1983 to January 1988 are presented. Of the 1117 laparoscopies performed, 825 patients reached the transfer stage. A live-birth rate of 9.3% was achieved. The pregnancy rate after transfer of 4 embryos was 25.9% compared with 15.4% after 2 embryos and 10.8% after 3 embryos (P = less than 0.0001). The multiple pregnancy rate was 2.8% in the group receiving 2 embryos and 11.7% and 10.4% in those receiving 3 and 4 embryos, respectively. Of the 77 successful pregnancies (90 babies), 1 baby died at 34 weeks' gestation as the result of abruptio placentae due to preeclampsia and 1 cot death occurred. The only congenital abnormality encountered was a cleft palate.  相似文献   
Patients on long-term haemodialysis suffer from dialysis arthropathy due to the deposition of dialysis amyloid. We investigated the use of 99Tc-labelled methylene diphosphonate bone scans in 17 patients as a possible in vivo diagnostic technique. In most clinically affected joints, with the exception of shoulders and hands, there was increased radioisotope uptake consistent with uptake by periarticular bone. In addition, we describe intense soft-tissue uptake around some clinically affected large joints. In contrast, control groups of patients on haemodialysis without arthropathy and patients without renal failure did not have increased uptake. A semi-quantitative scale of uptake was devised, and the following correlations were significant: pain perception and isotope uptake score in the ankles and feet, and the number of radiological lesions and isotope uptake scores in the wrists and knees. The following sites where the radioisotope might bind in the affected joints are proposed: amyloid deposits, areas of soft-tissue calcification, or areas of increased bone turnover. It is concluded that whereas the scanning technique cannot make a definite diagnosis of amyloid and, therefore, cannot be expected to supersede histological diagnosis, it is a useful adjuvant investigation, of particular importance in those patients unable or unwilling to undergo biopsy.  相似文献   
The results of a controlled randomized and prospective clinical study including 113 patients from March 1987 until August 1988 showed that prophylactic drainage in elective resection for cancer of the colon was not necessary. 60 patients received a drain, 53 patients were not drained. The drain turned out to be ineffective even concerning its expected function of draining intraabdominal fluid: its diagnostic and therapeutic value failed in clinical practice. The rate of surgical complications--i.e. anastomotic leakage, impaired wound healing and relaparotomy--was significantly higher in the drained group. In elective colon resection the use of a drain as a routine procedure cannot be recommended.  相似文献   
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