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The predominant use of glucose anaerobically by cancer cells (Warburg effect) may be the most important characteristic the majority of these cells have in common and, therefore, a potential metabolic pathway to be targeted during cancer treatment. Because this effect relates to fuel oxidation, dietary manipulation has been hypothesized as an important strategy during cancer treatment. As such, the concept of a ketogenic diet (KD) in cancer emerged as a metabolic therapy (ie, targeting cancer cell metabolism) rather than a dietary approach. The therapeutic mechanisms of action of this high-fat, moderate-to-low protein, and very-low-carbohydrate diet may potentially influence cancer treatment and prognosis. Considering the lack of a dietetics-focused narrative review on this topic, we compiled the evidence related to the use of this diet in humans with diverse cancer types and stages, also focusing on the nutrition and health perspective. The use of KD in cancer shows potentially promising, but inconsistent, results. The limited number of studies and differences in study design and characteristics contribute to overall poor quality evidence, limiting the ability to draw evidence-based conclusions. However, the potential positive influences a KD may have on cancer treatment justify the need for well-designed clinical trials to better elucidate the mechanisms by which this dietary approach affects nutritional status, cancer prognosis, and overall health. The role of registered dietitian nutritionists is demonstrated to be crucial in planning and implementing KD protocols in oncology research settings, while also ensuring patients’ adherence and optimal nutritional status.  相似文献   


Dietary supplement (DS) use is prevalent among the US Armed Forces personnel, but representative cross-service comparisons and characteristics of personnel using DSs are limited.


Examine DS use and characteristics associated with use in a representative sample of US Armed Forces personnel (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard) using data from the 2011 Department of Defense Survey of Health-Related Behaviors.

Design and participants

A stratified random sample of service members (SMs) was contacted and asked to complete a questionnaire assessing personal characteristics and DS use.


Overall, 69% of the 39,877 SMs reported using DSs ≥1 time per week. The most commonly used DSs were multivitamin or multiminerals (50%), antioxidants (34%), individual vitamins or minerals (33%), bodybuilding supplements (27%), fish oils (26%), herbals (16%), and weight-loss supplements (16%). Multiple logistic regression indicated overall DS use was higher among women, those with higher educational levels, Marine Corps SMs, officers, those with higher body mass index, those engaged in greater physical activity and weight training, and people in weight control programs. DS use was lower when peer groups or leadership discouraged substance abuse.


DS use was considerably higher in the US Armed Forces compared with civilian populations, although many demographic and lifestyle factors associated with use were similar. Some categories of DSs extensively used by SMs such as bodybuilding supplements have been associated with adverse events. Discouraging substance abuse through peer groups and leadership actions may reduce use of unnecessary or dangerous DSs.  相似文献   
Antibodies are molecules that exhibit diverse conformational changes on different timescales, and there is ongoing interest to better understand the relationship between antibody conformational dynamics and storage stability. Physical stability data for an IgG4 monoclonal antibody (mAb-D) were gathered through traditional forced degradation (temperature and stirring stresses) and accelerated stability studies, in the presence of different additives and solution conditions, as measured by differential scanning calorimetry, size exclusion chromatography, and microflow imaging. The results were correlated with hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry (HX-MS) data gathered for mAb-D in the same formulations. Certain parameters of the HX-MS data, including hydrogen exchange in specific peptide segments in the CH2 domain, were found to correlate with stabilization and destabilization of additives on mAb-D during thermal stress. No such correlations between mAb physical stability and HX-MS readouts were observed under agitation stress. These results demonstrate that HX-MS can be set up as a streamlined methodology (using minimal material and focusing on key peptide segments at key time points) to screen excipients for their ability to physically stabilize mAbs. However, useful correlations between HX-MS and either accelerated or real-time stability studies will be dependent on a particular mAb's degradation pathway(s) and the type of stresses used.  相似文献   
Daily oral antiretroviral therapy regimens produce limited drug exposure in tissues where residual HIV persists and suffer from poor patient adherence and disparate drug kinetics, which all negatively impact outcomes. To address this, we developed a tissue- and cell-targeted long-acting 4-in-1 nanosuspension composed of lopinavir (LPV), ritonavir, tenofovir (TFV), and lamivudine (3TC). In 4 macaques dosed subcutaneously, drug levels over 5 weeks in plasma, lymph node mononuclear cells (LNMCs), and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were analyzed by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Plasma and PBMC levels of the active drugs (LPV, TFV, and 3TC) were sustained for 5 weeks; PBMC exposures to LPV, ritonavir, and 3TC were 12-, 16-, 42-fold higher than those in plasma. Apparent T1/2z of LPV, TFV, and 3TC were 219.1, 63.1, and 136.3 h in plasma; 1045.7, 105.9, and 127.7 h in PBMCs. At day 8, LPV, TFV, and 3TC levels in LNMCs were 4.1-, 5.0-, and 1.9-fold higher than in those in PBMCs and much higher than in plasma. Therefore, 1 dose of a 4-drug nanosuspension exhibited persistent drug levels in LNMCs, PBMCs, and plasma for 5 weeks. With interspecies scaling and dose adjustment, this 4-in-1 HIV drug-combination could be a long-acting treatment with the potential to target residual virus in tissues and improve patient adherence.  相似文献   
We have used hydrogen exchange–mass spectrometry to characterize local backbone flexibility of 4 well-defined IgG1-Fc glycoforms expressed and purified from Pichia pastoris, 2 of which were prepared using subsequent in vitro enzymatic treatments. Progressively decreasing the size of the N-linked N297 oligosaccharide from high mannose (Man8-Man12), to Man5, to GlcNAc, to nonglycosylated N297Q resulted in progressive increases in backbone flexibility. Comparison of these results with recently published physicochemical stability and Fcγ receptor binding data with the same set of glycoproteins provide improved insights into correlations between glycan structure and these pharmaceutical properties. Flexibility significantly increased upon glycan truncation in 2 potential aggregation-prone regions. In addition, a correlation was established between increased local backbone flexibility and increased deamidation at asparagine 315. Interestingly, the opposite trend was observed for oxidation of tryptophan 277 where faster oxidation correlated with decreased local backbone flexibility. Finally, a trend of increasing C'E glycopeptide loop flexibility with decreasing glycan size was observed that correlates with their FcγRIIIa receptor binding properties. These well-defined IgG1-Fc glycoforms serve as a useful model system to identify physicochemical stability and local backbone flexibility data sets potentially discriminating between various IgG glycoforms for potential applicability to future comparability or biosimilarity assessments.  相似文献   
The macrocycle para-sulfonatocalix[8]arene, sCX[8], was examined with 2 antibiotic drugs, ciprofloxacin (CIP) and isoniazid. The drugs were shown to form complexes with sCX[8] using proton nuclear magnetic resonance, thermogravimetric analysis, fluorescence spectroscopy, and molecular modeling. Both drugs form 1:1 hydrated (H2O: 13%-14% w/w) host-guest complexes, with sCX[8] binding around the pyridine ring of isoniazid, and around the piperazine and cyclopropane rings of CIP. From proton nuclear magnetic resonance, the binding constant of isoniazid to sCX[8] was 6.8 (±0.3) × 103 M?1. Addition of 2 equivalents of sCX[8] to CIP resulted in a 58% decrease in fluorescence, and time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy of CIP doubles with sCX[8]. Each drug binds into the cavity of the macrocycle, with binding stabilized via combinations of hydrogen bonding, electrostatic interactions, π-π stacking, and hydrophobic effects. The safety of sCX[8] was examined in vitro with human embryonic kidney 293 cells. The IC50 of sCX[8] was 559 μM, which is a minimum of 5-fold higher than the concentration that would be used in the clinic. The in vitro effect of sCX[8] on the action of CIP was examined on a panel of bacterial lines. The results showed that sCX[8] has no inherent antibiotic activity and had no negative effect on the action of CIP.  相似文献   
Administration of local anesthetics is one of the most effective pain control techniques for postoperative analgesia. However, anesthetic agents easily diffuse into the injection site, limiting the time of anesthesia. One approach to prolong analgesia is to entrap local anesthetic agents in nanostructured carriers (e.g., liposomes). Here, we report that using an ammonium sulphate gradient was the best strategy to improve the encapsulation (62.6%) of dibucaine (DBC) into liposomes. Light scattering and nanotracking analyses were used to characterize vesicle properties, such as, size, polydispersity, zeta potentials, and number. In vitro kinetic experiments revealed the sustained release of DBC (50% in 7 h) from the liposomes. In addition, in vitro (3T3 cells in culture) and in vivo (zebrafish) toxicity assays revealed that ionic-gradient liposomes were able to reduce DBC cyto/cardiotoxicity and morphological changes in zebrafish larvae. Moreover, the anesthesia time attained after infiltrative administration in mice was longer with encapsulated DBC (27 h) than that with free DBC (11 h), at 320 μM (0.012%), confirming it as a promising long-acting liposome formulation for parenteral drug administration of DBC.  相似文献   


Postmenstrual and/or gestational age-corrected age (CA) is required to apply child growth standards to children born preterm (< 37 weeks gestational age). Yet, CA is rarely used in epidemiologic studies in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), which may bias population estimates of childhood undernutrition. To evaluate the effect of accounting for GA in the application of growth standards, we used GA-specific standards at birth (INTERGROWTH-21st newborn size standards) in conjunction with CA for preterm-born children in the application of World Health Organization Child Growth Standards postnatally (referred to as ‘CA’ strategy) versus postnatal age for all children, to estimate mean length-for-age (LAZ) and weight-for-age (WAZ) z scores at 0, 3, 12, 24, and 48-months of age in the 2004 Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort.


At birth (n = 4066), mean LAZ was higher and the prevalence of stunting (LAZ < ?2) was lower using CA versus postnatal age (mean ± SD): ? 0.36 ± 1.19 versus ? 0.67 ± 1.32; and 8.3 versus 11.6%, respectively. Odds ratio (OR) and population attributable risk (PAR) of stunting due to preterm birth were attenuated and changed inferences using CA versus postnatal age at birth [OR, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.32 (95% CI 0.95, 1.82) vs 14.7 (95% CI 11.7, 18.4); PAR 3.1 vs 42.9%]; differences in inferences persisted at 3-months. At 12, 24, and 48-months, preterm birth was associated with stunting, but ORs/PARs remained attenuated using CA compared to postnatal age. Findings were similar for weight-for-age z scores.


Population-based epidemiologic studies in LMICs in which GA is unused or unavailable may overestimate the prevalence of early childhood undernutrition and inflate the fraction of undernutrition attributable to preterm birth.
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