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ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to determine the epidemiologic characteristics of, and the treatments used for, recurrent herpes labialis (RHL) in health students.MethodsA cross-sectional study was conducted with the participation of 333 nursing and midwifery students. Data on the sociodemographic characteristics of the participants, their history of RHL, and the treatments were collected by means of a standard self-reported questionnaire form.ResultsThe point prevalence of RHL was 3.9%, the annual prevalence was 44.7%, and the lifetime prevalence was 52.5%. These prevalences were not related to the participants' place of residence, level of income, school, gender, marital status, or smoking status (p > 0.05). RHL was frequently seen on the right side of the lower lip (17.9%). One third of the students who experienced RHL stated that they had applied treatment to the lesion. However, only 20.1% stated that they had used antiviral therapy. Treatment was recommended by a physician for only 16.1% of the subjects.ConclusionsThe prevalence of RHL was high among the health students, who were considered to represent young adults. Although they were students in a school of health, they lacked knowledge about RHL.  相似文献   
This study compared the push‐out bond strength of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and a new endodontic cement (NEC) as root‐end filling materials in root‐end cavities prepared by ultrasonic technique (US) or Er,Cr:YSGG laser (L). Eighty single‐rooted extracted human teeth were endodontically treated, apicectomised and randomly divided into four following groups (n = 20): US/MTA, US/NEC, L/MTA and L/NEC. In US/MTA and US/NEC groups, root‐end cavities were prepared with ultrasonic retrotip and filled with MTA and NEC, respectively. In L/MTA and L/NEC groups, root‐end cavities were prepared using Er,Cr:YSGG laser and filled with MTA and NEC, respectively. Each root was cut apically to create a 2 mm‐thick root slice for measurement of bond strength using a universal testing machine. Then, all slices were examined to determine the mode of bond failure. Data were analysed using two‐way anova . Root‐end filling materials showed significantly higher bond strength in root‐end cavities prepared using ultrasonic technique (US/MTA and US/NEC) (P < 0.001). The bond strengths of MTA and NEC did not differ significantly. The failure modes were mainly adhesive for MTA, but cohesive for NEC. In conclusion, bond strengths of MTA and NEC to root‐end cavities were comparable and higher in ultrasonically prepared cavities.  相似文献   
Background:  Epidermal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a common malignancy in Pakistan. We hypothesize that it is characterized by higher frequency of p53 genetic mutations and increased AgNOR values compared with squamous cell papilloma (SCP) and basal cell carcinoma (BCC).
Experimental design: To test our hypothesis, 140 skin biopsies (including 20 normal skin, 20 SCP, 20 BCC and 80 SCC samples of various grades) were examined for p53 mutations using immunohistochemistry (IHC) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). AgNOR staining was used for histological determination of AgNOR index.
Results:  Both markers were undetectable in normal skin and were low in SCP. They were upregulated in BCC and SCC. PCR experiments revealed p53 mutations in 70% and 96.25% of BCC and SCC, respectively. Higher AgNOR values were seen in SCC than in BCC (mean AgNOR count = 5.81 ± 31 and 8.36 ± 19; percentage of AgNOR was 43.5% and 53% in BCC and SCC, respectively). Finally, p53 IHC score was found to be related to the AgNOR index in the histological grading of BCC and SCC (r = +0.983, p < 0.0001).
Conclusion:  Our results suggest that a higher frequency of p53 genetic mutations and increased AgNOR values exist in SCC compared with BCC and SCP. 'Consequently, SCC patients may have poorer prognosis'.  相似文献   
目的:调查无视网膜病变的糖尿病和非糖尿病患者接受普通白内障手术时,应用具有前房稳定环境( CASE)和加强控制和效率( ICE )的微脉冲超乳技术对患者超乳参数和黄斑中心凹厚度( CFT)变化的影响。方法:前瞻性研究。研究包含120例患者,其中60例患者为2型糖尿病患者,设为糖尿病组(无视网膜病变),另60例设为对照组。所有患者均接受普通白内障超声乳化术。术中记录超乳参数,包括超乳时间和有效超乳时间。术前和术后1、3 mo检测记录 CFT并计算每次检测中 CFT的差异。结果:糖尿病组的平均超乳时间为1.40±0.43min,而对照组为1.44±0.32min,差异无统计学意义(P=0.85)。糖尿病组平均有效超乳时间为20.12±8.82s,对照组为19.24±9.02s,差异无统计学意义(P=0.964)。糖尿病组术前平均CFT为218.4±12.0μm,对照组为222.1±16.6μm,差异无统计学意义( P=0.168)。术后1mo糖尿病组CFT平均增加30.3±37.2μm,对照组平均增加13.1±12.5μm。术后1 mo两组CFT明显增加,糖尿病组显著高于对照组(P=0.001)。术后3mo糖尿病组和对照组的平均CFT较术前分别增加12.5±12.4μm与4.6±9.7μm。糖尿病组CFT的增加显著高于对照组( P=0.00)。但分别比较糖尿病组和对照组术后1 mo至3 mo平均CFT变化,会发现两组均显著减少(P=0.00,P=0.03)。结论:普通超乳手术会使CFT显著增加。糖尿病组和对照组的超乳参数相似。糖尿病组CFT变化大于对照组,但这些症状大部分表现为亚临床,并且仅显示于光学相干断层扫描( OCT)的改变。术后3mo这种变化会恢复或消失,无需治疗。  相似文献   
目的:通过深度增强成像光断层扫描(EDI-OCT)技术以探究体温如何影响脉络膜厚度.方法:前瞻性研究.通过EDI-OCT检测9∶00~17∶00中心凹(SF-CT),中心凹鼻侧500μm(N-CT)和中心凹颞侧500μm(T-CT)正常人(41例)的脉络膜厚度(CT).使用非接触式红外测温仪逐时检测体温(BT),以评估CT和BT日间变化的相关性.结果:SF-CT值在9∶00和13∶00(P=0.021),9∶00和14∶00(P=0.012), 9∶00和16∶00(P=0.048),及9∶00和17∶00(P=0.002)之间存在显著性差异.N-CT值在8h内(均P>0.05)无显著性变化,9∶00和13∶00(P=0.004)则存在明显差异.结论: CT与BT从9∶00~17∶00之间逐时变化无显著性差异.  相似文献   
Bangladesh recently faced large outbreaks of both COVID‐19 and dengue. We present a case of COVID‐19 and dengue coinfection in a patient who presented with hemoptysis. Our results demonstrate that COVID‐19 and dengue fever are both public health issues in Bangladesh and other dengue‐endemic nations and that they can coexist.  相似文献   
Extraordinary self-healing efficiency is rarely observed in mechanically strong hydrogels, which often limits the applications of hydrogels in biomedical engineering. We have presented an approach to utilize a special type of graphene oxide-based crosslinker (GOBC) for the simultaneous improvement of toughness and self-healing properties of conventional hydrogels. The GOBC has been prepared from graphene oxide (GO) by surface oxidation and further introduction of vinyl groups. It has been designed in such a way that the crosslinker is able to form both covalent bonds and noncovalent interactions with the polymer chains of hydrogels. To demonstrate the efficacy of GOBC, it was incorporated in a conventional polyacrylamide (PAM) and polyacrylic acid (PAA) hydrogel matrix, and the mechanical and self-healing properties of the prepared hydrogels were investigated. In PAM-GOBC hydrogels, it has been observed that the mechanical properties such as tensile strength, Young''s modulus, and toughness are significantly improved by the incorporation of GOBC without compromising the self-healing efficiency. The PAM-GOBC hydrogel with a modulus of about 0.446 MPa exhibited about 70% stress healing efficiency after 40 h. Whereas, under the same conditions a PAM hydrogel with commonly used crosslinker N,N′-methylene-bis(acrylamide) of approximately the same modulus demonstrated no self-healing at all. Similar improvement of self-healing properties and toughness in PAA-GOBC hydrogel has also been observed which demonstrated the universality of the crosslinker. This crosslinker-based approach to improve the self-healing properties is expected to offer the possibility of the application of commonly used hydrogels in many different sectors, particularly in developing artificial tissues.

Introduction of a two-dimensional graphene oxide-based crosslinker simultaneously improve the mechanical and self-healing properties of hydrogels by offering an interesting combination of covalent and reversible hydrogen bonds to polymer backbones.  相似文献   
Cardiac hydatid cyst is a rare complication of parasitic infection caused by Echinococcus granulosus. Cardiac involvement occurs in only 0.2-2% of hydatidosis cases. Rupture of hydatid cysts into cardiac chambers is very rare. In this report, we present a case of intracavitary left ventricular hydatid cysts ruptured during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a patient with acute myocardial infarction.  相似文献   
We used a gentamicin protection assay to assess the ability of gestational pyelonephritis isolates of Escherichia coli to invade HeLa cells. The ability to enter HeLa cells was strongly associated with the presence of Dr operons coding for Dr adhesins. In contrast, the nonivasive isolates predominantly expressed papG, coding for P fimbriae.  相似文献   
AIM: To evaluate the effect of Ocimum sanctum leaf extract on the dietary supplementation in the transgenic Drosophila model of Parkinson's disease. METHOD: The effect of Ocimum sanctum leaf extract was studied on the transgenic Drosophila model of flies expressing normal human alpha synuclein(h-αs) in the neurons. O. sanctum extract at final concentrations of 0.042 8 × 10-4, 0.87 × 10-4, and 1.85 × 10-4 g·mL-1 of diet were established and the flies were allowed to feed for 21 days. The climbing assay and lipid peroxidation were taken as parameters for the study. RESULTS: The supplementation of O. sanctum extract showed a dose-dependent significant delay in the loss of climbing ability and reduction in oxidative stress in the brain of PD model flies. CONCLUSION: The results of the present study showed that the O. sanctum extract is potent in reducing the PD symptoms in transgenic Drosophila model.  相似文献   
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