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Cases of reduced uptake of pertechnetate-99m ion in the thyroid gland due to the presence, in the injected solution, of aluminium species at concentrations higher than 4 g/cm3 are reported. This inconvenience can be avoided either by injecting chromatographically pure pertechnetate-99m ion or by allowing the eluate of high aluminium content to stand for about 4 h.  相似文献   
Local anesthetics are one of the most commonly used drugs in the field of medicine. Yet little is known about the systemic toxicity that can occur with their overdose. In the last few years, a lot of research has taken place understanding the etiology of the Local anesthetics systemic toxicity (LAST) and the role of lipid emulsion in treating it. There is a need to increase the awareness about LAST and establish a protocol to treat any serious neuro or cardiotoxicity.  相似文献   
We evaluated the safety and efficacy of a 72-h epidural infusion of ropivacaine and measured the impact of adding fentanyl 2 microg/mL to the required infusion rate, on the quality of postoperative pain relief and the incidence of side effects, after colonic surgery. One hundred fifty-five patients scheduled for elective colonic surgery were randomized in this trial. Epidural infusions of ropivacaine 2 mg/mL with fentanyl 2 microg/mL (R + F) and without fentanyl (R) were commenced during surgery and continued for 72 h postoperatively. This was a prospective, randomized, double-blinded, multi-center trial. The median infusion rate required was less in the R + F group (9.3 vs 11.5 mL/h, P < 0.001). Median pain scores at rest and on coughing were lower in the R + F group (P < 0.0001). The incidence of hypotension was more in the R + F group (P = 0.01). Time to readiness for discharge was delayed in the R + F group (median 6.6 vs 5.5 days, P = 0.012). The addition of fentanyl to ropivacaine resulted in decreased infusion rates and enhanced pain control; however, adverse effects were increased and readiness to discharge was delayed. IMPLICATIONS: Epidural infusions of ropivacaine with and without fentanyl were administered to patients to control pain after colonic surgery. Patients who received ropivacaine with fentanyl had better pain control, increased side effects, and delayed readiness to discharge. This study questions the value of adding opioids to epidural infusions of local anesthetics.  相似文献   
In-line X-ray phase-contrast imaging technique is an emerging method for the study of materials such as carbon fibers, carbon composite materials, polymers, etc. Similarly this technique is also well suited for the imaging of soft materials such as tissues, distinguishing between tumor and normal tissue. These represent the class of materials for which X-ray attenuation cross-section is very small. Thus this method promises a far better contrast for low X-ray absorbing substances than the conventional radiography method. We have set up an experimental facility using a combination of X-ray CCD detector and a microfocus X-ray source. This facility is dedicated to micro-imaging experiments such as microtomography and high-resolution phase-contrast experiments. In this paper, the results of X-ray phase-contrast imaging experiments are described.  相似文献   
Background contextPrimary tumors of the sacrum are extremely rare lesions. Their management is governed by an interplay of complex factors. Appropriate decision making is crucial to obtain the best possible outcome in terms of maximizing disease control while attempting to minimize neurological dysfunction.PurposeOur study presents the results of a group of patients with primary tumors of the sacrum who were surgically treated by the same multidisciplinary team at a specialist oncology center over a relatively short period of time (5 years).Study design/settingPatients were identified by a retrospective review from a prospectively maintained database.Patient sampleBetween January 2000 and December 2005, 17 primary sacral tumors were surgically treated at our institution, a referral center for oncology.Outcome measuresWe evaluated the outcome in terms of local disease control, residual neurological dysfunction, and complications as a result of surgical intervention.MethodsThere were 12 males and 5 females. The diagnosis included chordoma in six patients, giant cell tumor in seven patients, aneurysmal bone cyst in two patients, and a chondrosarcoma and an osteoblastoma in one patient each. Sixteen of these patients were analyzed. Four lesions had their upper extent at S1, six lesions had their upper extent at S2, four lesions had their upper extent at S3, and two lesions were below S3. Ten cases were treated with wide excision and underwent partial sacral amputations. Five cases had a midline sacral amputation through S1, three through S2, and two through S3. Six benign lesions were treated with curettage. None of the patients received chemotherapy. Four cases received postoperative radiation. The follow-up duration ranged from 18 to 44 months with a mean of 31 months.ResultsNone of the six patients who presented with loss of bladder and bowel control regained it after surgery. Of the 10 patients who had intact bladder and bowel control preoperatively only 4 retained bladder and bowel control postoperatively. Of the six patients who lost bladder and bowel control postoperatively, four patients had a wide excision where bilateral S2 roots were sacrificed. The other two cases in whom the disease extended up to S1 had curettage. Local recurrence occurred in 4 of the 10 lesions treated with wide excision. All the patients who had inadequate margins recurred. Local recurrence occurred in two of the six lesions treated with curettage. Three of the four cases who received postoperative irradiation developed recurrence. Our wound complication rate was 13%.ConclusionWide resection with adequate margins gives the best chance of local control and should be the surgery of choice for all malignant primary sacral tumors and in benign lesions involving lower segments when preservation of both S3 roots is possible. Intralesional curettage has a higher risk of local recurrence without providing the certainty of retaining neurological function. To retain bladder and bowel control and minimize neurological dysfunction, it may be worthwhile managing benign sacral tumors that extend above S3 with serial embolization. The administration of parentral bisphosphonates may prove beneficial in cases of giant cell tumor managed with serial embolization.  相似文献   
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