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OBJECTIVE: Occupational burnout is a common problem in working populations, but its association with sickness absence is poorly understood. The contribution of occupational burnout to medically certified sickness absence was examined in a population-based sample of employees. METHODS: A representative sample of 3151 Finnish employees aged 30-60 years participated in a comprehensive health study in 2000-2001, including an assessment of physician-diagnosed physical illnesses and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) mental disorders based on the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Burnout was measured with the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey. Sickness absences longer than 9 days in 2000-2001 were extracted from a register of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland. RESULTS: The occurrence of medically certified sickness absence was more prevalent among employees with burnout than among those without burnout. After adjusting for sociodemographic factors and mental and physical disorders, the odds ratio of sickness absence for severe burnout was 6.9 [95% confidence interval (95% CI)=2.7-17.8] for men and 2.1 (95% CI=1.1-4.0) for women. Among employees with mental or physical disorders, severe burnout was associated with a 7.7-fold risk of sickness absence among men and with a 2.6-fold risk among women. The duration of absence was related to burnout among men with absences, for whom severe burnout accounted for 52 excess sickness absence days during the 2-year period after adjusting for sociodemographic factors, mental disorders, and physical illnesses. CONCLUSIONS: Severe burnout is associated with a substantial excess risk of medically certified sickness absence among both men and women. This association is independent of prevalent mental disorders and physical illnesses.  相似文献   
We have recently described two rat mutants, ci2 and ci3, in which abnormal lateralized rotational behavior and locomotor hyperactivity occur either spontaneously or in response to external stimuli, such as new environment. While cochlear and vestibular defects are found in ci2 rats, ci3 rats do not exhibit any inner ear abnormalities. Both mutants show abnormal lateralities in striatal dopamine and in the density of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra or ventral tegmental area, which may be involved in the behavioral phenotype of these rats. In line with this hypothesis, the circling behavior of the ci2 and ci3 mutants is intensified by amphetamine. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of dopamine receptor blockade on the abnormal behaviors of ci2 and ci3 rats. Haloperidol blocked the hyperactivity in both mutants, but this was most likely due to the known inhibitory effect on locomotion by this drug. When animals were observed during the light phase, the abnormal rotational behavior of the mutants was not significantly affected by haloperidol, whereas the dopamine D2 receptor-preferring antagonist raclopride significantly reduced rotations in ci2 rats. When the behavior of the ci3 rats was video-monitored during the dark phase, circling was significantly inhibited by haloperidol. The most striking difference between the two mutants was that ci2 rats were less susceptible than the unaffected littermates to the cataleptogenic effects of haloperidol and raclopride, whereas no such difference was observed in ci3 rats. These data demonstrate that, although there are several similarities between the ci2 and ci3 rat mutants, their cataleptogenic response to dopamine receptor blockade strikingly differs. The comparative evaluation of these two rat mutants may help to increase our understanding of the relationship between developmental anomalies of cerebral asymmetry and brain disorders.  相似文献   
There have been several reports of non-detection and undertreatment of major depression during the past decades. In this study, we investigated how accurately major depression was assessed, diagnosed and treated according to gold standards, and whether any trend could be found from 1989 to 2001 in Finland. In total, documents of 4447 patients were retrospectively checked at most four times to find the patients fulfilling the study criteria. Finally, 531 patients were included in the study. The major finding of the study was the improved diagnostic assessment of patients with major depression seen in psychiatric settings. However, a systematic and comprehensive approach in asking about and recording subtyping, severity and comorbidity of depression was insufficient. Another major finding of the study was the improved pharmacotherapy of patients with major depression. It seems to be relevant that problems in the quality of care for depression in psychiatric settings are now more likely to be related to suboptimal intensity and monitoring of treatment than to mere lack of treatment.  相似文献   
In normal brains and cultured cells, cellular prion protein (PrP) is partially found as N-terminally truncated fragments, designated C1 and C2. The cleavage of recombinant PrP to a fragment corresponding to C1 can be mediated by the protease plasmin (Pln) in vitro, suggesting that plasmin might be responsible for the generation of the C1 fragment in vivo as well. The cleavage pattern of PrP found in both brain lysates and other tissues of plasminogen knock-out mice, however, is unaltered. The presence of C1 fragment in homogenates from plasminogen-deficient mice in a comparable ratio with full-length PrP as can be found in wild-type animals indicates that other proteases in addition to plasmin are responsible for PrP cleavage in vivo.  相似文献   
Michaelis and Menten found the direct mathematical analysis of their studied enzyme-catalyzed reaction unrealistic 100 years ago, and hence, they avoided this problem by correct adaptation and analysis of the experiment, i.e., differentiation of the progress-curve data into rates. However, the most elegant and ideal simplification of the evaluation of kinetics parameters from progress curves can be performed when the algebraic integration of the rate equation results in an explicit mathematical equation that describes the dynamics of the model system of the reaction. Recently, it was demonstrated that such an alternative approach can be considered for enzymes that obey the generalized Michaelis–Menten reaction dynamics, although its use is now still limited for cholinesterases, which show kinetics that deviate from saturation-like hyperbolic behavior at high concentrations of charged substrates. However, a mathematical approach is reviewed here that might provide an alternative to the decades-old problem of data analysis of cholinesterase-catalyzed reactions, through the more complex Webb integrated rate equation.  相似文献   
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