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A proportion of the operations performed in a surgical gastroenterology department are unplanned repeat laparotomies for complications of the original procedure. We examined why, in our department, these ‘redo’ laparotomies were performed and what was their outcome. We retrospectively analyzed 6530 patients operated between September 1996 - December 2010, of these 257 redo laparotomies were performed in 193(2.5 %) patients. There were 138 males and 55 females who had a mean age of 42 years (range 7–68 years). Eighty one (42 %) of the index surgeries were elective and 112 (58 %) performed in the emergency situation. Pancreas was the commonest organ for the index operation {50 (25.9 %)}, followed by the colon and rectum {45 (23.3 %)} and the small bowel {36 (18.7 %)}. Postoperative bleeding was the most common cause for re-exploration 66 (34.2 %) followed by an abscess or fluid collection that required surgical drainage 57 (29.6 %). The mortality rate after redo laparotomies was 33.2 % with sepsis and multi-organ failure being the commonest cause of death. Urgent redo-laparotomies that are performed following complicated abdominal operations have a high mortality rate. Postoperative bleeding, intrabdominal abscess and peritonitis are the commonest cause for redo-laparotomy. Multiple redolaparotomies and associated co-morbid conditions are significant predictors of mortality.  相似文献   


To systematically review and assess the effectiveness and safety of antidepressants for neuropathic pain among individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI).


A systematic search was conducted using multiple databases for relevant articles published from 1980 to April 2014. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) involving antidepressant treatment of neuropathic pain with ≥3 individuals and ≥50% of study population with SCI were included. Two independent reviewers selected studies based on inclusion criteria and then extracted data. Pooled analysis using Cohen’s d to calculate standardized mean difference, standard error, and 95% confidence interval for primary (pain) and other secondary outcomes was conducted.


Four RCTs met inclusion criteria. Of these, 2 studies assessed amitriptyline, 1 trazadone, and 1 duloxetine among individuals with neuropathic SCI pain. A small effect was seen in the effectiveness of antidepressants in decreasing pain among individuals with SCI (standardized mean difference = 0.34 ± 0.15; 95% CI, 0.05-0.62; P = .02). A number needed to treat of 3.4 for 30% or more pain relief was found by pooling 2 studies. Of these, significantly higher risk of experiencing constipation (risk ratio [RR] = 1.74; 95% CI, 1.09-2.78; P = .02) and dry mouth (RR = 1.39; 95% CI, 1.04-1.85; P = .02) was found amongst individuals receiving antidepressant treatment compared to those in the control group.


The current meta-analysis demonstrates that antidepressants are effective in reducing neuropathic SCI pain. However, this should be interpreted with caution due to the limited number of studies. Further evaluation of long-term therapeutic options may be required.  相似文献   
After a two week baseline, 209 asthmatic children (mean age 10 years, range 6-17) were randomly allocated to receive 4 mg nedocromil sodium (n = 110) or placebo (n = 99) four times daily for 12 weeks in addition to their current treatment. The children completed daily diary cards and visited the clinic at four week intervals. Statistically significant differences in favour of nedocromil sodium were seen for clinician assessment of asthma severity and diary card symptom scores, pulmonary function and inhaled beta 2 bronchodilator use. Total symptom score decreased by 50% from baseline in the nedocromil sodium group and by 9% in the placebo group during the final four weeks. Nedocromil sodium was considered very or moderately effective by 78% of children/parents (placebo 59%) and 73% of clinicians (placebo 50%). Nausea, headache and sleepiness, and dyspnoea led to withdrawal of one child from nedocromil sodium and placebo treatments, respectively. Reports of sore throat and headache were marginally greater with the nedocromil sodium treatment. It is concluded that nedocromil sodium was both effective and safe in the treatment of asthma in children.  相似文献   
Summary Observations regarding behavioural growth of infants studied longitudinally from birth to six months, are reported. It was seen that the infants in our study were more advanced in behavioural development, than those of more advanced countries. None of the infants with above average birth weight had delayed milestones. The infants with less than average birth weight had delayed milestones during the first quarter, but caught up with the rest, during the second quarter. A positive relation between quarter weight increments and attainment of be haviour manifestations was found in both quarters. Poor socio-economic conditions, and lack of education in the mother adversel affected the behavioural development during the first quarter, but not in the second quarter. The minor and moderate illnesser recorded seemed to have a somewhat adverse effect on the developmental mile stones.  相似文献   
Important inroads are being made into understanding the pathophysiology of diarrhea. Clear understanding of key mechanisms should suggest new approaches to combat disease. Exciting developments are occurring in terms of super-ORS solutions, particularly with the promise of short chained glucose polymers and glutamine. Perhaps the most important development is the prospect of a good rotavirus vaccine being available before the end of the decade. Chronic diarrhea seems to be on the increase globally, probably because of the success of ORS. The mechanisms that lead to mucosal injury are elusive, and therapy still largely supportive and empiric. Celiac disease continues to be a puzzle, because of the uncomfortable feeling that a majority of cases may be missed because of atypical presentations. The successful use of long term parenteral nutrition has allowed survival and better charaterization of cases that otherwise would have perished as ‘lethal protracted diarrhea’. Microvillus inclusion disease may be the commonest congenital secretory diarrhea. The role of the recently reported high prevalence of glucoamlase deficiency may be important. Lastly, attention to micronutrients, particularly low vitamin A and probably zinc may prove to be important in prevention and amelioration of diarrhea and growth failure.  相似文献   
Fifteen patients with suspected malignant lesions of the lower eyelids or inner canthal region, needing large excisions, were managed as day cases with spontaneous repair and simultaneous subtotal primary surgical reconstruction under local anaesthesia. For lesions confined to the lower eyelid, only those patients requiring full-thickness margin-inclusive (FTMI) excisions of more than half the horizontal extent of the eyelid are included in this study-the largest excision being 21 x 6 mm. For malignant lesions of the inner canthus, only those patients needing moderate to large excision of inner canthal skin and orbicularis with simultaneous FTMI excision of the medial one-third (8 x 5 mm) of the upper as well as the lower eyelid are included. The 16th patient had traumatic loss of inner canthal tissue. The final cosmetic and functional results in all 16 patients were satisfactory and comparable with the results of competent and in-toto primary surgical reconstructions. For large excisions at the inner canthus spontaneous with partial primary surgical repair allows the use of a less extensive and less elaborate surgical procedure that is within the capabilities of most ophthalmic surgeons.  相似文献   
Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the orbit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) accounts for less than 1% of all orbital tumours. Though rare, orbital involvement in LCH is not uncommon. Most reports so far have been in Western literature. We report here a case of LCH of orbit with intracranial extension. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of single system multifocal LCH reported from India.  相似文献   
A 25-year-old Vietnamese man who had bilateral simultaneous laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) for moderate myopia developed bilateral Mycobacterium abscessus keratitis that was treated with intensive medical therapy, flap removal, superficial keratectomy, and, following disease progression, therapeutic deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK). To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of bilateral post-LASIK mycobacterial keratitis successfully treated with DALK.  相似文献   
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