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Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) types 2 and 3 are autosomal-dominant neurodegenerative disorders caused by mutations in two different genes. We identified mutations for SCA2 and SCA3 segregating simultaneously in a single Brazilian family. The index patient had SCA2, whereas her two second-degree cousins had SCA3. Disease was more rapidly progressive in the SCA2 patient, who presented severe brainstem and pancerebellar atrophy, as opposed to the two SCA3 patients, who had only mild cerebellar vermian atrophy. In such situations, molecular confirmation of all patients may avoid misdiagnosis of SCA subtypes and eventual errors in predictive testing of unaffected family members.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether under-reporting of rheumatic fever occurs at hospital, municipal, provincial and national levels of the South African health system. BACKGROUND: Information on the incidence of rheumatic fever (RF) and the prevalence of rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is required for the prevention of valvular heart disease in developing countries. In South Africa, RF was made a notifiable condition in 1989. It has recently been suggested that the reporting of RF cases may be incomplete, possibly because of underreporting by health care professionals and deficient administration of the disease notification system in South Africa. METHOD AND RESULTS: We assessed whether underreporting of RF cases occurs by comparing the numbers of RF cases reported per year at hospital, municipal, provincial and national levels from 1990 to 2004. There was a fall in the number of RF cases reported per year at national and provincial level over the 15 years of observation. A detailed analysis of the number of RF cases reported at hospital, municipal and provincial level for a 5-year period showed that more cases were diagnosed in one hospital (serving a smaller population) than were captured at municipal and provincial level (serving a larger population), suggesting underreporting by health care professionals. There were discrepancies in the number of cases reported at municipal, provincial and national level, suggesting poor administration of the notification system. CONCLUSION: There appears to be underreporting of RF cases by health care professionals, and poor administration of the RF notification system. Health care professionals need to be educated about the statutory requirement to notify all RF cases in South Africa. An effective national disease notification system is required.  相似文献   
Research coordinators in intensive care are a growing specialty about which little is known. This cross-sectional study surveyed the Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Coordinators' Group (n = 49) regarding demographics, education, employment history, job structure, and role content. Most research coordinators were highly qualified and experienced nurses who undertake pharmaceutical trials, multicenter projects, departmental medical and nursing research, audits and data registries, and their own projects.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: A safe entry zone to tegmental lesions was identified based on intraoperative electrophysiological findings, the compound muscle action potentials (CMAP) from the extraocular muscles, and anatomic considerations. This entry zone is bordered caudally by the intramesencephalic path of the trochlear, laterally by the spinothalamic tract, and rostrally by the caudal margin of the brachium of the superior colliculus. METHODS: Four intrinsic midbrain lesions were operated upon via the safe entry zone using the infratentorial paramedian supracerebellar approach. All lesions involved the tegmentum and included an anaplastic astrocytoma, a metastatic brain tumor, a radiation necrosis, and a cavernous angioma. CMAP were bilaterally monitored from the inferior recti (for oculomotor function) and superior oblique (for trochlear nerve function) muscles. RESULTS: In three of four cases, CMAP related to the oculomotor nerve were obtained upon stimulation at the cavity wall after removal of the tumor. Stimulation at the surface of the quadrigeminal plate, however, did not cause any CMAP response. Using this monitoring as an indicator, the lesions were totally removed. CONCLUSIONS: In the surgery of tegmental lesions, CMAP monitoring from extraocular muscles is particularly helpful to prevent damage to crucial neural structures during removal of intrinsic lesions, but less so to select the site of the medullary incision. The approach via the lateral part of the colliculi is considered to be a safe route to approach the tegmental lesions.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Surgical reduction and retention of apophyseal avulsion injuries at the medial epicondyle to prevent joint instability, lasting malalignment, or pseudarthrosis. INDICATIONS: Absolute: intraarticular apophyseal dislocation of the medial epicondyle, complete lesion of the ulnar nerve. Relative: dislocation of the apophysis (> 4 mm) in children > 5 years of age; the need for intervention increases in children as the degree of dislocation, age, and athletic activity increase. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Dislocation of the medial epicondyle (< or = 4 mm) in children < 5 years of age, provided the fragment location is not intraarticular. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE: Open reduction of the apophysis through a medial approach. Identification of the ulnar nerve. In young children or with small fragments fixation with Kirschner wire. Screw fixation in older children or for larger fragments. POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT: Long upper-arm plaster cast until wound healing is achieved. Subsequently, upper-arm plaster cast for 3 weeks. Removal of Kirschner wires after 4-6 weeks, screw removal after 8-12 weeks. Physiotherapy only if marked reduction of elbow mobility is found 6 weeks after cast removal. RESULTS: From January 1, 1994 to December 31, 2003, 25 children with an average age of 12 years suffering from medial epicondylar avulsion fractures were operated on using open reduction and Kirschner wire fixation. An average of 3 years after the injury 14 of these children underwent follow-up examination using a procedure that took subjective, clinical and radiologic parameters into account. Two children showed a slight reduction in overall strength of the injured extremity when compared with the contralateral extremity. One child had a flexion deficit of 10 degrees, all other children showed movement limitations of < or = 5 degrees compared to the contralateral extremity. In all the cases available to follow-up, there was a slight increase in valgus alignment of the elbow joint compared with the uninjured side (3 degrees on average). All fractures consolidated within 6 weeks.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the reproducibility of sonographic measurement of the lower uterine segment in pregnant women at term. METHODS: Two independent observers performed transabdominal sonography on 129 women between 36 and 38 weeks of gestation who had had a previous Cesarean section. Sonography was performed when the patients had a full and a half-full bladder; in 100 patients, the measurements were also performed transvaginally, with the patients having an empty bladder. Agreement was quantified by the intraclass correlation coefficient and, using a cut-off of 3.5 mm, by the kappa coefficient. RESULTS: The intraobserver agreement was generally high (intraclass correlation coefficient > 0.90). The interobserver agreement was higher on transvaginal (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.94) compared with transabdominal (0.70 and 0.84, with full and half-full bladder, respectively) ultrasound. The kappa coefficient was 0.75 transvaginally, compared with 0.34 and 0.54 using the transabdominal approach, with full and half-full bladder, respectively. CONCLUSION: The agreement between two observers for sonographic transvaginal measurement of the lower uterine segment can be considered good, compared with poor to moderate agreement using the transabdominal approach.  相似文献   
Inter-individual variations in the development of silicosis, even within the same environments, have been reported, which suggest the contribution of genetic factors in silicosis aetiology. The aim of the present study was to determine whether there is any significant genetic influence on the development of silicosis. Furthermore, which genetic loci are responsible for the pulmonary response to silica exposure? Eight strains of inbred mice were used to examine the genetic influence on the lung fibrotic response to silica exposure. After intercross-breeding between the most susceptible and most resistant strains, a genome-wide linkage analysis of quantitative trait loci (QTL) was performed. Hydroxyproline was applied as an index, and genotypes of 167 marker genes were analysed by fragment analysis using a capillary-type sequencer. There was significant inter-strain difference in the mean concentration of hydroxyproline contents among the eight strains of mice. Breeding studies were conducted between the most susceptible, C57BL/6J, and the most resistant strain, CBA/J. A genome-wide linkage analysis of silica-exposed intercrossed cohorts identified significant QTL on chromosome 4 and suggestive QTL on chromosomes 3 and 18. The present study demonstrates that genetic factors may play a significant role in fibrotic-lung responses to silica; one significant and two suggestive quantitative trait loci were identified.  相似文献   
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