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It is well established that painful distension of hollow viscera such as the oesophagus can evoke a reflex tachycardia and pressor response; however, the nature of the oesophageal afferent pathway(s) remains controversial. This study investigated the afferent arc which mediates these reflex cardiovascular changes in the decerebrate rat. In addition, the effect of oesophageal distension on the respiratory activity of the costal diaphragm was studied. Focal distension of the oesophagus (volume of 0.3 ml applied for 10 s) just above the diaphragmatic hiatus evoked a reproducible pressor response and tachycardia in the decerebrate rat. Respiration was transiently inhibited at the beginning of oesophageal distension and prior to the rise in blood pressure. Neuromuscular blockade with the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor blocker alpha-bungarotoxin (140 microg bolus) had no effect on the magnitude of the cardiovascular response. Therefore the efferent supply to the striated muscle of the rat oesophagus was not essential in mediating this reflex. Signal averaging of the mean blood pressure response showed that neither selective ablation of oesophageal spinal afferents nor bilateral vagotomy altered the early trajectory of the pressure response. Bilateral vagotomy reduced the peak magnitude of the response to sustained oesophageal distension. In contrast, selective removal of spinal afferents had no effect on the response. Ablation of both neural pathways was essential to abolish the reflex cardiovascular and respiratory responses. It can be concluded that both vagal and spinal afferent pathways are utilised in the reflex cardiorespiratory response to painful oesophageal distension. Although ablation of one neural pathway had no effect on the response it was still implicated in the reflex, since ablation of both pathways was necessary to prevent the cardiorespiratory changes. This study emphasises the need for caution when inferences are made concerning single selective ablations of multiply innervated organs.  相似文献   
Summary In cases where a reconstruction of defects in the larynx, oral cavity, the pharynx or in the ear region has been performed using skin flaps, a temporary fistula is formed at the point of entry.This fistula can be closed later after the flap has taken and the flap pedicle dissected.We would like to demonstrate with some examples that with the use of deepithelisation it is possible to achieve a primary wound closure. This way no temporary fistula results and additional surgery is avoided in many cases.Furthermore flap deepithelisation offers a way to bring good vascularised tissue under the skin and cover subcutaneous defects, for example those after radiotherapy.

Die Veröffentlichung des Manuskripts soll in Laryngol Rhinol Otol (Stuttg) erfolgen  相似文献   
Olfactory transduction is thought to occur by processes that are mainly restricted to the specialized cilia emanating from the distal end of the receptor neuron's single dendrite. The involvement of a cAMP-based second messenger system seems likely, and a cyclic nucleotide-sensitive current has been recorded in patches of membrane from the cilia. However, the small diameter of the cilia and the high density of channels within the membrane limit the application of the patch recording technique in the cilia. We have found that the cAMP-sensitive channels also exist at a much lower density within the far more accessible dendritic membrane. Recording from on-cell patches, we have observed single-channel activity in response to extracellularly applied odor substances. The channels have a single-channel conductance of 40 pS and a reversal potential near 0 mV. These same channels are activated by treatments that elevate intracellular cyclic nucleotide concentrations. The results provide a direct demonstration that the cyclic nucleotide-gated channel is the conductance pathway for the odor-elicited current.  相似文献   
As an adjunct to a European multicentre prospective study, five quality assessment (QA) exercises, spanning a period of 2.5 years, were undertaken. In these, fifteen laboratories from eight countries each performed ten haemostatic factor assays. The design of the QA exercises allowed the between-duplicate, between-day and between-laboratory coefficients of variation (CVs) to be calculated. The between-duplicate CV decreased by a factor of one quarter, and the between-day CV by a factor of one third, over the five exercises. The activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) assay consistently showed the lowest CVs, while there was notable improvement in the between-day CVs for von Willebrand factor related antigen (vWF R:Ag) and factor VIII clotting activity (VIII:C). However, the between-laboratory CV, assessing extent of agreement between the different laboratories, did not apparently improve over the five exercises. Thus, while QA exercises may be very useful in improving the performance of haemostatic assays according to criteria which an individual laboratory can assess, improving agreement on haemostatic assay results between laboratories may be more difficult to achieve.  相似文献   
Three cases of cervical epidural hematoma are reported. Acute neck pain usually associated with a mild effort, closely followed by radicular pain and a neurologic deficit below the lesion is the typical presentation of this extremely rare and difficult diagnosis. As prognosis depends on preoperative neurologic state, the authors emphasize the importance of prompt identification of this lesion. The diagnosis is confirmed by computed tomography, and emergency neurosurgical laminectomy is mandatory.  相似文献   
The plasma levels of several haemostatic and fibrinolytic parameters were measured before and after delivery in 61 hypertensive pregnant women of whom 22 developed preeclampsia, and compared to the results obtained in 42 normal pregnant women. In the two last weeks before delivery (D less than or equal to -15) tPA antigen, PAI-1 activity, vWF:Ag/FVIII:C ratio, ATIII activity and platelet count were found to be significantly different in the hypertensive pregnant women with and without preeclampsia. Combined all together, an association of three of these five parameters were found to be pathological (i.e.:tPA:Ag greater than or equal to 19 ng/ml, PAI-1 activity greater than or equal to 58 IU/ml, vWF:Ag/FVIII:C ratio greater than or equal to 2.6, ATIII activity less than or equal to 73%) in none of the hypertensive women without preeclampsia and in only 35% of the preeclamptic group. A positive correlation was demonstrated between vWF:Ag/FVIII:C ratio and tPA:antigen levels suggesting that both tPA and vWF:Ag could be considered as early indicators of a possible micro angiopathy occurring in preeclampsia. However, due to the high dispersion of the results, it appears that the investigated haemostatic and/or fibrinolytic criteria give only presumptive arguments before assigning risk for preeclampsia development among hypertensive pregnant women.  相似文献   
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