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Piecewise constant incidence models were developed to estimate the force of infection in women from age-and time-specific antenatal or neonatal seroprevalence data. Differential inclusion of infected women in sero-surveys compared to uninfected women was taken into account, with respect to both changes in inclusion rate following infection, and changes in relative inclusion rate over calendar time. These models were applied to anonymous HIV seroprevalence data collected from neonates born to black and Hispanic women in New York City 1988-1992, with incidence and fertility parameters estimated by maximum likelihood. Estimates of inclusion rate parameters accorded well with what is known about the natural history of HIV. The data could not distinguish between additive and multiplicative combination of the effects of age and time on incidence. Incidence was strongly dependent on age with the highest incidence in women aged 20-34 years. There was strong evidence that incidence had been falling in Hispanic women since 1982-1984. The results illustrate the extent to which trends in incidence over time may be confounded by changes in the relative inclusion rate of infected and uninfected women.  相似文献   
Adverse ocular effects associated with niacin therapy.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
In a retrospective survey of patients taking medication for hyperlipidaemia, those taking niacin (nicotinic acid) were more likely (p < 0.05) to report sicca syndromes, blurred vision, eyelid oedema, and macular oedema compared with those who never took niacin. Additionally, 7% of those taking niacin discontinued the drug owing to adverse ocular side effects, while none of the other lipid lowering agents were found to cause these side effects (p = 0.016). Data from spontaneous reporting systems support a possible association of decreased vision, cystoid macular oedema, sicca-like symptoms, discoloration of the eyelids with or without periorbital or eyelid oedema, proptosis, loss of eyebrow or eyelashes, and superficial punctate keratitis with the use of niacin in high doses. Decreased vision may be marked, and if the drug is not discontinued, may progress to cystoid macular oedema. All ocular side effects listed above are reversible if the association with niacin is recognised and the drug is discontinued; both the incidence and severity of the ocular side effects seem to be dose dependent.  相似文献   
Of 431 patients with gastric cancer observed in our institution, 23 (5.3%) had early gastric cancer (EGC). Macroscopic presentation, histology, depth of invasion, and lymph node involvement were evaluated in all the cases. All patients underwent surgery and an intensive follow-up was performed. Five of the 23 patients progressed, and the risk factors were examined. Histology seemed to be the main prognostic factor in our study, since intestinal type of EGC was associated to a significantly better prognosis. Total gastrectomy is indicated in the proximal localization of EGC, and should perhaps be performed also in cases presenting undifferentiated histology.  相似文献   
Fetal B lymphocytes in mice and humans use a limited number of the available VH gene segments. Mouse fetal B cells primarily utilize 3' VH elements, suggesting that the localization of these elements determines their rearrangement frequency. The previously reported non-random usage of human VH genes has been more difficult to explain. In this study the authors analysed the expression of the most proximal 3' human VH element (VH6) using a monoclonal antibody (JE-6). VH6 expression was assessed in various B cell differentiation stages from fetal liver, bone marrow and spleen at 12–20 weeks of gestation. The authors demonstrate that the level of VH6 expression does not exceed a stochastic usage frequency. This suggests that the localization of VH6 does not significantly promote its expression during human fetal life, and that other factors must affect the usage of VH genes during human fetal development.  相似文献   
Electrocardiographic symptoms were evaluated in 53 patients with an additional left-ventricular chorda (ALVC), detected by two-dimensional echocardiography. Signs of early ventricular repolarization (EVR) were identified in 45 (84.9%) patients. A transverse ALVC was more common in EVR-free patients (87.5%), as compared to patients with ALVC + EVR combinations (51.1%; p less than 0.05).  相似文献   
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