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Introduction and hypothesis

Laparoscopic sacropexy (LSP) is associated with obstructed defecation syndrome (ODS) in 10–50 % of cases. An anatomoclinical study was carried out to investigate whether there is any correlation between iatrogenic denervation during LSP and ODS.


Five female cadavers were dissected to identify possible sites of nerve injury during LSP. Subsequently, the videos of 18 LSP were blindly reviewed to assess the location of sacral dissection and tacks, the position and depth of the peritoneal tunnel, and another 4 variables. An anatomical triangle was defined on the right lumbosacral spine so as to clearly describe the sites of the surgical variables, which were then statistically correlated with the patients’ postoperative outcome.


The only variable associated with postsurgical ODS was dissection in the 90° angle of the anatomical triangle, where the superior hypogastric plexus was observed in all cadavers.


Medial and midline dissection over the sacral promontory might be associated with postoperative ODS.  相似文献   
BackgroundShort hospitalization surgery is cost effective and convenient for both patients and healthcare system. Stapled transanal rectal resection (STARR) conducted with the new curved device, Contour Transtar, has proved an effective and safe procedure for treatment of obstructed defecation syndrome.The aim of this study was to determine the safety and feasibility of STARR, performed as a day-case procedure.Material and methodsRetrospective review was performed of all STARR performed as day-case surgery between September 2009 and February 2011. The entire study (intervention, data collection and data analysis) was conducted at the One-day Surgery Unit of the St. Andrea Hospital, Rome, Italy. All patients with surgical indication to STARR for the presence of an obstructed defecation syndrome were included in the study. We excluded from day-case protocol, patients over 65 years old, with an ASA score of III–IV or with a BMI over 35. The surgical technique reflects the original technique proposed by Antonio Longo with the exception of the longitudinal prolapse opening, which was created with the use of an electric scalpel between two Kocher clamps and not by an application of Transtar stapler. To evaluate the feasibility and safety of performing this procedure with short hospitalization, we investigated the presence and the time of presentation of post-operative complications.ResultsEighty-nine patients underwent STARR as a day-case regimen, and none presented major complications or required an extension of hospital stay or readmission.ConclusionsSTARR performed with Contour Transtar, in selected patients, is safe and feasible in day-case regimen if performed by expert surgeons and in a structure that allows the physician to keep the patient hospitalized or to re-admit and promptly treat those patients who present major surgical complication.  相似文献   
Anterior mediastinotomy and VATS are today the most common surgical approaches to obtain tissue diagnosis or to remove mediastinal lesions. However, both methods lead to inconveniences. This report demonstrates the advantages of a minimal access mediastinotomy to remove or diagnose mediastinal lesions.  相似文献   
AIM: This report presents two cases diagnosed with atypical odontalgia (AO) and successfully treated with amitriptyline as well as providing a review of the current literature on the subject. RESULTS: The literature indicates the most important issue is an accurate differential diagnosis to distinguish between AO, pulpal pain, myofascial pain, and trigeminal neuralgia. CONCLUSION: Once the correct diagnosis is made the prognosis of AO is usually fair and the administration of tricyclic antidepressants often resolves symptoms. An effort should be made to avoid any unnecessary dental treatment that would only aggravate the problem.  相似文献   

Malignant intraventricular meningiomas (IVMs) are very rare with only a few reported cases. A midline search up to December 2020 selected 40 articles for a total of 65 patients. The inclusion criteria were series and case reports in English language, as well as papers written in other languages, but with abstracts written in English. Malignant IVMs at the first diagnosis (group A, 50 patients) and those with anaplastic transformation from previous WHO grades I and II tumors (group B, 15 patients) were separately analyzed. The unique personal case among 1285 meningiomas (0.078%) is also added. Malignant IVMs mainly occur in women (61%) with a median age of 45 years and are mainly located in the lateral ventricle (93%) and trigonal region (74%), with no cases in the fourth ventricle. Irregular borders (80%), heterogeneous enhancement (83%), and perilesional edema (76%) are the most frequent radiological findings. The histology was mainly pure anaplastic (85%), whereas papillary (7%), rhabdoid (5%), and mixed forms (3%) are very rare. The CSF spread was found in 60% of the cases. The prognosis is very dismal, with an overall median survival of 17.5 months after surgery for the anaplastic forms. Malignant IVMs at initial diagnosis (group A) show better overall survival (25 months) than those occurring from anaplastic transformation of lower grade tumors (group B) (10.1 months).


Background and Objectives:

Routine drainage after laparoscopic cholecystectomy is still controversial. This meta-analysis was performed to assess the role of drains in reducing complications in laparoscopic cholecystectomy.


An electronic search of Medline, Science Citation Index Expanded, Scopus, and the Cochrane Library database from January 1990 to June 2013 was performed to identify randomized clinical trials that compare prophylactic drainage with no drainage in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The odds ratio for qualitative variables and standardized mean difference for continuous variables were calculated.


Twelve randomized controlled trials were included in the meta-analysis, involving 1939 patients randomized to a drain (960) versus no drain (979). The morbidity rate was lower in the no drain group (odds ratio, 1.97; 95% confidence interval, 1.26 to 3.10; P = .003). The wound infection rate was lower in the no drain group (odds ratio, 2.35; 95% confidence interval, 1.22 to 4.51; P = .01). Abdominal pain 24 hours after surgery was less severe in the no drain group (standardized mean difference, 2.30; 95% confidence interval, 1.27 to 3.34; P < .0001). No significant difference was present with respect to the presence and quantity of subhepatic fluid collection, shoulder tip pain, parenteral ketorolac consumption, nausea, vomiting, and hospital stay.


This study was unable to prove that drains were useful in reducing complications in laparoscopic cholecystectomy.  相似文献   
A technique of stapled low colorectal or coloanal anastomosis is described, which follows eversion through the anus and stapled closure of the anorectal or anal remnant. The procedure is rapid and safe, and allows a secure distal clearance under direct visual control when dealing with tumors of the lower third of the rectum.  相似文献   
Request and emblematic gestures, despite being both communicative gestures, do differ in terms of social valence. Indeed, only the former are used to initiate/maintain/terminate an actual interaction. If such a difference is at stake, a relevant social cue, i.e. eye contact, should have different impacts on the neuronal underpinnings of the two types of gesture. We measured blood oxygen level‐dependent signals, using functional magnetic resonance imaging, while participants watched videos of an actor, either blindfolded or not, performing emblems, request gestures, or meaningless control movements. A left‐lateralized network was more activated by both types of communicative gestures than by meaningless movements, regardless of the accessibility of the actor's eyes. Strikingly, when eye contact was taken into account as a factor, a right‐lateralized network was more strongly activated by emblematic gestures performed by the non‐blindfolded actor than by those performed by the blindfolded actor. Such modulation possibly reflects the integration of information conveyed by the eyes with the representation of emblems. Conversely, a wider right‐lateralized network was more strongly activated by request gestures performed by the blindfolded than by those performed by the non‐blindfolded actor. This probably reflects the effect of the conflict between the observed action and its associated contextual information, in which relevant social cues are missing.  相似文献   
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